Suggestion: Detail Texture scale X AND Y
Such as it is, the detail textures are only allowed one aspect, and that's 1:1 - making it impossible to do 'certain things' ...
And it would be quite useful for such things as I'm going to use them to.

The current versions of Doomsday Engine do not support detail texture scaling in other ways than shrinking the texture to a 1:1 and then down/up-sizing them, which depends on what way the .DED make it do it.
But it would be much better if we had two scaling options, one X, and the other one, Y. Horizontal/Vertical scale.
As it could make possible making detail textures especially for textures with a aspect other than 1:1 (2:1/1:2)
Well, I think that's enough.. I think.
Images-Hack-Us XD
And only few textures are in a 1:1 aspect. Most are either 1:2 or 2:1
Edit: Euugh, I missed the point.
..Thus forcing to either make a half of the texture the detail texture, or make textures for them that don't look like them. They'll still add some depth, but it won't be quite as effective as doing it with the texture itself.
I just don't see how it could be better..
As this is the one merged with it.
And this one is just the texture rendered with the detail texture.
Although it might be because I don't know how to combine them correctly.
Fixing the darkness problem isn't difficult. As you can just set it's strength down in the DED file.