It's alright gordon, it's not that important but I could have sworn there was a death message.
If not, I must have gotten use to sourceports and expected the doom game to say something as well.
The real question was if the death messages were saying the right thing or not. It should also report things like if a player is turbo or not, not simply item pickups.
HeXen, notable synch issues aside (it seemed to be almost constantly half in synch half out).
Armour pickups didn't seem to give armour; they gave no armour and didn't appear in my hud.
Like armour above, weapon segments also don't appear to be given when picked up.
Dark Bishop missiles didn't spiral; they travelled straight with some slight jiggling. They curved however.
While on the Heresiarch’s seminary, I could hear a constant bouncing sound emanating from the pillar the Heresiarch starts raised on (maybe his cubes or maybe he had attacked and thrown some balls).
Lot’s of ACS seems to activate at map start up; is this correct with HeXen DM (I never played the original game in DM)? Though here in build 217, some of this possibly prematurely activating ACS often only half works (i.e. stairs raise to the wrong heights etc).
I lost all hud weapons whenever I picked up a weapon for my own class leaving me defenceless. Death doesn’t make them return; I have to disconnect and rejoin to get my default weapon back. A major issue IMO.
When one falls a death dealing distance, you don't scream on the way down, you don't die or even lose any health when you land; but you lose all ability to move.
The colour changing corpse issue is present like it is in Doom and Heretic.
Standing in a lowering sector with foot clipping causes the camera to jerkilly move down.
The bug I posted about your hud weapon lowering and raising quickly when you first pick up any type of armour, also occurs in Heretic.
Some Hell Staff shots seem to randomly spawn a couple of unit's higher than the rest. Also it didn't seem to be firing smoothly causing gaps in firing and sometimes a couple of missiles on top of each other.
The sprite for a Maulotaur lifts up into the air, if it hit's something while charging (wall, player etc).
Sabre Claw movement is broken; they jerk; they jump a small distance then run through their entire walking ani on the spot and then jump again.
Also, general thing, in Doom2 at least, lowering floors (not lifts) appear to be stopping a unit or so above the adjacent floor instead of stopping at the same height.
It also isn't just Plasma rifle shots that spawn a short distance in front of you, instead of from you; all projectile weapons in Doom and Heretic have this issue (I was never able to pick up a projectile firing weapon in HeXen to test due to the disappearing weapons bug).
The whole two sound thing with weapons occurs with random weapons in all games, not just missile explosions and the Doom play sound weapon actions.
It also isn't just Plasma rifle shots that spawn a short distance in front of you, instead of from you; all projectile weapons in Doom and Heretic have this issue (I was never able to pick up a projectile firing weapon in HeXen to test due to the disappearing weapons bug).
I don't think client is allowed to spawn anything. So it has to be confirmed by server.
Not really sure notable, non MP specific, bugs/mistakes in these builds should go here or at sourceforge or wheter the real 1.9.7 is so different it's not worth reporting such bugs/mistakes; Doors in Heretic play the wrong sound when they begin to close. They should play DOROPN again, when they start to close and DORCLS when they hit the ground.
Also, artefacts play both the artefact pickup sound and the normal pickup sound when you grab one. This one has existed since the first MP build.
Back on the MP stuff; the doors and lifts appear to work now (in Heretic at any rate). Though lowering floors are still stoping one unit above the where they are suppose to. Sometimes, very very rarely, a lowering floor will stop about 16-24 unit's above where they are suppose to stop. I observed another player seemingly walk through one of these not completely lowered walls (i.e i didn't see them jump).
I'm also having issues with certain groups of sounds cutting out, in Heretic; sometimes it's all pickup sounds. Sometimes it's all weapon noises etc etc.
Also, massive pauses when someone else joined the Heretic game I was in; half a min or so. One of these pauses also caused a certiain texture to not render (i.e all the walls that used it walls were solid white, as if I had disabled texture rendering).
When the map changed form map29, map20 exit text started typing in. It's wrong; the text should appear after completion of map20 and not upon entering map21.
also ping command always shows loss of 0% - should be removed probably.
