EDIT: The Heretic server doesn't appear to be working at the moment; following the above, I am getting a Seg fault every time I try to join
There does seem to be something wonky with Heretic. It could be that the server goes into a bad state after running a specific map. I can confirm the E5M5 issue, have to check it out locally first.
Is the master server query working correctly with this build? I'm not seeing those listed on http://dengine.net/master.php from within the in-game server browser.
Is the master server query working correctly with this build? I'm not seeing those listed on http://dengine.net/master.php from within the in-game server browser.
It Works For Me(tm), both on Mac and Windows... Does it affect all games?
However, the first time I tried this build on Windows it crashed on me... Couldn't reproduce the crash, though. Managed to play OK on the Heretic server.
It seems that monsters in Heretic aren't randomly dropping any items or ammo.
Also, a Gargoyle was occupying a DM spot I spawned at and my camera was lowered to under it; when I moved out from under it, my camera scrolled up to normal height.
I will also state that I am getting the teleporter fog sound in Doom with this build and a switch on a two sided linedef animated; both bugs on the bug list.
Figure I might as well ask here as Deng team themselves are probably the only people that will know; how functional was/is Dday's Team Deathmatch mode?
I suppose I'm asking, did it combine all the frags/suicides scored by a team? or did each player still have a separate frag count? etc etc
Why was it never directly placed in the game mode selection in the server options menu like Deathmatch and Co-op were (i.e you had/have to to go through a couple of small hoops to access it)?
Skyjake is making steady progress at whittling down the list of known multiplayer issues and there will be a new build released today by the autobuilder that addresses a few more (e.g., falling from a great height in Hexen).
Actually, Hexen's fall damage may not actually still work if it relies on Z momentum (not sure without checking the code), but other kinds of floor hits will work as expected.
This build is incompatible with earlier ones due to significant changes in the network message protocol. Keep your eyes open for any new regressions... Currently running the servers in co-op mode.
Stepping in/out of a sector with a floor clip causes the camera position to interpolate back and forth.
Using ccmd "makecam <playernum>" the client can become a "spectator" however they can still be targeted by enemies and they can still interact with the world, attacking, pulling switches etc.
CCmd "setcon <playernum>" sort of works, enabling you to cam other players. Is this prevented in deathmatch?
Heretic: Locked doors won't open (E4M3).
Client's copy of the player color values are not updated after a change (try ccmd "viewmode;setcolor <coloridx>").
Client: Clicking into a non-focused Doomsday window causes the player to fire.
In level 6 of Doom2, I hit an invisible barrier on 'spiral' staircase. The other player could apparently go through it fine.
In level 9, I had a door (one of the leading to the chaingunners trap with the RL) seemingly open but blocking shots; when I reopened it, it worked fine.
Closing door can still trap the player, but only for a fraction of second.
Was able to dislodge one’s self from a Sabre Claw one got stuck in; I also couldn't see bad guys in melee jumping around between attacks to anywhere near the same degree as earlier builds (indeed, I think I once saw a Sabre Claw jump and that was it), though regularly got stuck in Gargoyles.
Encountered an immortal Gargoyle half in the floor. Gone when I disconnected and rejoined.
A single Sabre Claw dropped ammo upon death; otherwise, no bad guy still appears to be dropping anything on death.
Two splashes when you enter a shallow pool of liquid; The first appears when you footclip before you actually fully enter the liquid sector and the second when you actually do fully enter the liquid sector (i.e fully drop into it).
On E6M2, I was being pushed against a wall by a current in the start area and I was invincible to the attacks the of Disciples in the area; as soon as I moved away from the wall, I took damage as normal. This I could repeat on other walls.
If one uses the fly down control to fly down into liquid, you cause constant splashes; to such a degree that it really notably affects performance. Interestingly, I once disconnected imediately after doing this and imediately tried to reconnect; the server had crashed.
DaniJ wrote:Build 234:
* Heretic: Locked doors won't open (E4M3).
Worked fine for me on E3M6; remember you don't start with key's in Co-op like you do DM.
That said, it might be a nice enhancement to have an optional option regarding what happens to the players key's after death. Actually keeping them wouldn't be a good idea, IMO, as it could lead to cheating; i.e. player picks up a key and deliberately dies and respawns at the start of the map to avoid any traps associated with the key. But then players could deliberately kill themselves to take the sting off any trap, key based trap or not.
Maybe a door (well the trigger, as different sides of a door might require different key's) could lose its key requirement to the player or all players, once they or someone has opened it once with the correct key?
Not strictly MP related; I can't alt tab out of this new build like I could previous builds.
DaniJ wrote:Build 234:
* Heretic: Locked doors won't open (E4M3).
