some bugs [Heretic secret levels; PWAD change]
In heretic, a return from the secret level occurs either to an earlier level, or to a later level than necessary
If you close dd with some installed pwad, and then change this pwad, dd stops seeing iwad. Only deleting or editing games.dei can help
If you close dd with some installed pwad, and then change this pwad, dd stops seeing iwad. Only deleting or editing games.dei can help
- Which version of Doomsday are you using.
- Which version of Heretic.
- Example of a secret level where this happens (name or E*M*).
By "change", do you mean you edit the contents of the PWAD? And by "stops seeing iwad" do you mean that the game is not visible in the game library any more?This may be related: for the upcoming version 2.2, I just implemented a feature where a game's chosen PWADs will get updated to the latest version in case you edit them (and their modification timestamp is therefore changed). This feature will be available in the next build of 2.2 and the next unstable 2.3.
iwad from heretic 1.3
I mean third-party megawad, for example WADPAK1.WAD from Magic & Mayhem. Here the transition to the secret level from E1M3, the return occurs to E1M7. With other megawads can be differently Yes, I make some changes to the map, and yes, the game disappears from the library. Rather, all games is not visible.
Did you expect something else? Maybe there is a modding convention I’ve missed regarding secret levels?
That looks rather bad. One possible reason could be that your data file directory setup is somehow unexpected by Doomsday. How have you configured them? (Screenshot of the Data Files dialog?)
But then, in order to maintain a normal sequence of maps, one would have to go to a secret level only from E1M6. However, this is not so, which means it is not very hardcoded
Some megawads in Magic & Mayhem (e.g. EP5A.WAD, TEUTIC.WAD) return to ExM5
And to be more accurate, these aren't actually hardcoded; the progression from ExM9 is defined in the MAPINFO data and can be redefined. (In Doomsday, one could also use the Episode definition to do the same.)
doomsday_good.out - all is well
doomsday_error.out - after changing pwad I did nothing and closed Doomsday
doomsday_try1.out - I tried to assign the folder "data". The pwad folder disappeared, * .ded files appeared, which were in the subfolder "data \ jhrp". I closed Doomsday
doomsday_try2.out - I added a folder with pwad
Windows 7x64, Doomsday x32
Please note that Doomsday always adds its own "data" folder as a folder where data files are loaded. You don't need to manually add it yourself.