Regarding before map infine, I'd like to comment on the apparent fact that only host can skip it; if the "host" is the master server, nobody can skip it (i.e the text screens in Doom2).
I'd like to suggest that there should be a way for the clients to suggest to the host to skip the infine; maybe by allowing players to chat to each other during infine?
Or if the host is the master server, the infine is skipped if all clients press a key.
Also, I suppose I might as well ask for confirmation on why after map infine doesn't play; is it a a bug or deliberate (to avoid the players getting stuck on say the cast call at the end of Doom2)?
[*]Suicides don't count in Heretic.
[*]Map pickups don't work in any game.
[*]Invisibilty spheres in Doom don't make the player "invisible" to other players, though the suposedly invisible players weapons appear invisible to them making them think they are.
[*]Everybody else can hear your chainsaw's idle sound.
i wanted to join a game (doom-ulimate) with four players ingame, but a popup box appeared and the game always crashed.. when the fourth player left, i was able to join the game.... plays a lot better than 217
I have to agree this version #220 does seem to be working better than the previous versions. ~ mainly players can connect and stay connected a little longer. however the current server settings must be limited to 4 clients.
Although there are still issues with animations, missing frames etc. on a lot of different things.
Doors are working as they should, most lifts work but still some issues. teleports don't always work on first try, stuff like that..
I need to do more testing, I'v only had the chance to check out ult-doom so far with this build.
DaniJ has told me in game yesterday, that there is actually supposed to be a third field displayed on the score board and that it's a bug that it's missing and to report it.
I have no idea what that third field is, but I would guess it's frags, as currently it displays suicides and kills (your frags are kills minus suicides).
Some RFE's for when the MP code is closer to completion;
[*] A "chatting icon" to appear above a player when they writing a message.
[*] Some visual indictor of whether a player has an Invulnerability Sphere (not having a pain state when you shoot them is not enough of a visual indicator IMO).
I suppose this one is kind of a slippery slope though; I mean, it could lead to people requesting indicators showing what armour type their opponent is wearing
[*]Might also be interesting to have a player’s name float above their heads; as there are only four colours in Doom/ Heretic and eight in HeXen, yet Dday supports 16 players (hence some players can end up the same colours). More for fun vendetta’s than anything (i.e. if the same guy keeps killing you, you can know who they are if there are lots of players of the same colour playing).
DaniJ has told me in game yesterday, that there is actually supposed to be a third field displayed on the score board and that it's a bug that it's missing and to report it.
I have no idea what that third field is, but I would guess it's frags, as currently it displays suicides and kills (your frags are kills minus suicides).
I didn't say it was a bug, its just not implemented yet.
Which reminds me, again. The same issue I reported with the shotgun's being the wrong way around also happens with the Chainsaw and Fist.
Also, a couple more RFE's;
[*] An option to allow death by monster to count as a suicide (prevents near death players deliberetly getting killed by a monster to deny a frag). Also a message being printed when someone get's killed by a monster.
[*] Kills or suicides by Barrels counting? (I can't recall if they do atm). Adding it, when time is availible to do so, could add some tactical varierty.
doom2 with the settings "MAP30 skill3 dm nomonst jump"
the icon of sin still spawns the cubes, no monsters spawn though, and I didn't notice the cubes sometimes don't shoot from the hole in the head (i can't reproduce it though)
doom2 with the settings "MAP30 skill3 dm nomonst jump"
the icon of sin still spawns the cubes, no monsters spawn though, and I didn't notice the cubes sometimes don't shoot from the hole in the head (i can't reproduce it though)
The original behaviour of Doom2 is that the cube spawner is not disabled by nomonsters and monsters are spawned from the cubes inspite of nomonsters being on.
An option to allow death by monster to count as a suicide (prevents near death players deliberetly getting killed by a monster to deny a frag). Also a message being printed when someone get's killed by a monster.
doom2 with the settings "MAP30 skill3 dm nomonst jump"
the icon of sin still spawns the cubes, no monsters spawn though, and I didn't notice the cubes sometimes don't shoot from the hole in the head (i can't reproduce it though)
The original behaviour of Doom2 is that the cube spawner is not disabled by nomonsters and monsters are spawned from the cubes inspite of nomonsters being on.