Worked fine for me on E3M6; remember you don't start with key's in Co-op like you do DM.
I know that very well Vermil. There was a couple of players in the same game as me and none of us were able to collect a yellow key and then open the yellow door. In fact it wasn't exactly easy to even pick it up, I had to dance around on top of it for a few seconds before the server realised I was supposed to pick it up.
I didn't mean any offence by my comparison of co-op to DM. My apologies.
Ah, E4M3; when I've played that map in earlier builds, in DM, it was nearly always out of synch suggesting the connection was really struggling to keep up; one of the results of this was that I couldn't open any doors or operate any lifts (i.e. activate any trigger). Another was that crushers wern't visually moving for me, but were actually moving (i.e I took damage standing under them).
Like E5M5 it has a lot of things potentially going on, albeit all crammed into a much smaller area (map size): there’s the dozen Volcano's in the centre potentially spawning massive amounts of mobjs; 3 large balls a Volcano that can each potentially split into 4 small balls, all spawning splashes and the couple dozen crushers in the North.
Given the smaller space, the sounds for all these may well all be playing at the same time, if that means anything.
The huge amount of Puff Pods in the west can create a onetime strain as well.
On top of that, there is of course the bad guys in co-op.
Another issue in Heretic; if you die with Wing's active, you retain both the ability to automatically fly up a ledge when you move into it and also hover when you walk off the top of ledges (all the flight controls appear disabled however).
Also, there are no player X has died messages in co-op, like there are in DM.
A feature request might be to have a scoreboard as well, not one that showes frags, but each players name, kills, colour etc. So one can see at any time, how many players are in the game and what colours they are (so they can tell who to send messages to if they want to address a message to an individual say).
I should say that I always (during these mp test sessions) bind a key "w" to jump but it never works.
I'm thinking it must be a server command that hasn't been enabled?
Actually noticed this in heretic though. ~ or is there something client side that I'm missing heh?
There are both client- and server- side options for jump. On client-side you need to enable jumping via the Gameplay menu and then bind a key to jump. On server-side the allow-jump game status must be enabled or you won't be able to jump at all.
In HeXen co-op, I was getting caught on most every melee bad guy, particularly Stalkers which I often found myself on top off. Also Dark Bishops occasionally phased inside me.
Also, the HeXen star bridge bug, as mentioned makes one go extremely fast; it also seems to allow one to clip through any non-impassable 2 sided lindef (i.e. inside switch alcoves).
Finally, some more feature suggestion (I'm a right moaner aren't I ):
The HeXen MP map selector only lists map number and map name. I would like to suggest this be expanded upon to list the hub number as well (this can be gleaned from the cluster information in the MAPINFO lump). Not everybody can identify where one hub ends and the next starts from map names.
My next suggestion, though I'm not sure if Dday can't already do it: a variant of the random map cycle option that can randomly pick from a specific group of maps. I know you can pick a random map from an episode or a completely random map, but can you pick say 6 specific maps and have Dday randomly cycle them?
I'm thinking of HeXen co-op here; a co-op game that doesn't start on the start map of a hub will very likely quickly become unplayable (i.e. you'd get stuck).
Given that Dday supports 16 players rather than 4 (Doom/Heretic) or 8 (HeXen), there probably needs to be a new way to privately chat, rather than just player colour; as there may be multiple players of the same colour (IIRC, in the original games, there couldn't be two players with the same colour, hence sending a message by player colour was basically a private message).
Personally, I'd like to suggest it be some sort of code one enters into a general chat message; i.e one opens general chat and writes say "p05: blah blah blah" to send a message exclusively to player 5. Or to be a bit more advanced "p03 07: blah blah blah" will send a message to players 3 and 7.
This would probably also require a player number field on the score board; when there are lot's of players in a game, it can be time consuming to count down the list.
In build 238:
In Heretic, a lot of things seem to be working better, but I still tend to get stuck to the monsters at times.
In Hexen, sometimes I get stuck to the monsters, sometimes I get stuck to nothing at all but I can't move.
~ there was also a time when I was changed to a pig and then later died, when I respawn'd, I didn't have my hud weapon and apparently when there's no hud weapon I can't do any damage to the monsters either heh, but I can't tell because there's no visible projectiles coming from my player either from that point.
In Doom and Doom2, I still get stuck under a closing door. However I'm now able to open the door so I'm not stuck under forever, like before.
When this happens it pushes the player eye level to the top floor height under the door when it closes, and or ceiling height of the door its self. So the problem is the door is forcefully pushing the player, when the player should actually block the door as a solid entity but it's currently not. This doesn't always happen however, so I'm thinking it has to do with player position and line position of the door. ~ which would place the player view into the void a little bit.
