BFG shot "glare" flash

I'm getting a visual glare when the bfg shot explodes. When I fire it and while the shot is traveling everything is fine but when it hits the target/wall/etc I get a green tint that fills part of my screen for a split second. Almost like the rad-suit effect. I'm on a wide screen 1920x1080 and while the radsuid effect fills my screen this quick bfg flash only fills the center of my screen like a 4:3 resolution. Any idea where this is coming from?

I'm running 2.0.2 Doomsday


  • Could you post your doomsday.out log file? This will have have details about your computer and OpenGL drivers.

    I suspect there's some glitch with OpenGL since this looks like a missing texture.

    Does the same issue occur if you set the "rend-halo" cvar to zero?
  • edited 2018 Mar 28
    While its on my mind I didnt think to mention that the red flash when I take damage and the title screen are the same. Once I'm home I'll post that log file. I do have a lot of mod/ hr pack files that I activate in the deng front-end menu.
  • Here's the log. Yes it still happens with rend-halo = 0 I tried turning off a couple of mod files too. BFG shot, dent-dhtp-20150723 and the GUI Pack just in case but that didn't change anything either.
  • edited 2018 Mar 27
    It could be one of the mods that's causing the problem. This can be verified by starting the game with a blank game profile. You could try creating a new empty Doom profile in the Home screen and see if the same glitch occurs.
  • I created a new profile for Doom with no packages selected and started it up. The title screen and map screen are still small - not widescreen. The red flash when I take damage is working correctly now, it's full screen. The green flash for the BFG impact however is completely gone. I just see the original starburst sprite. I think I remember the red "pain" flash was in the original game but the bfg flash was not is that right? If so I'll have to figure out with pk3 file has that addon. That will be a chore... Also when you or anyone else here play the game on a wide screen do the title screen and map screens appear full screen?
  • txcrix wrote: »
    The title screen and map screen are still small - not widescreen.
    This is correct, no widescreen. This is due to the dimensions of the images used for the title and intermission screens. They are tailored for 4:3 format monitors which were common standard back in the early 1990s when DOOM was released.

    Display of the game levels can be easily extended from original 4:3 to widescreen format by showing more visible content of the map. For the static title and intermission screens there is simply no more content to be shown than what you actually see, the related images would need to be recreated from scratch for widescreen display.
    txcrix wrote: »
    I think I remember the red "pain" flash was in the original game but the bfg flash was not is that right?
    Yes, that's correct.
    txcrix wrote: »
    If so I'll have to figure out with pk3 file has that addon. That will be a chore...
    I already identified the addon, but didn't feel to raise yet another bug report until some of the currently reported ones would be fixed.

    The pain/BFG flash issue is related to the jDoom Resource Pack JDRP.PK3 that contains a definition file named jDRP-ScreenEffects.ded. This defintion redefines the IDs "PLAY_PAIN" (player damage flash) and "BFGLAND" (BFG flash).

    "PLAY_PAIN" definition contains a line "Rect painfx 0 0 320 200" which sets the 4:3 format resolution 320x200 for the effect.
    # Red Pain Flash
    State { ID = "PLAY_PAIN" Sprite = "PLAY" Frame = 6 Tics = 4 Execute = "startinf painflashfx" Next State = "PLAY_PAIN2" }
    InFine { ID = "painflashfx"
      Script {
        IFNOT netgame DO
        ColorAlpha 0 0 0 0
        Rect painfx 0 0 320 200
        Ximage painfx "Painflash"
        Alpha painfx 0.7
        In 0.5
        Alpha painfx 0.4
        Wait 0.5
        In 1
        Alpha painfx 0
        Wait 1
      } }

