Krazlegan, initially I forgot to apply the 'seamless tiling' before posting the updated textures, later I edited that post with the improved versions; that's why your version did not match, - sorry.
Thank you deus-ex for the complements, I really appreciate you taking the time to make some nice before and after screenshots. As you see I get a better handle on producing well matching textures, and a tip to others here would be check your texture and original's histograms.
Maybe I should offer BD a better lava texture?
I just typed them our request for a BD version with texture replacements, or an option to switch that off on their discord channel. - Will report their reply.
Already 3 ok-signs and some enthusiastic approval on the BD discord suggestions channel.
BTW they did use part of my city sky texture, but not credits for me.
I have replaced som BD textures in the following way
1) I see ingame a BD texture I don't like. Example: grnlite1 is replaced by a texture named grnlit1b. So in SLADE I renamed the grnlite1 texture that comes with DHTP to grnlit1b, so that it uses that instead.
This is "grnlit1b"
2) That worked for some textures, but others were not possible. For example "step6" is replaced by a texture called "LIT05S" that comes with some lights and lights effects, so putting back the original "step6" texture doesnt fit. And there is no texture similar to LIT05S in any resource pack.
This is "LIT05S"
Maybe I should offer BD a better lava texture?
I just typed them our request for a BD version with texture replacements, or an option to switch that off on their discord channel.
Discord channel? You typed them? Are we talking about the same Brutal Doom mod? The one I'm referring to is developed by just one guy, Sgt_Mark_IV. You can reach for him on his Twitter account:
Easiest way for me is if people make a fork of the dhtp on github then add their textures to their fork, then request a pull so I can pull it into the DHTP and release a new pack, also allows me to track who made what
Or do we go and check what textured he replaced, and make a copy of those and name them to what BD named them?
That's what I actually did to replace Brutal Dooms butt ugly Lava textures. It was a lot of work as it required me to replace 74 images in total, 65 alone for the Lava fall. Perhaps there's a better option by providing your own GZDOOM-compatible texture definition, but I have no experience with that yet.
Can you share those lava textures? I'm really interested in making BD look better
I made an excel file listing all the BD textures and the name of the original textures that were replaced anywhere in the game.
Marked in red are textures that are present in BD that have the same name as an original texture from DOOM. All the other textures are replaced via script in the file CVAR.txt or DYNAMICLEV.txt, and thus have a different name exclusive for BD. There are some texture that I couldn't find any use for them in the already mentioned txt, I'm not sure if they are used or not. The file covers DOOM, DOOM2, TNT and Plutonia replacement made by Brutal Doom Map Enhancement system.
Sorry to post this here, as it might be a bit off topic, but I could not find any other better place.
I really like the background, but the pipes look a bit flat. Maybe add a little light in the middle and more intense shadow to make them stand out. Also maybe tweaking the texture to make it look more "metal".
For example, the metal4 texture from DHTP is more like what I am thinking:
Although the pipes are colour and brightness correct I'll make a bit more shiny version tomorrow evening.
The metal textures you're getting into is are pretty though to get close to the originals!
From your base I gave it a try to bring it even closer to the originals. The thing with the doom engine is that one has to be very weary of the (original) lightlevels. Adding contrast looks good in a graphical editor but in game it makes textures stands out from the (neighbouring) originals. That's why I'm a reluctant to add more contrast to the pipes.
To your texture I tried the following: reduced the contrast in the metal, made it a bit smoother, added a bit of rust and green. And a bit of dodging / shine.
May I suggest a non-curved object for the silver section of TEKGREN1? Just because it might look repetitive and odd when the texture is tiled horizontally?
Have you guys setup a fork of the dhtp on github yet to upload your textures to so I can pull them into the dhtp
How do I do that?
I have created an account on GitHub, and access the DHTP GitHub page, but I don't know how to upload the images.
When logged into gihub
On the github page click the "fork" button top right. This creates your own copy of the dhtp.
Once you have done that here are instructions to download install and configure github desktop This will allow you to easily commit your textures to your dhtp fork.
Then we can get your changes pulled into the dhtp easily
As you can see in the dhtp github src, the folder layout is different than the folder layout of doom engines
If you have a separate folder for brutal doom, the script the compiles the pacakges sorts textures into the correct location.
