The Switchover – Doomsday Blog

edited 2020 Dec 22 in News

The Switchover – Doomsday Blog

Doomsday Blog

Read the full story here


  • edited 2020 Dec 22
    Happy holidays everyone and have a great New Year! *<:-)
  • Congrats on the big refactoring! That's a huge quantity of changes.
  • Wow, that's a lot of change. I don't think I've been so excited for a Doomsday release since sometime before 2.x.
  • edited 2020 Dec 23
    Thanks for the update :)
  • Here are some concrete examples of performance improvements, comparing latest 2.3 RC build to 3.0.
  • very nice x-mas surprise :) .... THX for the update and Happy Holidays, too!
  • edited 2020 Dec 23
    That's a lot of work skyjake, some very exciting stuff in there. Happy holidays to you, looking forward to seeing what 2021 has in store for Doomsday.
  • edited 2020 Dec 25
    It would be interesting to see what the performance is like in huge maps like Foursite. Currently I still have to use other source ports to play it as it drops to <10fps in doomsday 2.x.
  • It would be interesting to see what the performance is like in huge maps like Foursite. Currently I still have to use other source ports to play it as it drops to <10fps in doomsday 2.x.
    Unfortunately, still very bad performance with Foursite in the classic renderer. Maps of that complexity just hit all the old bottlenecks.

    The core problem of the classic renderer is that it (unwisely) runs in a frame-by-frame mode, where each frame is set up and drawn without retaining knowledge of the previous frame. This is a bad idea because a) we are actually rendering many frames in a rapid succession, and b) typically not much changes between frames. So it ends up wasting a lot of time repeating the same tasks over and over.

    The new renderer is designed around the opposite assumption that most data stays the same between frames, and only changes cause expensive work to occur. It's too early to benchmark the new renderer, though, since it's quite incomplete. It lacks some safeguards that are required for large maps like Foursite.
  • Best luck with implementing all planned features and Happy New Year!
  • A project to keep an eye on with regard to the use of MSYS2 :
  • Thanks for the link, that does sound extremely useful. Hopefully they'll progress toward a stable release eventually.
  • @skyjake How is the switchover coming along. Very much looking forward to it.
  • @KuriKai Well, unfortunately 2021 was another hiatus year for the project. I basically failed to reach any of the goals outlined for 2021. From the post:
    Full plate for 2021

    I intend to stick to the yearly release cycle, so the stable Doomsday 3.0 is targeting December 2021
    In the grand tradition of forward-looking statements, this completely missed the mark. I'm not going to set a specific date for when 3.0 will be ready for release, but the to-do list remains the same and the performance showstopper in the Windows build still needs addressing.
  • cool, glad t see its coming along well.

    i just setup windows 11 on both computers. so im set.

    im waiting for the new 3.o looking foward to using it. hopefully mods like aliens eadication can be played.
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