looks to me like the sprite doesn't spin at all, it looks like it just goes back and forth like it only has two frames. I think that probably the brain makes up it's own action and direction like a video I saw with a train and a tunnel, you could make it coming out of the tunnel or going into the tunnel just by thinking about it.
If a pack defines the "recommends"/"extras" dependencies, the Options popup will be available for the package and you'll have individual toggles for each of the optional packages.
For testing I tried to do this by adding the reflections.pack to the hud.chaingun.pack as a recommendation. Adding "recommends <reflections.pack>" to info.dei of the hud.chaingun.pack does nothing.
Adding "requires <reflections.pack>" to info.dei of the hud.chaingun.pack results in additional entries of the detail view of the hud.chaingun.pack:
But upon loading a game Doomsday complains that it cannot find reflections.pack, which resides in the same folder as the hud.chaingun.pack.
looks to me like the sprite doesn't spin at all, it looks like it just goes back and forth like it only has two frames.
PostFatal, thanks for your interesting post. You are correct indeed, the brain can be fooled to actually see the Chaingun sprites spinning either left or right. Probably due to the model spinning counter-clockwise I was tempted to see the sprites spinning in that direction, too.
Obviously, the Chaingun spinning clockwise appears to be logically correct, as KuriKai just explained in his post above.
In Doomsday, check out the package titled "Dependency Example". It has an ⚙️ Options button that shows the optional content toggles.
(This toggle UI is quite rudimentary at the moment, and the popup layout is a little off, too. It could use package icons and a bit more info about each package...)
Good news!
I have now created a DHMP info.dei
This will allow you to just select that pack and it will load all the models.
@skyjake Thanks for that example pack
Also is there a way to hide the individual packs from the main addons view now?
I updated the build script to automatically generate the dhmp info.dei file from the packages in github.
I also fixed some issues with package folder names containing underscores
I'll get to those issues before the next release, I just need to fix those issues and get the barrel working and i'll release a new pack
You can use the special tag "hidden" to have packages be hidden in the UI. This won't affect the functionality of the packages. You can still see hidden packages if the search terms contain the word "hidden".
I have updated all the info.dei's in the pack now to hide them from the main addon load screen and fixed the tags issue.
We are working on a dhmp logo to use in the dhmp info.dei file and I'll update the barrel animation, fix the spiders eyes, and we should be good to go for another release
You can use all features of Doomsday Script in animation scripts, so the answer to your question is yes.
In addition to setValue(), Animations have the methods value() and target() to query the animation's current value and the target value.
You can use additional variables to help/clarify what you're doing. Something like this could be done:
off = render_pass_bubbles.uOffsetUV.y
off.setValue(off.target() + 22, 1.0)
That would set a new target for the animation by adding 22 to the current target, with an animation time of 1.0 seconds.
Mind you, if you have an animation that will be continuously updated without any special logic, it's always better to use a custom shader function to perform the animation. Scripts have significantly worse performance.
We have now released a new version of the Doom High-res Model pack for The Doomsday Engine
Grab it here https://github.com/KuriKai/dhmp
What's new
DHMP is now in one selectable pack that selects all the models(26) by default
All refelctions for doom2
New DHMP logo
Beserk pack for low res version
Spider mastermind fixed eyes
chaingun fixed rotation to be clockwise instead of counter-clockwise
Got rid of unneeded tags for the model dei's
So it's not possible the recreate the sprite animation where the barrel explodes from the inside and produces some shrapnels? Just asking.....
Just one sprite of the barrel explosion sequence indicates some shrapnels, which are barely noticeable in game.
The jDRP (Doomsday Resource Pack, by Dani J) contains a barrel that spreads shrapnels upon explosion, which continue to last on the floor for a short time span.
EDIT: Just tested the barrel model. The explosion is not very impressive, I guess it makes us of Doomsday's default particle generator? That certainly needs some tweaking.
Currently the shrapnels disappear after a very short time span, probably due to the following error (related line 308 in info.dei).
yeah all models use doomsdays default particles at the moment, we are waiting the particles being upgraded to the new renderer.
Nah that error is just me leaving in a test line. will not be in the next release.
doom removes the barrel sprite/model after it explodes to see, open up the map, type "iddt" twice to see the object, then shoot a barrel so it explodes
doom removes the barrel sprite/model after it explodes to see, open up the map, type "iddt" twice to see the object, then shoot a barrel so it explodes
At first I couldn't make sense of what you are trying to say, then I noticed that with "open up the map" you mean the automap, not a game map (E1M1, MAP01).
'iddt' is a cheatcode from the original Doom game allowing to show more details in the automap. To use it you first have to open the automap as the command does not work in normal game view.
Doomsday's equivalent console command is reveal #:
reveal 0 = default view
reveal 1 = show unseen areas
reveal 2 = show full map
reveal 3 = show full map + things
The Barrel explosion looks extremely underwhelming as the shrapnel just falls to the floor, and remains intact before vanishing. The speed with which they fly is also underwhelming.
The sprite didn't have shrapnel falling on the floor; it had shrapnel starting to fly, and then vanish; as if they either got launched so far and hard you can't keep up with them, or the explosion disintegrated the shrapnel further.
