Tea Monster's Cacodemon Model
Hey, I've been working on this for a while. I've finally got to the point of making a release.

EDIT: UPDATED PACKAGE - Fixes animation issues and size clipping issues.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/53xeh4gf8 ... 01114b.zip
Many thanks to Psychikon and Kuri Kai for help with the ded files and repackaging the MD2s into a deng-freindly format.
I will be releasing the source files over at the modeling project. I'll post a link up when that is done.
Initially, the model was supposed to be for Doom 3. There will be a high-res version available if anyone wants to bake some normal or spec maps off.
EDIT: Psychikon has updated the ded file and I am going to update the size soon. If anyone else notices anything, just let me know. I'll bring out a 'new' package with these changes in a few days.
The sources are up at the Doom Modelling Project for anyone who wants to get it into another source port. I've also included the high-res sculpt obj's in case anyone wants to do normal maps for him.

EDIT: UPDATED PACKAGE - Fixes animation issues and size clipping issues.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/53xeh4gf8 ... 01114b.zip
Many thanks to Psychikon and Kuri Kai for help with the ded files and repackaging the MD2s into a deng-freindly format.
I will be releasing the source files over at the modeling project. I'll post a link up when that is done.
Initially, the model was supposed to be for Doom 3. There will be a high-res version available if anyone wants to bake some normal or spec maps off.
EDIT: Psychikon has updated the ded file and I am going to update the size soon. If anyone else notices anything, just let me know. I'll bring out a 'new' package with these changes in a few days.
The sources are up at the Doom Modelling Project for anyone who wants to get it into another source port. I've also included the high-res sculpt obj's in case anyone wants to do normal maps for him.
Do you have any more models in the pipeline at all?
I've got no models in the pipeline for Doom at the minute, but I would like to do one or two here and there eventually.
I've released a new package (updated on the first post).
EDIT: now the only problem is the death animation witch i think there is one i am just not seeing it.
This should fix it though. Sorry for the problems.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/53xeh4gf8 ... 01114b.zip
Edit: i found another problem and that is when raising it should do the death animation in revers i think but for a couple of frames it switches back to the sprite. besides that nothing else has changes from the problem i was having earlier.
I did download this when it first came out, but I read about the bugs in the model in this thread yesterday. I hope it works fine.
I hope you make more Doomsday models, it would be a delight to have a bestiary full of such high quality monsters in jDoom. I'd love to see an Imp made by you.
Best regards,
I do plan on making another one. I was talking to Kuri Kai about it and he suggested the Spider Mastermind. I was thinking of either the Imp or the Pinky demon as I could do some sculpting and get it pretty high-res. The engine currently dosen't support that, but if the high-res files are there it could be developed later when you get normal maps and so forth.
Have you seen the model that ID made to produce the original sprites?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Spide ... _model.jpg
If anyone could do the Mastermind justice, it would be you.
The Imp would be nice too though -- especially since they're so prevalent.
If you did do the Mastermind, I suppose you'd be able to pull off an Arachnatron with a bit of adjusting, since they're pretty similiar.
An Imp would be my own first choice (as much as I'd drool over a Tea Monster Spider Mastermind) -- since they're everywhere in the game, so it'd be a significant upgrade. But I'll do a happy jig over any anything you do for jDoom.
http://www.garagegames.com/community/fo ... read/82087