Public Multiplayer Testing



  • That's cute; the way the emoticons where used and that comment. Like yahoo, this Doom forum has cute emoticons, but not animated ones. :) :P
  • to the deng team i know why the coop server for doom crashed. it's because some one beat and episode once that happens there is no switch to tell the server to restart thus the freeze. hope this helps
  • I've updated the servers to the soon-to-be-released build 241.

    See the weekly update for some notes about the changes. I'm particularly interested in hearing what you think about the interpolated foot clipping (i.e., sinking into liquids) and whether planes are now behaving as expected and not stopping at the wrong heights.
  • Build #241
    * [Doom] BFG is rather tricky to use due to latency altering its behaviour (not specific to #241).
    * [Doom] Sector damage specials for lava, nukege, etc..., do no damage.
    * [Heretic] Single inactive teleporter glitter fx sprite in any teleporter with this effect (e.g., E4M2).
    * [Heretic] E4M9 appears to cause some kind of server side overflow, all monsters stop targeting players.
    * [Heretic (possibly all games)] Spawning into a map, player z is incorrect; resulting in either falling from some arbitrary height or being pushed up out of the floor.
    * [Heretic] Iron Lich's whirlwind broken; results in blood fountain and player's position is unaffected on clientside.
    * [Heretic] Missing player log message upon weapon pickup (any).
    * [All games] Scrolling wall materials appear to be animated locally on client side.
    * [client] Surface material and sector lightlevel changes are not handled through DMU (not specific to #241).

    A listplayers console command would be useful (with ip, ping etc).
  • edited 2011 Aug 29
    A little thing from Heretic 241:
    [*]If you die on a damaging floor you take a single round of damage when you respawn.
    [*]I also observed a lot of invisible fireballs (to point out that this HeXen bug also occurs in Heretic); when it's a Were Dragon fireball, the fireball trail is still spawned though. It's considerably more prevalent in this build than past builds for me; I only got it on rare ocasions before, with this build it happens, well, all the time, with player missiles as well this build).
    [*]On E4M7, the Sabre Claw in front of the south Green door (thing 381) wouldn't wake up and my shots went straight through him, when I shot him from the stairs just outside the start room. He also didn't seem to be being lit by any dynamic lights. The Disciple and other Sabre Claws up there seemed to be moving and attacking me normally.

    Also, not an MP specific thing, but Time Bombs appear to spawn a bit too high.
  • Hey,
    Build 241:
    I'v only tested this in Doom but when a player is in spec mode, player sprite is in view. ~ jittering between floor and ceiling height. ~ I think it can also give and take damage.


    Dani has already posted the other 2 things I was going to report so I would like to make a request for DM.
    Now I don't know if it has to do with the current server setting being a time limit match or not, but if it's either a frag limit or time limit, we really need to see who won the match before map change.
    A frag limit match usually shows a score board or rankings screen but a time limit match may not.
    Key bind score board works fine during a match, but of course not after.

    So I would like to make a request for a score board screen to be displayed for maybe about 10 seconds between map change when the time runs out. ~ possibly something like the de splash screen with the current \ score board overlay.
    I know it's not a priority, but it is needed.

  • Build #245
    So far I have not had much chance to test this build but so far I can confirm that damage materials now do damage again!

    * However since this build I have also noticed that not all teleports have sound fx, some do, some don't.
    * Also most teleports work, but sometimes certain ones don't always work "every time", and I think it may have to do with a height variation. ~ I noticed these things online in map21 of Doom2 if it's any help.

    *Also not specific to this build and it's been like this for awhile, rocket projectile "hits", wall hits, etc. tend to have an explosion sound twice. ~ about the same time the sound is played twice.
  • Mr.Rocket wrote:
    *Also not specific to this build and it's been like this for awhile, rocket projectile "hits", wall hits, etc. tend to have an explosion sound twice. ~ about the same time the sound is played twice.

    This also happens with the at least the the DB Shotgun reload sounds in Doom and also all the sounds HeXen's Fists, Mace and Wand make. Due to the HeXen weapon crash/bug, I've never been able to pick up another weapon in HeXen to test those.

    Though they all only appear to do damage once (despite the Mage Wand visually firing two shots).
  • I think half the problem with that is the fact that Heretic and Hexen weapon code pointers use a slightly different firing mechanic to those in DOOM. In DOOM you fire shots when the fire button is down with a wait before refire. This means you can be sure that only one pellet/rocket/whatever is actually fired when you execute a single tap of the fire button. The other games unfortunately don't do this, they keep firing all the while the fire button is not in the up state. Take the Hellstaff in Heretic for example, you can never be sure how many shots you'll end up firing, even if you very carefully tap the fire button because its so sensitive to millisecond timing. Sadly its like this in vanilla so we can't go "fixing" it, even though I find it particularly frustrating.
  • Certainly, Heretic's Hell Staff, I believe the weapon with the quickest refire of all the weapons, is firing very erratically in MP. Things I've noticed regularly with it:

    [*]There’s small gaps between many, but not all, refire points.
    [*]Multiple missiles sometimes spawn on top of each other.
    [*]Some missiles spawn a few units’ too high.
    [*]A gap between every pair of firing sounds (this one also ocasionally happens with Doom's Chaingun).
  • Do remember that what you are seeing as a client is an approximate interpretation of the world as it exists on the remote server. You cannot expect the same degree of precision you will find in a single-player game where latency isn't a factor.

    That said however, I wonder if perhaps the movement smoother isn't able to interpolate effectively until it has received a few movement updates and we are seeing the mobj at its sharp destination until then, rather than rewinding time to the client's spawn time before animating forwards based on velocity.

