Heretic Blood & Magic particle mod
Partice mod for Heretic demonstration is here. The quality is low, sorry.
I used Reshade in video.

Download &nd Magic fx v0.5.rar?dl=0
I used Reshade in video.

Download &nd Magic fx v0.5.rar?dl=0
Is the mod available for downloading somewhere?
To be nitpicky I'd also say the Dragon claw explosion would look better if the particles didn't live for so much time after the sprite has disappeared.
A lot of Heretic's missile explosion sprites simply shrink and/or fade. I've always wondered whether at least some of these sprites could be replaced with smooth scaling textured particles.
Something else to consider is that DDay also allows you to attach sounds to particles
Or simply modify the .ded
I believe the files in the .rar above are meant to be loaded as part of a modified libheretic.pk3, i.e., one would need to unzip libheretic.pk3, replace the files from the .rar, and re-zip it back together.