I don't believe we should be trying to emulate that. The only other alternative I can see would be to disable the spawner completely if -nomonsters is used.
An option to allow death by monster to count as a suicide (prevents near death players deliberetly getting killed by a monster to deny a frag). Also a message being printed when someone get's killed by a monster.
Seems rather pointless to me, sorry.
Yeah monsters aren't common in DM, but everything else non opposing player caused, counts as suicide (indeed, maybe at some point there could be specialized messages for different types of "suicide", say being killed by nukage).
But then I suppose monsters aren't like falling into nukage or such; they are kind of in-between environment deaths and opposing player kills. Which makes giving a suicide for death by a monster not really suitable. Still I see no reason why a generic message can't be printed if someone gets killed by a monster.
Would be amusing if a Cyber Demon turned up on the score board with a frag count though; that one on Map11 has won a DM match I've been in, if we counted his kills
Kills or suicides by Barrels counting? (I can't recall if they do atm). Adding it, when time is availible to do so, could add some tactical varierty.
Is this not already implemented? It should be.
Checked this (thanks to Kuri for being the test subject) and killing a player with a barrel counts as a frag and blowing yourself up with a barrel counts as a suicide. It prints that you killed with whatever weapon you used to shoot the barrel though, but though a little strange in some cases, that's very negiable.
doom2 with the settings "MAP30 skill3 dm nomonst jump"
the icon of sin still spawns the cubes, no monsters spawn though, and I didn't notice the cubes sometimes don't shoot from the hole in the head (i can't reproduce it though)
The original behaviour of Doom2 is that the cube spawner is not disabled by nomonsters and monsters are spawned from the cubes inspite of nomonsters being on.
I don't believe we should be trying to emulate that. The only other alternative I can see would be to disable the spawner completely if -nomonsters is used.
Logic wise, I would concur, however my hazy memory recalls me loading a DM map in SP mode (I've never played Doom DM before these builds), that feature cube spawners. So maybe a separate option dedicated to the spawner?
Wouldn't a monster kill counter be more preferable than suicide counts for monsters, anyway?
EDIT: What I meant was, a counter for when monsters kill you - that is, a separate one. Not that I care all that much anyway about such things, but it could be distinguished from true frags, and besides all of that, it could have a different usage than the frag count. I was just trying to shoot that out there, that's all! :P
Build 220
In Heretic, the only game I played, it seemed as though the item selection was a little unpredictable. At first, it would only automatically select other items as you picked them up, but then it got to the point where, when I would try to drop a bunch of timebombs, every time I dropped one or used any other item, it would automatically return me to the quartz flask. Now, this was despite me having full health or not, so I don't quite understand why it would do that.
Also, I didn't notice in previous versions, because I wasn't able to connect to Heretic (or no one was on), but the mace spheres seem to almost always leave their ending sprites all over the place.
EDIT: In addition to all of that, I'm also not sure if this is a previous problem: when you're killed while flying, you can start off your next spawn as flying, or having the ability to lift off to start flying (without the wings being enabled or having an icon). Once you drop, you can't lift off again, though. Sometimes this seems to happen when running off of cliffs, but I'm guessing it has to do with the previous problem, only not realized until you actually happen to run off a cliff.
in build 220 with hexen i do not know if the wall bug is still there but if i go down a lip or rather up and down i do not go up but go down it's hard to enplane but my best guess at explaining it would be a wall opening up to another room same lvl as last but the wall made a lip so if you cross it you only will go down not up so in essence you will be going into the floor.
So Gordon, you're basically saying that it doesn't count the step up, but while you are over that step, it treats you as if you're still in the previous sector - then, when stepping from the 2nd (raised) sector into the 3rd (relowered) sector, then it lowers you, only counting 2>3, and not 1>2?
Maybe Gordon's referring to the bug where anything that can pass a ledge (player or flying bad guy in all games), will jump to the top or bottom for an instant if they pass over or are knocked into the ledge wall; Skyjake's recording of that bug as "player being shot at the bottom of a ledge..." is one example of this larger issue.
