Demon Model



  • that looks nice...
  • Yes. I also wonder how its death appearance and damage stages look.

    It's neat that it has enough detail to have visible veins popping out. The backbone looks nice too. The shade of pink is not as colorful though, but that's fine. I hope it appears this good ingame (Doomsday). I'm not sure why you called it a Doom 3 model. Maybe there is one version for Doomsday and one for Doom 3, you mean.
  • Cheers Psychikon!

    There are two models, there is a Doom 1&2 version that goes in Doomsday, and a Doom 3 version that goes into Doom 3 (or any modern game). This one has the visible pop-out veins because it uses normal maps which Doomsday dosen't support (yet).

    The good thing is, that when Dani does get normal maps into Doomsday, you can use him and he'll look like that in game :D
  • If he ever does. That could be years down the road. Anyways, the new non-normal mapped model will still look better than the current Doomsday model.
  • I'll definitely agree with Gary on that! Also, the actual colors of the skin and bone/teeth look natural and very accurate. Truth be told, I'm actually kind of excited! :D
  • Even more so when the Imp is released, since it is such a common enemy and will appear a lot. I might wait for more to be released before I replay the Classic Doom Collection that I have.
  • Has anyone spoken to Magnum recently?

    The pinky has been done for a while now. I'll try to get the ded file written (not my specialty!) and get him out.
  • I could do it for you if you want... If I were to, though, I'd ask that you exported the frames for the animations at a multiple of the original state numbers. The reason being that I have trouble understanding EXACTLY how Inter + Interpolate works with the doomsday reference example. It seems to make sense for the most part, and then one part completely destroys my understanding of it.
  • You could e-mail me either the framelist or the model, and I could do that then :)
  • Yes; the sooner it is, the sooner we can play with that model :)
  • Psychikon, you have mail. :)
  • Darn, it still says: Last visited: 28 Apr 2011, 08:26 for Psychikon. That means he still hasn't checked pm and still hasn't got the mail. Maybe soon though.
  • Oh no, I did get it... Tea Monster and I have been corresponding and working together via e-mail! I have also been working all this week, which is a good thing, but I have also been doing other things, so it hasn't been THE top priority, although a priority. The only thing I am stuck on now is the spectre, and I meant to ask Dani or whomever knows about it, about it! Here's my question:

    How do you assign separate skins for a spectre model? Do you re-define the model definitions, only with the selector number changed in either one? I'd thought that perhaps the selector value was used for demons/spectres, but I may be mistaken. When I went to look through the jDRP packs that I had on Ubuntu, after failing to find it in the one I was given, I found that I couldn't find the spectre skins nor any example definitions in ANY of them, surprisingly! That's very strange, because I SPECIFICALLY remember spectre skins on the Dani (I think it was his) demon model. I even remember how, on the newer one, they were more like shaded variants, rather than a fuzz effect! Yet, for the life of me, I cannot find it...

    EDIT: OOPS! I answered my own question... Yes, it is up to the selector value! :)
  • 2i1lb29.jpg

    Many thanks to Psychikon!

    I'll post the file soon.
  • I think that from the front, the mouth looks notably too big (from the side angle all the preview shots showed, it looked ok). One can hardly see anything else at tall.

    The walking animation is cool (when I could see something other than the big mouth), but the attack animation didn't look like biting in my opinion. I also found it strange that his leg moves during the attack animation. Combined it made him look more like he was walking on the spot rather than attacking.

    The stationary animation looks more like a robot with a rotating upper body (since there’s absolutely no leg movement in the animation and the upper body rotates slightly). Well, I say there’s no animation below the waist; one of the Demon's toes (whatever you want to call those spike like things on its feet) animates.

    I'm also not a fan of the skin; the whole skin looked notably too bright (also the shadowing is way too light) and the texture looks more like chalk than actual skin. The brightness of the skin also obscured the damage effects which also didn't seem very pronounced on the corpse (but that might be because as mentioned, I couldn't make them out very well against the rest of the skin).

    I'd also claim that the model looks a bit too large (particularly noticeable with the corpse).

    Please note that the above is just my personal opinion. People will tell you that I am a very harsh critic; I criticize my own things to a similar degree for instance.
  • No problem on the crit. I told everyone to take him for a test drive. ;)

    I've adjusted the skin and used the sprite as a colour match, so it looks more like it already. As to the shadows, he did look a lot darker in Photoshop. I can adjust the shadow layer and make him look a bit more moody.

    I didn't have him walking for the idle anim as I thought it looked weird having him walk on the spot and not go anywhere. On the attack animation, I originally moved the legs, but it had this odd 'skating' look so I froze them.

    I'll put the idle anim to something more like the 'traditional' one if people want. I'll have another try at the feet of the attack animation.
  • It's not the fact that his idle animation doesn't show him walking on the spot like the sprites do in Doom. My critic was that his upper body moves to represent breathing etc, but his legs don't move at tall.

    I have wondered if you somehow accidently applied the idle animation meant for his legs to his front toe spike; the front toe spike oddly warps and changes shape during the idle animation.

    Regarding the attack animation; most of his legs are obscured by other parts of the model when he is attacking you. But the animation of the parts of the legs we can see look very similar to his walking animation, which is why I commented that it looks like he was walking on the spot when attacking.

    I personally, would not have the Demons leg's move at tall when it attacks (i.e. have them jerk into position); I guess that you had the Demons leg's move in order to try to make them appear to smoothly move from its walking animation to its attack animation and back again. But if the Demon ends up taking more than one bite in succession it makes him look like he's walking on the spot when he attacks.

    To me it doesn't look like your Demon model is biting when he attacks; it looks more like he's vacuming you rather than biting. I think it's because there’s no movement in the mouth (i.e. it doesn't open and close), only the neck.

    Certainly the mouth movement of the Demon sprite when attacking doesn't look overly possible in real life; it arguably looks like it has some sort of unatural clamp like jaw, but i think your model's attack animation would look much better if you could do some sort of mouth movement.
  • It looks fairly accurate with the bite orthographically in blender for instance, but Ithink the problem is that it's an actual 3D model. So, when the mouth is biting you in 3D, it's actually in your face, whereas in the sprite, it's flat with the same perspective as it has when it's way back; and this probably from a snapshot taken from a little distance back, you know? The same thing with the death frame, really... It's sunk back and down to look kind of like you're looking at it straight on on the ground, but it has a good bit of depth to it in the 3D representation is all.
  • it looks good but the bite is not to close to what the sprite is but the bit it has now is still decent but in the sprite the bottom teeth seem to overlap the top and the head tilts to the left and for the death it's like he is beeing shot and killed from the right.
  • I've updated the skins so they are more like the orignal, and you can see the blood against them now. I've closed the mouth a bit and adjusted the animations.

    Here it is: ... inkyr2.pk3
  • I notice this model is in a folder called 'actors'. Is that the same as "monsters" and I can pop it in the monsters folder when adding it to a custom JDRP winrar container?
  • I am not an expert on the naming conventions of the JDRP. If you need to shuffle folders or rename files to get it to fit into the standard conventions, then go right ahead.
  • The Sources are up for the Classic as well as the Next-Gen versions. You'll need Blender 2.57 for the Next Gen and 2.49B for the 'Old-School'.
    All are available for anyone to download and modify for any other source ports out there (or Doom 3 for the NG one).
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