I really like the new HUD head renders. Is there any chance the head 3D model will eventually be released? I'd love to see it put on the Doom player model, or part of one of those 3D head HUDs like in Quake 3 and Berserker@Q2.
Reinchard, your avatar is the better indication of what it would look like in hud as it is smaller and looks the most Marine. The buz cut is better in my opinion and says Grunt.
Here's demo of thing I'm working on a couple of months - a high resolution (8x bigger then original one) Doomguy face for status bar. Demonstration pack contains 31 frames of Doomguy face (without STFL-STFR, they still in progress) and new status bar (face frame is not centered perfectly yet). There is high res font in that pack, but is not mine - for now is that included with Doomsday addons pack (can't find author of this so sorrry for no credit).
This version works with Doomsday (just paste pk3 in tha addons folder and check them in Frontend Addons):
Really good work there. The only ones I don't "like" that much are the faces for 1-19 HP. In the "original" he looks really "down" and "sad", while yours looks pretty grim and more determined than the original looks to me.
The grin face doesn't look very real though. It seems as if you stretched out the eyebrows and mouth with via photoshop additionally, giving it a very artificial look. It fits though for 1-19 HP
The rest looks very good, also the "Surprise" and "Gritting teeth". The last touch you could add to the 59HP and lower ones would be the bloodlined eyes, if you can make that look natural.
Thanks! About grim face - I have much troble here, but is not photoshopped, is modeled:
Yesterday I made a few improvements on this one, so maybe it will be look better in next realese.
Thanks! About grim face - I have much troble here, but is not photoshopped, is modeled
I know, just describing what it looked like a little, no insult intended.
Hmm, try to not let him "squint" so much? Open the eyes a little wider maybe. I think it looks a little odd because the eyelid "towards" the nose are too far closed and too wide on the opposite side. Try to even that out?
And for the mouth don't let it open it that wide maybe? The lips closer together? Just some ideas, try to fiddle around a little and see if you like it.
The current grin rather has a maniac look atm, while it should rather show "evil intentions" imo. But I think your already altered version is getting there.
Thanks, I'm still working on it. In meantime I experiment with lighting and gamma. Sprites in demo are too dark IMO especially when I compare this with original hud face, so I test something like this:
Compared to the original a little too bright now (just a tad), but better than the previous posted, giving it much more depth.
The wider eyebrows make the Grin Face look a little better already.
Maybe just a little bit more color saturation+brightness on the demo version will do?
Though simply adding saturation is difficult, just tried to apply some on the demo version pictures, but it only looked very unnarutal, rather as if he was sick haha
Thanks for all suggestions! As you can see I reduce gamma a little and change few thing here and there.
Here is first full version (working with Doomsday, if ZDoom based ports support hires hud I make one compatible with that port too):
I took the liberty to prep up a version for you (as seen in the picture). It still has some flaws though (download below).
The main thing you have to do there, is to do a proper scaling manually. While Doomsday does it on its own, ZDoom cannot achieve that. So you will have to redefine the graphics in the TEXTURES lump of ZDoom and scale them manually as mentioned already.
Example: Your Highres "STTNUM0" has a resolution of 64x64 pixels. The original however has 14x16.
So the resulting scaling would be:
XScale: 4.571428571428571 (64 divided with 14)
YScale: 4 (64 divided with 16)
This way it will be shown correctly in ZDoom.
Here is a full example for the STTNUM0 as it has to be defined currently to be working correctly in ZDoom
I tried to sort the TEXTURES lumps a little so it is easier for you to follow up on.
Some offsets may not be correct for the keys and the weapon numbers and the face scaling is not 100%, but as said already, it requires some work to do it.
I made this with the latest GZDoom SVN Build and then tried it on the latest stable ZDoom version. However, in the GZDoom SVN build I had some strange results: As I had only put in (and defined) the graphics for the ammunition. Suddenly, all the grey weapon numbers (as opposed to the selected) were replaced with the ammunition numbers as well, until I (defined and) put in the correct grey ones. So there may be some strange results overall until all patches are actually replaced? May just be the SVN build that has this bug.
Thank you so much Milten for this! I launch this with my GZDoom 1.8 and everything looks ok (as you noticed maybe is not 100% perfect scaling, but still looks ok). Problem is that the font I used in pk3 is not mine - thi is font from Doomsday hires pack, but I can't find any info about author. If I had that information I could place relevant credit.
Thank you so much Milten for this! I launch this with my GZDoom 1.8 and everything looks ok (as you noticed maybe is not 100% perfect scaling, but still looks ok). Problem is that the font I used in pk3 is not mine - thi is font from Doomsday hires pack, but I can't find any info about author. If I had that information I could place relevant credit.
You're welcome. If you need any further help for making it for ZDoom, feel free to ask me, since I have a little experience with the TEXTURES lump there.