So you can create a "textures/brutal" folder and a "flats/brutal" folder I can then modify the script to be able to build a special pack for brutal doom
Setup the github desktop app to checkout your dhtp fork onto your computer, then add your textures into the folder that was created that contains the dhtp., then use github desktop to commit your changes to your fork of the dhtp on github.
Thank you deus-ex for the complements, I really appreciate you taking the time to make some nice before and after screenshots. As you see I get a better handle on producing well matching textures, and a tip to others here would be check your texture and original's histograms.
Maybe I should offer BD a better lava texture?
I just typed them our request for a BD version with texture replacements, or an option to switch that off on their discord channel. - Will report their reply.
Already 3 ok-signs and some enthusiastic approval on the BD discord suggestions channel.
BTW they did use part of my city sky texture, but not credits for me.
I have replaced som BD textures in the following way
1) I see ingame a BD texture I don't like. Example: grnlite1 is replaced by a texture named grnlit1b. So in SLADE I renamed the grnlite1 texture that comes with DHTP to grnlit1b, so that it uses that instead.
This is "grnlit1b"
2) That worked for some textures, but others were not possible. For example "step6" is replaced by a texture called "LIT05S" that comes with some lights and lights effects, so putting back the original "step6" texture doesnt fit. And there is no texture similar to LIT05S in any resource pack.
This is "LIT05S"
The mod is hosted on ModDB:
And the dedicated ModDB forum:
again some last moment changes
Which begs the question, any plans on releasing an update anytime soon, including for Doomsday?
Can you share those lava textures? I'm really interested in making BD look better
Marked in red are textures that are present in BD that have the same name as an original texture from DOOM. All the other textures are replaced via script in the file CVAR.txt or DYNAMICLEV.txt, and thus have a different name exclusive for BD. There are some texture that I couldn't find any use for them in the already mentioned txt, I'm not sure if they are used or not. The file covers DOOM, DOOM2, TNT and Plutonia replacement made by Brutal Doom Map Enhancement system.
Sorry to post this here, as it might be a bit off topic, but I could not find any other better place.
Here is the list:
tekwalls are pretty hard textures. I am tried those textures more than 2x but not finished any one... Good luck
I'm working on the rest of them
I really like the background, but the pipes look a bit flat. Maybe add a little light in the middle and more intense shadow to make them stand out. Also maybe tweaking the texture to make it look more "metal".
For example, the metal4 texture from DHTP is more like what I am thinking:
The metal textures you're getting into is are pretty though to get close to the originals!
From your base I gave it a try to bring it even closer to the originals. The thing with the doom engine is that one has to be very weary of the (original) lightlevels. Adding contrast looks good in a graphical editor but in game it makes textures stands out from the (neighbouring) originals. That's why I'm a reluctant to add more contrast to the pipes.
To your texture I tried the following: reduced the contrast in the metal, made it a bit smoother, added a bit of rust and green. And a bit of dodging / shine.
Switches are available here to use
Maybe other things like lights could be posted so they are easy to reuse?
@kars @krazlegan
Have you guys setup a fork of the dhtp on github yet to upload your textures to so I can pull them into the dhtp
How do I do that?
I have created an account on GitHub, and access the DHTP GitHub page, but I don't know how to upload the images.
When logged into gihub
On the github page click the "fork" button top right. This creates your own copy of the dhtp.
Once you have done that here are instructions to download install and configure github desktop This will allow you to easily commit your textures to your dhtp fork.
Then we can get your changes pulled into the dhtp easily
If you have a separate folder for brutal doom, the script the compiles the pacakges sorts textures into the correct location.
So you can create a "textures/brutal" folder and a "flats/brutal" folder I can then modify the script to be able to build a special pack for brutal doom
Setup the github desktop app to checkout your dhtp fork onto your computer, then add your textures into the folder that was created that contains the dhtp., then use github desktop to commit your changes to your fork of the dhtp on github.
Let me know what your github fork url is
In the meantime I think I have finished the edit of the metal textures:
I reduced the contrast and made the rivets less prominent, also updated the switches.