Heretic Neural Texture Pack
Heretic Neural Texture Pack | Hexen Neural Texture Pack

This project is a continuation of the development of the Hexen is also aimed to bring a new look for in-game content of Heretic.
The main course remains unchanged: "...preservation of details and lack of third-party modifications, only close view of what was conceived by designers since the beginning. No intervention, only the original."
Due to the fact that Heretic has smaller, simpler and weakly detailed textures (still two years between games, and this is a significant period), the work becomes more complicated, since it is difficult to recover details from sources.
Release date: 26.04.2022
Version: 4.0.2 Final
File size: 148 Mb
Examples of textures

Examples of weapons

Examples of enemys


This project is a continuation of the development of the Hexen is also aimed to bring a new look for in-game content of Heretic.
The main course remains unchanged: "...preservation of details and lack of third-party modifications, only close view of what was conceived by designers since the beginning. No intervention, only the original."
Due to the fact that Heretic has smaller, simpler and weakly detailed textures (still two years between games, and this is a significant period), the work becomes more complicated, since it is difficult to recover details from sources.
Release date: 26.04.2022
Version: 4.0.2 Final
File size: 148 Mb
Examples of textures

Examples of weapons

Examples of enemys