They shrapnel should either further tear apart and then disappear, or land much, much farther from the barrel, but do it in the same amount of time, to give it that "oompf".
I pulled a new version of the dhmp today, to see the new fist and keys, but I cannot get it to run. DD does not even recognize the com.hiriwa.dhmp.pack folder in the selection menu. I really don't know what's wrong.... but a lot of these error messages...
"dhmp.pack": Package has a syntax error: [SyntaxError] (in Info::parseListElement) List values must
be separated with a comma, but
' found instead (on line 9).
any idea?
EDIT: after some checks I found out that the names of the individual model packages are not written correctly into the info.dei of DHMP.pack
thanks, for som reason it's adding the building scripts into the pack, but i dont' know why, it's not on mine. in the terminal can you type "apt install tree" then run "tree on the root dhmp folder? then paste the output on pastebin?
Adding "requires <reflections.pack>" to info.dei of the hud.chaingun.pack results in additional entries of the detail view of the hud.chaingun.pack:
But upon loading a game Doomsday complains that it cannot find reflections.pack, which resides in the same folder as the hud.chaingun.pack.
Obviously, the Chaingun spinning clockwise appears to be logically correct, as KuriKai just explained in his post above.
Here is a working example of dependencies: https://manual.dengine.net/_media/file/dependency_example.zip
In Doomsday, check out the package titled "Dependency Example". It has an ⚙️ Options button that shows the optional content toggles.
(This toggle UI is quite rudimentary at the moment, and the popup layout is a little off, too. It could use package icons and a bit more info about each package...)
I have now created a DHMP info.dei
This will allow you to just select that pack and it will load all the models.
@skyjake Thanks for that example pack
Also is there a way to hide the individual packs from the main addons view now?
I updated the build script to automatically generate the dhmp info.dei file from the packages in github.
I also fixed some issues with package folder names containing underscores
I'll get to those issues before the next release, I just need to fix those issues and get the barrel working and i'll release a new pack
I have updated all the info.dei's in the pack now to hide them from the main addon load screen and fixed the tags issue.
We are working on a dhmp logo to use in the dhmp info.dei file and I'll update the barrel animation, fix the spiders eyes, and we should be good to go for another release
Is there any way when using scripts and setvalue, to use addition instead of samying the exact value we want it to go to?
e.g. in the render code we set it to and we want to add "22" to the number so rather than putting we can put or something?
In addition to setValue(), Animations have the methods value() and target() to query the animation's current value and the target value.
You can use additional variables to help/clarify what you're doing. Something like this could be done: That would set a new target for the animation by adding 22 to the current target, with an animation time of 1.0 seconds.
Mind you, if you have an animation that will be continuously updated without any special logic, it's always better to use a custom shader function to perform the animation. Scripts have significantly worse performance.
We have now released a new version of the Doom High-res Model pack for The Doomsday Engine
Grab it here https://github.com/KuriKai/dhmp
What's new
DHMP is now in one selectable pack that selects all the models(26) by default
All refelctions for doom2
New DHMP logo
Beserk pack for low res version
Spider mastermind fixed eyes
chaingun fixed rotation to be clockwise instead of counter-clockwise
Got rid of unneeded tags for the model dei's
Regarding the barrel destruction animation: Is it intentional that there is explosion and afterwards the intact barrel disappers?
Not intentional, doom just does that(i think it kills the object). dunno if there is a way to make it stick
So it's not possible the recreate the sprite animation where the barrel explodes from the inside and produces some shrapnels? Just asking.....
The jDRP (Doomsday Resource Pack, by Dani J) contains a barrel that spreads shrapnels upon explosion, which continue to last on the floor for a short time span.
I have fixed this and uploaded pushed a new version to github
Thanks guys
EDIT: Just tested the barrel model. The explosion is not very impressive, I guess it makes us of Doomsday's default particle generator? That certainly needs some tweaking.
Currently the shrapnels disappear after a very short time span, probably due to the following error (related line 308 in info.dei).
Nah that error is just me leaving in a test line. will not be in the next release.
doom removes the barrel sprite/model after it explodes to see, open up the map, type "iddt" twice to see the object, then shoot a barrel so it explodes
thx for the fast update.... it does look much better (realistic) now
'iddt' is a cheatcode from the original Doom game allowing to show more details in the automap. To use it you first have to open the automap as the command does not work in normal game view.
Doomsday's equivalent console command is reveal #:
double barrel shotgun
Thanks to JasperCarmack: https://sketchfab.com/JasperCarmack for the s Tootsietoy Dakota DOOM Shotgun
The sprite didn't have shrapnel falling on the floor; it had shrapnel starting to fly, and then vanish; as if they either got launched so far and hard you can't keep up with them, or the explosion disintegrated the shrapnel further.
They shrapnel should either further tear apart and then disappear, or land much, much farther from the barrel, but do it in the same amount of time, to give it that "oompf".
be separated with a comma, but
' found instead (on line 9).
any idea?
EDIT: after some checks I found out that the names of the individual model packages are not written correctly into the info.dei of DHMP.pack
can you output the full errors?
the forum software won't let me attach any files here in this thread.....
the errors from the degine https://pastebin.com/hZUj9itF
and here the output from the script https://pastebin.com/Kz7PVHpU
I assume is a linux app.... Would the windows tree command also do?