I'm still witnessing an empty list of servers when querying the master using the Windows build #238 client. There has to be a problem in there somewhere because master.php shows there is active servers when viewed in a web browser.
Entering the IP manually I could get the list of servers but upon trying to connect to the client was left stuck with DE background visible and no game running. I noted that current map was E1M8 so perhaps the server was playing an InFine script that the client wasn't notified about? I'm going to leave this client connected to see what happens when the map cycles.
Also the query IP address in the server browser tends to reset to its previous value when I re-enter the browser, despite me having changed it during the previous join attempt.
EDIT: I just noticed there appears to be some missing values in the server INFO
Server filtered out:
remote = 0, local = 10907
remote = , local = doom2
can join = 0
Server filtered out:
remote = 0, local = 10907
remote = , local = doom2
can join = 0
Send INFO query.
Waiting for response.
Append to response: BEGIN
name:deng Team
info:[DM #238] Server may crash or other errors may occur!
game:jdoom 1.15.9
setup:skill3 dm nomonst jump
Waiting for response.
Append to response: 0
here is what i noticed with the coop servers for doom what DaniJ described, doom2 you can connect but you can't pick up anything but you can kill the monsters, for heretic you can't open doors at least i could not and then monsters will mysteriously teleport in or at least thats what it looked like but they were moving around and i only had one thing to look at but i could see the projectiles as they were the imps, for hexin witch seamed to be working the best out of all of them had a problem with the breakable glass not braking half the time or was it suppose to do that and i think this is only vista/7 might happen with other os's but it defaulted the sound to speakers and this is not mp related.
Edit: apparently for doom2 if another player joins he can do stuff and when me and Reg did net info all was standerd but i am consol #2 he is #1 and we are both play #0 hope this helps
I should say that I always (during these mp test sessions) bind a key "w" to jump but it never works.
I'm thinking it must be a server command that hasn't been enabled?
Actually noticed this in heretic though. ~ or is there something client side that I'm missing heh?
No, no, no, that's all wrong! The "w" key is forward! :P
Noticed this as well, with other players; seems that if you telefrag something, you are often sent back to where you teleported from.
Also, the Kill console command claims it works when you enter it into the console, when obviously it doesn't (it also counts players as monsters).
Also, you no longer get secret found messages twice, but walk over triggers are still activating twice.
However, the first time I tried this build on Windows it crashed on me... Couldn't reproduce the crash, though. Managed to play OK on the Heretic server.
Also, a Gargoyle was occupying a DM spot I spawned at and my camera was lowered to under it; when I moved out from under it, my camera scrolled up to normal height.
I will also state that I am getting the teleporter fog sound in Doom with this build and a switch on a two sided linedef animated; both bugs on the bug list.
I suppose I'm asking, did it combine all the frags/suicides scored by a team? or did each player still have a separate frag count? etc etc
Why was it never directly placed in the game mode selection in the server options menu like Deathmatch and Co-op were (i.e you had/have to to go through a couple of small hoops to access it)?
The new build should be available shortly...
Build 234: http://code.iki.fi/builds/build234
Current status: http://dengine.net/master.php
This build is incompatible with earlier ones due to significant changes in the network message protocol. Keep your eyes open for any new regressions... Currently running the servers in co-op mode.
In level 9, I had a door (one of the leading to the chaingunners trap with the RL) seemingly open but blocking shots; when I reopened it, it worked fine.
Closing door can still trap the player, but only for a fraction of second.
- The Liches vertical firewall doesn't expand.
- Was able to dislodge one’s self from a Sabre Claw one got stuck in; I also couldn't see bad guys in melee jumping around between attacks to anywhere near the same degree as earlier builds (indeed, I think I once saw a Sabre Claw jump and that was it), though regularly got stuck in Gargoyles.
- Encountered an immortal Gargoyle half in the floor. Gone when I disconnected and rejoined.
- A single Sabre Claw dropped ammo upon death; otherwise, no bad guy still appears to be dropping anything on death.
- Two splashes when you enter a shallow pool of liquid; The first appears when you footclip before you actually fully enter the liquid sector and the second when you actually do fully enter the liquid sector (i.e fully drop into it).
- On E6M2, I was being pushed against a wall by a current in the start area and I was invincible to the attacks the of Disciples in the area; as soon as I moved away from the wall, I took damage as normal. This I could repeat on other walls.
- If one uses the fly down control to fly down into liquid, you cause constant splashes; to such a degree that it really notably affects performance. Interestingly, I once disconnected imediately after doing this and imediately tried to reconnect; the server had crashed.