While I originally reported in this thread simply that I had noticed a "player being shot at the bottom of a ledge...", I expanded on it in a later post once I noticed it was part of a bigger issue.
[*]You can see other players arrows on the automap
[*]If you attempt to pick up a weapon while attacking, apparently you get it, rather than all your weapons vanishing or the client crashing. This I was told by Psychikon.
[*]When I used an Icon of Defender, the Icon only appeared in the corner of the screen for a couple of seconds, rather than the artefacts duration
[*]I couldn't see a control menu option for the scoreboard.
[*]The Mages wand appeared to fire two shots at a time.
The Suicide console command doesn't work in either Heretic or HeXen; the console prints the error "suicide failed".
Also, personal observation; maybe switch the player setup and join game/disconnect options in all games, around in the menu (i.e. join/disconnect at the top of the menu and player setup below)?
Yes, player set up is important, but I think most people aren't likely to change their names and colours once they've initially set them. Hence it could remove a button press for the majority.
For now monsters are again enabled on the servers so you can test how the fixes work. The games are in deathmatch mode, though.
Note that it is a known issue that player water splashes and fall damage are not working at the moment.
I seem to have managed to sidestep the libcurl related crash for now, but I have a feeling it will still malfunction after enough time has passed and stop the server from announcing itself to the master. I'm tempted to forget about this problem until the switch to Qt at which point we can get rid of libcurl (and SDL_net) and use Qt's high-quality network facilities.
Just tried to join the Heretic server on E5M5 with the new build (224) and Dday immediately crashed with the error: Cl_Frame2Received: Unknown delta type 186.
Interestingly, I also heard both a lava splash and a pain grunt sounds, suggesting that I had spawned into lava; no DM start on E5M5 is in lava (one is on a ledge overlooking lava however).
EDIT: The Heretic server doesn't appear to be working at the moment; following the above, I am getting a Seg fault every time I try to join
Also, something unrelated; when one quits an MP game, any currently playing sound suddenly goes full volume. Dday has never stopped any currently playing sounds when it goes to a loading screen, but it doesn't usually suddenly start playing non-full volume sounds at full volume when it goes to a loading screen.
If not, I must have gotten use to sourceports and expected the doom game to say something as well.
The real question was if the death messages were saying the right thing or not. It should also report things like if a player is turbo or not, not simply item pickups.
- Armour pickups didn't seem to give armour; they gave no armour and didn't appear in my hud.
- Like armour above, weapon segments also don't appear to be given when picked up.
- Dark Bishop missiles didn't spiral; they travelled straight with some slight jiggling. They curved however.
- While on the Heresiarch’s seminary, I could hear a constant bouncing sound emanating from the pillar the Heresiarch starts raised on (maybe his cubes or maybe he had attacked and thrown some balls).
- Lot’s of ACS seems to activate at map start up; is this correct with HeXen DM (I never played the original game in DM)? Though here in build 217, some of this possibly prematurely activating ACS often only half works (i.e. stairs raise to the wrong heights etc).
- I lost all hud weapons whenever I picked up a weapon for my own class leaving me defenceless. Death doesn’t make them return; I have to disconnect and rejoin to get my default weapon back. A major issue IMO.
- When one falls a death dealing distance, you don't scream on the way down, you don't die or even lose any health when you land; but you lose all ability to move.
- The colour changing corpse issue is present like it is in Doom and Heretic.
Heretic:Also, general thing, in Doom2 at least, lowering floors (not lifts) appear to be stopping a unit or so above the adjacent floor instead of stopping at the same height.
It also isn't just Plasma rifle shots that spawn a short distance in front of you, instead of from you; all projectile weapons in Doom and Heretic have this issue (I was never able to pick up a projectile firing weapon in HeXen to test due to the disappearing weapons bug).
The whole two sound thing with weapons occurs with random weapons in all games, not just missile explosions and the Doom play sound weapon actions.
Not really sure notable, non MP specific, bugs/mistakes in these builds should go here or at sourceforge or wheter the real 1.9.7 is so different it's not worth reporting such bugs/mistakes; Doors in Heretic play the wrong sound when they begin to close. They should play DOROPN again, when they start to close and DORCLS when they hit the ground.
