Advice for getting started with modding (Heretic)
Greetings good people!
I am looking for advice/info/links on doing mods for Heretic (DE v2) - such as what tools are most common (Windows platform) etc.. I am new to the modding world, although I've been a huge fan of DE for years. I've been a software engineer for 31+ years so I do have a technical background, and I've worked with Photoshop and some other tools to build graphics for my software and web-site. But I do not have any experience working with 3D modeling or modding in general, so I'll be starting from ground zero there.
I have done some error troubleshooting with jHRP and created jHRP2 for use with DE v2, but that's as far as I've gotten so far. My first task is to enhance the pack with better textures or any items I find that are better than what's there already.
Whatever I can accomplish will ALWAYS go back to the community of course!
Thanks in advance for any insight or pointers!
I am looking for advice/info/links on doing mods for Heretic (DE v2) - such as what tools are most common (Windows platform) etc.. I am new to the modding world, although I've been a huge fan of DE for years. I've been a software engineer for 31+ years so I do have a technical background, and I've worked with Photoshop and some other tools to build graphics for my software and web-site. But I do not have any experience working with 3D modeling or modding in general, so I'll be starting from ground zero there.
I have done some error troubleshooting with jHRP and created jHRP2 for use with DE v2, but that's as far as I've gotten so far. My first task is to enhance the pack with better textures or any items I find that are better than what's there already.
Whatever I can accomplish will ALWAYS go back to the community of course!
Thanks in advance for any insight or pointers!
If you are looking for a Doomsday Engine mapping features, I think the skyjake may help you.
If you are encourage yourself to make a classic (DE1.x) or modern (DE2.x) 3D models, I will be glad to help you.
I will certainly contact theleo_ua and see if he can offer any insight!
I don't think I'm ready to create new maps just yet, however, that is definitely a goal of mine because I haven't found that many (good) wads for Heretic!
As for models, yes I am definitely interested in creating/enhancing the models for DE2.
Even though I do not (yet) have a very good graphics card to work with, I will be investing in one very soon!
For now I am reading all the Wiki docs I can find!
Can you give me a brief synopsis of exactly what things can be modded in DE?
I downloaded md2viewer to view an md2 model but it was so basic I can't imagine it's a popular app!
What apps do you use?
I've been reading Wiki docs and in the section Modding->Author's Guide
it mentions "map creation and editing" and "game modding".
For now, I'm putting map creation/editing aside and focusing on what I have always referred to as "resource packs" or just "packages". Are these the 2 main concepts in modding DE?
The resource pack I have started to edit is jHRP.
If I wanted to replace a texture or a 3D model in it, how would I proceed?
I have renamed & unzipped the original .pk3 file, so I can see .png files as well as .tga files, as well as .ded files and others. I have been looking through the .ded files and understand a bit but I'm still learning!
Is there somewhere in the Wiki data that explains the format of textures?
I am fairly familiar with Photoshop and use it as my graphics tool.
This is fascinating stuff! :-) A wonderful change from the boring coding I normally do!
In the "Packages" section I see the following:
"A Doomsday 2 package is a folder or a ZIP archive that uses the .pack extension and contains the required metadata that describes the contents of the package."
But immediately after that, I see:
"Below is an example of what a package might look like."
and sample data for a package of some sort.
Well - my obvious question is - if a package can be a folder or zip archive - WHAT IS THIS EXAMPLE?
What file is it? What is it named?! LOL
I am a tad frustrated by the volume of information, and yet, lack of structure.
I am happy to volunteer my time to help organize the vast information into more usable knowledge based data that people like myself can use more easily.
And step 1 is - WHAT is the file described at the top of the page
You can also replace a music and sounds and tweak a game mechanics a bit.
It's better to take any of the existing addons and see what inside it for a starting point.
MD2 format is outdated and none of the modern 3d editing packages support it. You can rely on a Blender (old 2.49 version), Milkshape3D or MisfitModel3d.
I used a long way to get Md2s. I used Houdini for modeling an animations, then I exported a static model in bind pose in OBJ, and vertex animation in MDD. Then I imported a model and animation in Blender 2.49 and export a rough MD2 from it. Then I used an old quake mdl viewer to clean up unused animation frames and finally I used md2tool to assign "skin0" and build up normals and "strips" and "fans".
DE using a definition files (*.ded) for everything. All game resources defined in a file "objects.ded" inside "lib(gamename).pk3"
You can redefine any resource from it.
I suggest you to use a png format. It's lossless and in the same time it's pretty compact.
The example is a files structure. It can be a folder or ZIP archive as said. Personally I use a folder for a testing and a ZIP archive for distributing. The names are logically interpreted the nesting of the resources. It separates by a dot (.)
You can see my own Hexen package. It's the only existing package in a new format at the time.
It has loads of great information!!!
I have some more questions if you can clarify!
You said md2 is outdated - what is the new preferred format? Is it dmd or md5?
Can you clarify "then I exported a static model in bind pose in OBJ, and vertex animation in MDD."? I'm not familiar with mdd although I am familiar with obj files, but I doubt these are the same. I am a c# programmer, and obj files are object, or intermediary compilation files. Again, I doubt the same.
Files... .ded - got it - and .png - got it as well!
I will look through your Hexen package and learn what I can!
THANK YOU again!
I used it only to get animation out from Houdini.
Oh my! I think I am in over my head now! LOL
I am definitely not a 3D or animation expert!
I'm pretty good with Photoshop but that's about it! LOL
This is the first time I have heard about .MDD and Houdini!
In another post I got replies that suggested to me that .fbx was the "new and accepted" preferred format, and .md5 as well. Is that not right or am I just not understanding some fundamental concepts?
Sorry to butt in here... yes, .fbx is more or less the 'go to' format for games nowadays. I've had the most success with .fbx as far as program interoperability (I use Softimage, MODO Indi, Silo [no .fbx in Silo though
That said...Ulitmate Unwrap 3D (HUGE list of import/export of 3D and 2D formats) is what I'm used to for UV'ing (still getting a handle on MODO's), as well as any conversion issues. If you have never learned a 3D program, however, if I were you I'd try and learn Blender. It's free, very powerful, and an absolute nightmare for someone to learn if they already know a "standard 3D package". But if you've never learned hotkeys or common ways of 'working with/in a 3D package', then you probably won't have any trouble at all.
Anyway, I'll go crawl back under my rock now.
Paul L. Ming
Thank you for the info and advice, Blender does seem to be a good choice and I'll get rolling with it asap! Do you have any advice to offer for doing a pwad (for Heretic)? My goals are to make a couple graphics enhancements, models and/or possibly a few textures, and hopefully if I can figure it out, maybe a new pwad as well. I love all the games but Heretic is my favorite so I'm focusing on that for now. If you have any advice about tools/methods for doing a pwad I'm all ears and greatly thankful in advance!
And THANK YOU again for coming out from under your rock to share some insight & advice!!! This community has always been a thing of wonder, having been a fringe lurker since the early days, and I cannot express my thanks to all those involved as words wouldn't do it justice. All I can say is THANK YOU sincerely, and all my best.
Peace Mate!