The README on the JDUI says this about creditting:
jdui Readme
Place in
"data/jdoom/auto" for it to load automatically
or in
"snowberry/addons" if you want it to be selectable
ENDPIC.png teppo.lahtinen@bh.spt.fi
PFUB1.png teppo.lahtinen@bh.spt.fi
PFUB2.png teppo.lahtinen@bh.spt.fi
Victory_2.png teppo.lahtinen@bh.spt.fi
everything else lord-noctrun & chilvence@hotmail.com
TITLEPIC.png chilvence@hotmail.com
titlepicju2.png Fak
m_doom.png Fak
m_doomalt.png Fak
everything else lord-noctrun & chilvence@hotmail.com
INTERPIC.png PimpUigi
TITLEPIC.png freelanzer@gmail.com
M_DOOM.png freelanzer@gmail.com
everything else AllNatural
INTERPIC.png daniel@ddsdesign.co.uk
M_DOOM.png freelanzer@gmail.com
BOSSBACK_PLU.png freelanzer@gmail.com
everything else AllNatural
-HUD & Font improvement, as well as general bug fixes-
-Wad for TNT Interpic-
-HiRes DoomGuy Face
Mr.Rocket mrrocket2001@hotmail.com
While in the DEFs files there is this mentioned:
- jDoom: Font Patch Replacement -
by lord-noctrun & Chilvence
With Final Doom Levels by:AllNatural
-jDoom UI pack Edition-
So the credit for the fonts probably go to lord-noctrun, Chilvence & PimpUigi?
With these you should be able to include all graphics in your version.
Thanks again Milten! I allowed myself to post your version on ZDoom and Doomworld forums with all credits. I post another one when I set correct scale.
Reinchard your pk3 file link for testing doesn't work any more, just wanted to let you know that. So far reading through all of this there's a great deal of awesome work being done so thank you for making this project come closer to completion.
You can test this if you want:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kad4kbjraqqnq ... R.zip?dl=0
I used two different background colors, so that you can better see the difference. Besides background this two images (upper and lower) are the same.
The face is amazing.
Here's demo of thing I'm working on a couple of months - a high resolution (8x bigger then original one) Doomguy face for status bar. Demonstration pack contains 31 frames of Doomguy face (without STFL-STFR, they still in progress) and new status bar (face frame is not centered perfectly yet). There is high res font in that pack, but is not mine - for now is that included with Doomsday addons pack (can't find author of this so sorrry for no credit).
This version works with Doomsday (just paste pk3 in tha addons folder and check them in Frontend Addons):
The grin face doesn't look very real though. It seems as if you stretched out the eyebrows and mouth with via photoshop additionally, giving it a very artificial look. It fits though for 1-19 HP
The rest looks very good, also the "Surprise" and "Gritting teeth". The last touch you could add to the 59HP and lower ones would be the bloodlined eyes, if you can make that look natural.
Yesterday I made a few improvements on this one, so maybe it will be look better in next realese.
Hmm, try to not let him "squint" so much? Open the eyes a little wider maybe. I think it looks a little odd because the eyelid "towards" the nose are too far closed and too wide on the opposite side. Try to even that out?
And for the mouth don't let it open it that wide maybe? The lips closer together? Just some ideas, try to fiddle around a little and see if you like it.
I looked for "grin" in Google Searched and found this (scroll down a little): http://www.robthurman.net/2012/03/29/do ... shinedown/
The current grin rather has a maniac look atm, while it should rather show "evil intentions" imo. But I think your already altered version is getting there.
Tell me what you think.
The wider eyebrows make the Grin Face look a little better already.
Maybe just a little bit more color saturation+brightness on the demo version will do?
Though simply adding saturation is difficult, just tried to apply some on the demo version pictures, but it only looked very unnarutal, rather as if he was sick haha
Thanks for all suggestions! As you can see I reduce gamma a little and change few thing here and there.
Here is first full version (working with Doomsday, if ZDoom based ports support hires hud I make one compatible with that port too):
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwAOMM ... sp=sharing
I took the liberty to prep up a version for you (as seen in the picture). It still has some flaws though (download below).
The main thing you have to do there, is to do a proper scaling manually. While Doomsday does it on its own, ZDoom cannot achieve that. So you will have to redefine the graphics in the TEXTURES lump of ZDoom and scale them manually as mentioned already.
Example: Your Highres "STTNUM0" has a resolution of 64x64 pixels. The original however has 14x16.
So the resulting scaling would be:
XScale: 4.571428571428571 (64 divided with 14)
YScale: 4 (64 divided with 16)
This way it will be shown correctly in ZDoom.
Here is a full example for the STTNUM0 as it has to be defined currently to be working correctly in ZDoom
You can download the version as seen in the picture here:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwAOMM ... sp=sharing
I tried to sort the TEXTURES lumps a little so it is easier for you to follow up on.
Some offsets may not be correct for the keys and the weapon numbers and the face scaling is not 100%, but as said already, it requires some work to do it.
I made this with the latest GZDoom SVN Build and then tried it on the latest stable ZDoom version. However, in the GZDoom SVN build I had some strange results: As I had only put in (and defined) the graphics for the ammunition. Suddenly, all the grey weapon numbers (as opposed to the selected) were replaced with the ammunition numbers as well, until I (defined and) put in the correct grey ones. So there may be some strange results overall until all patches are actually replaced? May just be the SVN build that has this bug.
The README on the JDUI says this about creditting:
While in the DEFs files there is this mentioned:
So the credit for the fonts probably go to lord-noctrun, Chilvence & PimpUigi?
With these you should be able to include all graphics in your version.
Reinchard High resolution HUD for ZDoom
Reinchard High resolution HUD for Doomsday Engine