Setting up Multiplayer
Hi there. Quick question: I noticed that when playing in multiplayer mode, there are more weapons, more ammo, and weapons and ammo that aren't there in single player (in Heretic, for example, in the first level of the first episode, there's ammo for the hellstaff and the hellstaff itself if I remember correctly). I'd like that there was only the weapons and the ammo that it's there in single player. I'd also like that there wasn't friendly fire, so my friend and I don't hurt each other with our shots. Could anybody tell me wich commands should I type in the shell in order to achieve both things in heretic, please? I'm asking because I've seen the list of commands of the shell, and it's huge, and it would take me a lot of time to learn how to handle them all.
Thanks in advance!!
P.S.: Also, is there currently any way to save the game in multiplayer?
Thanks in advance!!
P.S.: Also, is there currently any way to save the game in multiplayer?
There doesn't appear to be cvar's for Heretic to do any of the things you wish. Only for Doom...
This cvar will remove multiplayer flagged weapons in Doom: ... -noweapons. But I recall this one being broken long long ago.
These cvars will disable friendly fire in Doom; the first meant for co-op and the second for team deathmatch: ... p-nodamage ... teamdamage
Saving in multiplayer has been disabled since the new save game system was implemented, with a view to re-adding at a later date.
What I mean is that there is ammmo and weapons in multiplayer mode that shouldn't be there , because the level doesn't really have them. For example, the hellstaff and the ammo for the hellstaff shouldn't be there in the first level, it's there only in multiplayer mode. I'd like to play the levels exactly like in the single player mode, with the ammo and weapons proper to the level. I mean, play the game exactly like the original, but with a friend.
Simply put, I'd like to:
1) Ammo, weapons and items to remain like they are originally in single player mode,
2) Disable friendly fire.
That's all. If friendly fire it's not possible, that's fine anyway, but I'd like the ammo, weapons and items to remain original.
Is there any way?
When one places a thing in a Vanilla Doom or Vanilla Heretic map, one has the option to set what skill levels it appears on (1+2, 3 and/or 4+5), wheter it appears in both singleplayer and multiplayer or just in multiplayer and a couple of other things. Things appear for and can be picked up, by all players.
There are a couple of exceptions to this rule depending on the MP mode you are playing; key's and pre-placed weapon pickups may not be removed when you pick them up, allowing them to be picked up by each player in the game. Vanilla Doom has three MP modes; co-op, DM1 and DM2. Vanilla Heretic only has the first two.
Various source ports have added MP features and extended unique MP features from game X to game Y. Doomsday has added server cvars (see the Dday Wiki pages I linked to above) to both disable MP flagged items from appearing and also to disable friendly fire, but only in Doom. Dday has not added similar options to Heretic I'm afraid.
What is a skill level?
That's what it happened when I played multiplayer with my friend, but only with the keys. The weapons, the ammo and the items only appeared once, and once picked up, they didn't appear again. Which is good, because that's the way I wanna play.
I had no idea about them. I just started the map in the shell, and then my friend and I joined the server with the client. How do I choose bewteen them?
I saw the links, but I don't know what they are. What are the cvars? Does cvar stands for Console Variables? How do I use them exactly? It looks like, with them, even if I can't do what I wanted, I still can use them to tune up the game pretty good.
The skill levels are what you see on the main menu when you start a new single player game; 'Hurt me plenty' etc. It may be worth noting that while people call them skills 1-5, internally, they are actually refereed to as 0-4.
Doomsday defaults to the Deathmatch 1 game mode when you start a server. To use the other modes, one has to start their MP server with certain cvars...
'cvar' is indeed short for console variable. Dday has two consoles, one in game, accessed with the '`' key by default and another in the shell for MP cvars. One can also enter several MP cvars when they first create a server, using the options box.
As such, type the cvars I linked to above into the shell console in Doom (or enter them in the options box when you start the server). Unfortunately, the wiki indicates those particular ones won't work in Heretic (notice the 'libDoom' at the bottom of the pages): though I imagine that might change in future.
Here is the full list of cvars in Doomsday: I've deliberately linked to the third page of the list as it features the 'sever XYZ cvars', which are meant for MP games. ... f#mw-pages
Also in future, the Shell will be getting a GUI, so one won't have to worry about cvars so much.
Oh, my. How silly of me
Got it.
About that. I'm trying to use the server-game-episode and the server-game-map cvars for specifying wich episode and map I wanna start, but I can only do that after I started the server, and the server starts specifically in episode 1 and map 1. I type the commands in the shell console, and it's like nothing happens. It echoes the commands I press if they are properly typed, but the shell remains in the episode 1, map 1. How can I use the cvars to specify, for example, map 3 of episode 4? I typed server-game-episode, but nothing happens. I type server-game-episode 1, the same result. In both cases, it only echoes the command in bold in the shell console, but that's all. What am I doing wrong?
Many cvars when entered after a server has started, won't take affect until a map change.
It may be worth noting that there is also the simpler 'warp X Y' cvar, that also works in MP, for switching maps.
Uhm, it didn't work, but I don't fully understand it. Could you please write exactly how should I enter the commands in the console to start episode 2 and map 6? I believe that with a concrete example I'll understand it.
In that case, how do I restart the server? I can see how to stop it and start it, but not how to restart it in the GUI.
In that case too, I'll ask you the same: How do I write that command in the console to go to episode 2, map 6? I don't understand what X and Y are.