    "BFGLAND" does not have such a setting, yet it displays in 4:3 format, too.
    # Real simple BFG Whiteout
    State { ID = "BFGLAND" Sprite = "BFE1" Frame = 32768 Tics = 8 Next State = "BFGLAND2" Execute = "startinf bfgwhiteout" }
    InFine { ID = "bfgwhiteout"
      Script {
        IFNOT netgame DO
        ColorAlpha 0 0 0 0
        Wait 0.08
        ColorAlpha 1 1 1 0.3
        In 0.7
        ColorAlpha 0.4 1 0.4 0
        Wait 0.7
      } }

    Additionally, a Death Blood drip effect is defined for ID "PLAY_DIE6/PLAY_XDIE8" which has the same 4:3 format display issue.
    # Death Blood Drip
    State { ID = "PLAY_DIE6" Sprite = "PLAY" Frame = 12 Tics = 10 Execute = "startinf blooddrip" Next State = "PLAY_DIE7" }
    State { ID = "PLAY_XDIE8" Sprite = "PLAY" Frame = 21 Tics = 5 Execute = "startinf blooddrip" Next State = "PLAY_XDIE9" }
    InFine { ID = "blooddrip"
      Script {
        IFNOT netgame DO
        ColorAlpha 0 0 0 0
        Rect redbox 0 -280 0 0
        FillColor redbox TOP 0.326 0.019 0.019 0.2
        FillColor redbox BOTTOM 0.35 0.04 0.04 0.7
        ScaleXY redbox 320 200
        Rect deadfx 0 -80 320 10
        XImage deadfx "Deaddrip"
        Alpha deadfx 0.7
        In 4
        ColorAlpha 1 0 0 0.2
        ScaleXY deadfx 320 300
        Y deadfx 200
        Y redbox 0
        Wait 4
        In 3
        ColorAlpha 0.15 0 0 0.5
        Wait 3
        GOTO LOOP
      } } 

    I tried to fix the definition by either modifying or removing the lines containing the resolution info, unfortunately without succeeding.
  • I remember playing this on the heavy crt's back then. Been awhile since I played with this and I was thinking the updated title screen and map screen had been drawn to be full screen too. Sorry about that. No big deal if it can't be fixed, I still enjoy playing it. Thanks for looking into this, I'm glad you were able to find the culprit. :smile:
  • edited 2018 Mar 29
    deus-ex wrote: »
    For the static title and intermission screens there is simply no more content to be shown than what you actually see, the related images would need to be recreated from scratch for widescreen display.
    Doomsday does offer an option to retain the original aspect ratio (by default), or to stretch the content to fit the full screen size.

    Since these effects are done with the InFine animation system that also draws the "finale" text/slideshow screens, you should be able to fix the effects by setting the Finales aspect ratio setting to "Stretched", as shown here.

  • I wasn't aware of this option as it is only available after starting up DOOM, it is not accessible from the launcher and I must have completely overlooked it. I'm sure I had such a setting activated in the older v1.x Doomsday releases. This corrects the pain/BFG flash and the Blood drip effect, too. Nice.

    I expected that stretching the images would be looking awful, but it is not that apparent. I wonder though what the default setting "smart" is supposed to do, does it even work as intended? This was my previous default setup for all four aspect ratio options, which still presented all affected items in a 4:3 ratio.
  • The “smart” option keeps the aspect ratio approximately at 4:3, so the images don’t get overly stretched. It’s most useful when running in a window, I suppose, because it reverts to non-stretched mode when running at 16:9.
  • edited 2018 Mar 30
    skyjake wrote: »
    Doomsday does offer an option to retain the original aspect ratio (by default), or to stretch the content to fit the full screen size.

    Y'know, I actually knew about that and now I remember I decided I liked the 1:1 size for the menus and finale screen. Remember in my original post where I mentioned the flashes were the same small size (1:1) as the menu etc.? Well it just dawned on me that there might be a connection. When I set player weapons to stretch the bfg flash fills the screen. Ok, that makes sense. But setting finales to stretch (only finales) the pain flash fills the screen properly too.... Well it's fixed now lol, interesting :)
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