Worked fine for me on E3M6; remember you don't start with key's in Co-op like you do DM.That said, it might be a nice enhancement to have an optional option regarding what happens to the players key's after death. Actually keeping them wouldn't be a good idea, IMO, as it could lead to cheating; i.e. player picks up a key and deliberately dies and respawns at the start of the map to avoid any traps associated with the key. But then players could deliberately kill themselves to take the sting off any trap, key based trap or not.
Maybe a door (well the trigger, as different sides of a door might require different key's) could lose its key requirement to the player or all players, once they or someone has opened it once with the correct key?
Not strictly MP related; I can't alt tab out of this new build like I could previous builds.
Ah, E4M3; when I've played that map in earlier builds, in DM, it was nearly always out of synch suggesting the connection was really struggling to keep up; one of the results of this was that I couldn't open any doors or operate any lifts (i.e. activate any trigger). Another was that crushers wern't visually moving for me, but were actually moving (i.e I took damage standing under them).
Like E5M5 it has a lot of things potentially going on, albeit all crammed into a much smaller area (map size): there’s the dozen Volcano's in the centre potentially spawning massive amounts of mobjs; 3 large balls a Volcano that can each potentially split into 4 small balls, all spawning splashes and the couple dozen crushers in the North.
Given the smaller space, the sounds for all these may well all be playing at the same time, if that means anything.
The huge amount of Puff Pods in the west can create a onetime strain as well.
On top of that, there is of course the bad guys in co-op.
Also, there are no player X has died messages in co-op, like there are in DM.
A feature request might be to have a scoreboard as well, not one that showes frags, but each players name, kills, colour etc. So one can see at any time, how many players are in the game and what colours they are (so they can tell who to send messages to if they want to address a message to an individual say).
I should say that I always (during these mp test sessions) bind a key "w" to jump but it never works.
I'm thinking it must be a server command that hasn't been enabled?
Actually noticed this in heretic though. ~ or is there something client side that I'm missing heh?
Also, the HeXen star bridge bug, as mentioned makes one go extremely fast; it also seems to allow one to clip through any non-impassable 2 sided lindef (i.e. inside switch alcoves).
Finally, some more feature suggestion (I'm a right moaner aren't I
The HeXen MP map selector only lists map number and map name. I would like to suggest this be expanded upon to list the hub number as well (this can be gleaned from the cluster information in the MAPINFO lump). Not everybody can identify where one hub ends and the next starts from map names.
My next suggestion, though I'm not sure if Dday can't already do it: a variant of the random map cycle option that can randomly pick from a specific group of maps. I know you can pick a random map from an episode or a completely random map, but can you pick say 6 specific maps and have Dday randomly cycle them?
I'm thinking of HeXen co-op here; a co-op game that doesn't start on the start map of a hub will very likely quickly become unplayable (i.e. you'd get stuck).
Personally, I'd like to suggest it be some sort of code one enters into a general chat message; i.e one opens general chat and writes say "p05: blah blah blah" to send a message exclusively to player 5. Or to be a bit more advanced "p03 07: blah blah blah" will send a message to players 3 and 7.
This would probably also require a player number field on the score board; when there are lot's of players in a game, it can be time consuming to count down the list.
In Heretic, a lot of things seem to be working better, but I still tend to get stuck to the monsters at times.
In Hexen, sometimes I get stuck to the monsters, sometimes I get stuck to nothing at all but I can't move.
~ there was also a time when I was changed to a pig and then later died, when I respawn'd, I didn't have my hud weapon and apparently when there's no hud weapon I can't do any damage to the monsters either heh, but I can't tell because there's no visible projectiles coming from my player either from that point.
In Doom and Doom2, I still get stuck under a closing door. However I'm now able to open the door so I'm not stuck under forever, like before.
When this happens it pushes the player eye level to the top floor height under the door when it closes, and or ceiling height of the door its self. So the problem is the door is forcefully pushing the player, when the player should actually block the door as a solid entity but it's currently not. This doesn't always happen however, so I'm thinking it has to do with player position and line position of the door. ~ which would place the player view into the void a little bit.
Entering the IP manually I could get the list of servers but upon trying to connect to the client was left stuck with DE background visible and no game running. I noted that current map was E1M8 so perhaps the server was playing an InFine script that the client wasn't notified about? I'm going to leave this client connected to see what happens when the map cycles.
Also the query IP address in the server browser tends to reset to its previous value when I re-enter the browser, despite me having changed it during the previous join attempt.
EDIT: I just noticed there appears to be some missing values in the server INFO
Edit: apparently for doom2 if another player joins he can do stuff and when me and Reg did net info all was standerd but i am consol #2 he is #1 and we are both play #0 hope this helps
No, no, no, that's all wrong! The "w" key is forward!