Also, artefacts play both the artefact pickup sound and the normal pickup sound when you grab one. This one has existed since the first MP build.
Back on the MP stuff; the doors and lifts appear to work now (in Heretic at any rate). Though lowering floors are still stoping one unit above the where they are suppose to. Sometimes, very very rarely, a lowering floor will stop about 16-24 unit's above where they are suppose to stop. I observed another player seemingly walk through one of these not completely lowered walls (i.e i didn't see them jump).
I'm also having issues with certain groups of sounds cutting out, in Heretic; sometimes it's all pickup sounds. Sometimes it's all weapon noises etc etc.
Also, massive pauses when someone else joined the Heretic game I was in; half a min or so. One of these pauses also caused a certiain texture to not render (i.e all the walls that used it walls were solid white, as if I had disabled texture rendering).
also ping command always shows loss of 0% - should be removed probably.
I'd like to suggest that there should be a way for the clients to suggest to the host to skip the infine; maybe by allowing players to chat to each other during infine?
Or if the host is the master server, the infine is skipped if all clients press a key.
Also, I suppose I might as well ask for confirmation on why after map infine doesn't play; is it a a bug or deliberate (to avoid the players getting stuck on say the cast call at the end of Doom2)?
[*]Map pickups don't work in any game.
[*]Invisibilty spheres in Doom don't make the player "invisible" to other players, though the suposedly invisible players weapons appear invisible to them making them think they are.
[*]Everybody else can hear your chainsaw's idle sound.
i wanted to join a game (doom-ulimate) with four players ingame, but a popup box appeared and the game always crashed.. when the fourth player left, i was able to join the game.... plays a lot better than 217
Although there are still issues with animations, missing frames etc. on a lot of different things.
Doors are working as they should, most lifts work but still some issues. teleports don't always work on first try, stuff like that..
I need to do more testing, I'v only had the chance to check out ult-doom so far with this build.
I have no idea what that third field is, but I would guess it's frags, as currently it displays suicides and kills (your frags are kills minus suicides).
Some RFE's for when the MP code is closer to completion;
[*] A "chatting icon" to appear above a player when they writing a message.
[*] Some visual indictor of whether a player has an Invulnerability Sphere (not having a pain state when you shoot them is not enough of a visual indicator IMO).
I suppose this one is kind of a slippery slope though; I mean, it could lead to people requesting indicators showing what armour type their opponent is wearing
[*]Might also be interesting to have a player’s name float above their heads; as there are only four colours in Doom/ Heretic and eight in HeXen, yet Dday supports 16 players (hence some players can end up the same colours). More for fun vendetta’s than anything (i.e. if the same guy keeps killing you, you can know who they are if there are lots of players of the same colour playing).
Still, maybe it was a typo in the moment
Which reminds me, you also indicated that the camera of a dead player should follow a killer and that it was a bug that it didn't.
Which reminds me, again. The same issue I reported with the shotgun's being the wrong way around also happens with the Chainsaw and Fist.
Also, a couple more RFE's;
[*] An option to allow death by monster to count as a suicide (prevents near death players deliberetly getting killed by a monster to deny a frag). Also a message being printed when someone get's killed by a monster.
[*] Kills or suicides by Barrels counting? (I can't recall if they do atm). Adding it, when time is availible to do so, could add some tactical varierty.
the icon of sin still spawns the cubes, no monsters spawn though, and I didn't notice the cubes sometimes don't shoot from the hole in the head (i can't reproduce it though)
The original behaviour of Doom2 is that the cube spawner is not disabled by nomonsters and monsters are spawned from the cubes inspite of nomonsters being on.
Other weapons all aim correctly (i.e. it's just the BFG).
Yeah monsters aren't common in DM, but everything else non opposing player caused, counts as suicide (indeed, maybe at some point there could be specialized messages for different types of "suicide", say being killed by nukage).
But then I suppose monsters aren't like falling into nukage or such; they are kind of in-between environment deaths and opposing player kills. Which makes giving a suicide for death by a monster not really suitable. Still I see no reason why a generic message can't be printed if someone gets killed by a monster.
