Kudos for such a slick engine :)
Hi, this is the first time I tried Doomsday. Sometimes I have to go back to the classics to remind me how advanced something like Far Cry 4 is. I was fishing around for a good Doom engine source port and found Doomsday. After some initial confusion; where was the slick in game menu I'd seen ? I found I had to start the front end first then go into the game. I then found one of slickest source ports I've ever seen. The game looks great B-) I had to disable some of the materials settings to bring back that pixellated look which I prefer to bilinear filtered textures. But the balance of staying true to the original game and adding some new features is perfect. At no point did I feel that new effects looked out of place. The in game menu is really nice with the settings being changed in realtime in the engine. Kudos to the developers for a very nice piece of coding. I made a video to show the in game menu and how the changes can be seen in realtime - https://youtu.be/pc0Qt7dTI4I
I am also wondering how to start into the pre game selection screen (after the front end) as I quite like it but it only seems to come up in certain circumstances.
At the moment, Doomsday doesn't support any kind of demos.
If you start Doomsday directly via the Doomsday.exe executable, it will start in the Home screen, although in currently available releases it doesn't offer options for loading add-ons.
Ah, so that's why
Maybe on the future ? Might be nice to have user made in game demo's that cycle or something like that.
Right got it now
Just wanted to add to your kudos :-)