Can I play the episode "No Rest for the Living" of doom 2 with Doomsday Engine?
Hi there. A long time ago, when I first met doom 2, I loved it. I remember the day my father brought it home in floppy drives. I've kept that game (and quite some more) for a long time, but a few years ago I bought Doom 3: BFG Edition. It contains Doom 3, Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil; and it also contains the games Doom, and Doom 2. Since I played this last two so many times already, I never payed any attention to them. But, one day, just for fun, I started Doom 2 in BFG Edition. And, big surprise, there are two episodes of Doom 2: Hell on Earth, AND "No Rest for the Living". I didn't know that episode even existed, although I coulnd't keep track of all the new scenarios of Doom 2 that came for many years before Doom 3. To give you an idea, I didn't know of the Plutonia and TNT episodes, until I saw them on Steam, and bought Final Doom. So, the question is, is there any way to play this episode with the Engine? It would be most amazing, I remember the last playthrough I did when I played TNT with hd graphics, and 3d stereo vision of the engine, it was incredible. Is there any way to do it?
I haven't done extensive testing with No Rest of the Living, though. Please report any gameplay issues you encounter.