Would be amusing if a Cyber Demon turned up on the score board with a frag count though; that one on Map11 has won a DM match I've been in, if we counted his kills
Checked this (thanks to Kuri for being the test subject) and killing a player with a barrel counts as a frag and blowing yourself up with a barrel counts as a suicide. It prints that you killed with whatever weapon you used to shoot the barrel though, but though a little strange in some cases, that's very negiable.
Logic wise, I would concur, however my hazy memory recalls me loading a DM map in SP mode (I've never played Doom DM before these builds), that feature cube spawners. So maybe a separate option dedicated to the spawner?
Should be off by default IMO. Since myself and Kuri Kai thought it was a bug, especially in light of the bug in 213.
EDIT: What I meant was, a counter for when monsters kill you - that is, a separate one. Not that I care all that much anyway about such things, but it could be distinguished from true frags, and besides all of that, it could have a different usage than the frag count. I was just trying to shoot that out there, that's all! :P
Build 220
In Heretic, the only game I played, it seemed as though the item selection was a little unpredictable. At first, it would only automatically select other items as you picked them up, but then it got to the point where, when I would try to drop a bunch of timebombs, every time I dropped one or used any other item, it would automatically return me to the quartz flask. Now, this was despite me having full health or not, so I don't quite understand why it would do that.
Also, I didn't notice in previous versions, because I wasn't able to connect to Heretic (or no one was on), but the mace spheres seem to almost always leave their ending sprites all over the place.
EDIT: In addition to all of that, I'm also not sure if this is a previous problem: when you're killed while flying, you can start off your next spawn as flying, or having the ability to lift off to start flying (without the wings being enabled or having an icon). Once you drop, you can't lift off again, though.
While I originally reported in this thread simply that I had noticed a "player being shot at the bottom of a ledge...", I expanded on it in a later post once I noticed it was part of a bigger issue.
[*]You can see other players arrows on the automap
[*]If you attempt to pick up a weapon while attacking, apparently you get it, rather than all your weapons vanishing or the client crashing. This I was told by Psychikon.
[*]When I used an Icon of Defender, the Icon only appeared in the corner of the screen for a couple of seconds, rather than the artefacts duration
[*]I couldn't see a control menu option for the scoreboard.
[*]The Mages wand appeared to fire two shots at a time.
Also, personal observation; maybe switch the player setup and join game/disconnect options in all games, around in the menu (i.e. join/disconnect at the top of the menu and player setup below)?
Yes, player set up is important, but I think most people aren't likely to change their names and colours once they've initially set them. Hence it could remove a button press for the majority.
Current status:
There is a number of clientside fixes in Friday's build #224:
- Minor updates to client connection UI and menu for better usability.
- Map name and mode no longer overlap the player list in the Ranking screen.
- Fixed various segfaults in the games.
- It is no longer a fatal error if the map has too few DM startspots.
- Map powerups (e.g., Computer Map) work on clientside.
- Extra notification about secrets removed.
- Doom: Fixed missing Punch sound.
- Fixed "frozen" clientside mobjs, e.g., Heretic splashes.
- Fixed "hovering" monsters.
For now monsters are again enabled on the servers so you can test how the fixes work. The games are in deathmatch mode, though.Note that it is a known issue that player water splashes and fall damage are not working at the moment.
I seem to have managed to sidestep the libcurl related crash for now, but I have a feeling it will still malfunction after enough time has passed and stop the server from announcing itself to the master. I'm tempted to forget about this problem until the switch to Qt at which point we can get rid of libcurl (and SDL_net) and use Qt's high-quality network facilities.
Interestingly, I also heard both a lava splash and a pain grunt sounds, suggesting that I had spawned into lava; no DM start on E5M5 is in lava (one is on a ledge overlooking lava however).
EDIT: The Heretic server doesn't appear to be working at the moment; following the above, I am getting a Seg fault every time I try to join
Also, something unrelated; when one quits an MP game, any currently playing sound suddenly goes full volume. Dday has never stopped any currently playing sounds when it goes to a loading screen, but it doesn't usually suddenly start playing non-full volume sounds at full volume when it goes to a loading screen.
From a teleporter or when joining the server?