    Perhaps this illustrates it better than the above description?
    [c]   [s]...[ ]...[ ]
    [c]   [s]...[ ]...[ ]
    c: client spawn, s: server spawn, []: sharp tic, .: fractional tic, *: sharp position
    o: smooth position
  • I will say that many missiles (i.e Plasma and Rockets) appear a distance in front of me, rather than appearing to come from my weapon.

    But the Hellstaff actually feels and looks like it is firing incorrectly (while Plasma projectiles appear a distanct in front of the player, it otherwise feels and looks like it is firing correctly); maybe it's all linked and the Hellstaff is simply the worst affected because it is the fastest reloading projectile weapon.
  • edited 2011 Sep 5
    Vermil wrote:
    [*]A gap between every pair of firing sounds (this one also ocasionally happens with Doom's Chaingun).

    Regarding this; it's almost like Dday only plays one firing sound at once for the Chaingun and Hellstaff and won't play another until the already playing one has finished. Normally the fire sounds for these weapons overlap due to their high rate of fire. Indeed, Doom's Plasma Rifle firing sound sounds a bit off as well (though not to the same degree).
  • I also want to note that in Doom when picking up a weapon or item, the (hud weapon animation) you're currently holding looks as if it is dropped for a split second and then you have your weapon again.
    For example, say you have the SSG and you run over and pickup the Soulsphere, it looks like the weapon switch animation starts where the weapon is lowered, but then you have it again. In this case, this all happens just by picking up the soulsphere.
    This also isn't specific to this build, it's been doing this for a little while.
  • Vermil wrote:
    I will say that many missiles (i.e Plasma and Rockets) appear a distance in front of me, rather than appearing to come from my weapon.
    As I explained last time you mentioned this; it is because the client doesn't spawn missiles. They have to be requested from the server which naturally results in latency between the client executing the request and the server responding in the form of broadcasting a missile spawn event to clients.
  • I am aware of that; it was pre-ramble to the paragraph that followed :)

    Essentially I was asking if the Hell Staff issues might be related to the delay in waiting for the server to broadcast the spawn event, albeit, much much more noticeable because of the Hell Staff's higher firing rate.
  • Build #252
    [*]Weapon order preferences overruled by server
    [*]"kill" ccmd not prevented in net games (nothing dies but reports x monsters killed)
    [*]"settics" ccmd not prevented in net games (can be abused to allow super-fast run speed, fire rate, etc...)
    [*]Attempts to use cheats/give/reveal in console does not print a suitable message if they aren't allowed
    [*]Local player's own sprite disappears seemingly randomly; reappears upon firing (used "viewmode")
    [*]Local player's own sprite does not stop run animation when stopped (used "viewmode")
    [DOOM]Partial invisibility has no effect on local player's sprite (used "viewmode")
    [DOOM]Only local player's portrait drawn in intermission (co-op)

    I think we need a map cycle setting which allows to suppress inter-map InFine scripts. A deathmatch server shouldn't be bothering with them.
  • i noticed with {255} some gargoyles stucked in the floor & water, which cannot be killed....
  • I've updated the servers to today's build (262).

    I should be able to return to the multiplayer debugging as soon as the qmake switchover is done (i.e., sometime during/after this week).
  • The link to the build 262 seems to be down at the moment.
  • I've taken the servers offline for a while as I upgrade the system. For more info, see the weekly update.

    UPDATE: The servers are back online.
  • First of all, great job guys on doing Deng, imho Hexen is one of the best FPS ever (gameplay and level design). I tried 276 build and after hour or two I managed to bring the Hexen test server down :) I encountered a few bugs (death on weapon pickup when not running, running into monsters so I coudn't move - out of sync with server(?) and sometimes random death on spawn but I still could move for a while (more observation needed though).

    Anyway, this is rather cheer-up post than bug report - I'm not sure about proper bug reporting (, this thread??) Shame I don't master C/C++, I'd love to join the dev team.
  • What version of the DOOM2.WAD file are you using? I'm able to play with the one I have, but the server browser warns that they're not an exact match.
  • I think the latest one. You can look here also.
  • I tried latest build (1.9.7, #294) - in Hexen when you pickup a weapon in multiplayer, you die even though you can move. This happend as warrior - as mage doomsday segfaulted, this problem persists since #280 - tested under Windows 7 64bit and openSUSE 11 64bit (used Ubuntu binaries and also compiled).

    Steps to reproduce
    Join a multiplayer game in coop mode and pickup a weapon
    Expected result
    Get the new weapon
    Actual result
    Instant death, animation of fire burning on the left, no hud, no weapons, can move but cant interact with environment

    Edit: structured bug report
  • why it's crazy is that i think if you die or you pick up anything in either heretic or hexen you are a ghost that can interact and pick up stuff but all your shots come from where you spawned witch is weird and also in heretic (not to sure if hexen also) you are invisible in your spawn location but if you trigger a monster they will go there and kill you but there is nothing there as you can move it's like all the important stuff stays behind. this so far has happened in co-op there is no dm servers for me to test this on.
  • @Gordon I moved the above post from Technical Support as it could potentially get lost in that forum. It would be better if all posts about issues with the current multiplayer test releases are made here, in this thread.
  • ah i new i was forgetting something
  • I don't know if this is know yet but while playing on the 3-player coop server we encountered a problem on the first two maps. We'd spawn far outside the level and thus can't do anything. In map 02 we could run towards the level but didn't find a way to go through the walls and into the actual level. Other than that we had great fun. ;)
  • Really weird. The server experienced socket error recently (so you couldn't shoot anything), it got restarted. Only thing I can think of is that the server is using different wad than you or different doomsday version, unfortunately, I lost logs so I can't check if anything odd has been reported. :-/
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