Doomsday 1.9.0-beta6.7 Released
Version 1.9.0-beta6.7 has been released. The OS X package is already up and is available to download from The Windows package will be available to download shortly and the source package will likely follow later on this evening. Release notes are to be found in the wiki: ... .0-beta6.7 as usual.
This confirms my suspicions that it was a 6.6 bug, and I'm glad it is fixed and it was just a bug and me not doing something wrong in the map. I even watched that map on youtube to make sure I didn't forget how to activate the door.
DE will be absolutely perfect once that random clipping through the wall bug is taken care of, as well as just a few little things.
This port is going to be godly once it reaches 2.0.
About the exit fix, the Heretic problem where the last level of each episode automatically finishes and shows the ending text when you get to it through the level before is still present. But it's a Heretic-only problem so far.
Just a random thought... what would you think of it if an open-source doom server component and standard (or something to that effect) was created to 'integrate' the different doom ports multiplayer-wise, so for example people that use ZDoom could play with people using Skulltag and people using Doomsday?
I see some clipping/wall popouts are fixed, such as the front-centre square room bit on E1M6. Although charging into a diagonal wall on an angle still makes you "bounce" off it. Regardless, very good. I've decided to play through all the Dooms and test out everything. Thanks Deng team!
It happens when you go to the second last level and then exit it, and then you get the intermission, it shows you what's the next level (the last one), and then shows the ending text.
That's just an idea for the future maybe, I still got to take my time to check out the source code of some ports and see what they do. But for example, the Doom gameplay multiplayer data is still there, and that's some start (a tricky and probably meaningless one but it's there), I have yet to see what's up with those multiplayer components and try to compare them and come up with something; then find some people that like this kind of stuff to kind of help me doing this xP
Obviously it would be a little bit hard to do something that would do that without changes to the ports, what I meant is like, kind of a plugin library which would be developed and tested by the people involved in the project, starting by getting one of the open-source ports and editing it to fit the lib and test it out, then after that show the project leaders of the different source ports the proposal, and see if they take it or not (hopefully they will
The idea then would be to make some multiplayer lib which would have a standard and efficient way of mp communication, which obviously would require some changing on the ports, but would try to make the work simple on the porter's end to change into the standards. That's not something we could get in the near future, but it's an idea to look up for later. I'd kind of think this as like XHTML, it's there, it's standardized, but people get to choose whether they standardize their sites or not, doing it is for good IMO.
OK I have been babbling too much about my random ideas and I probably butchered the english language once or twice in the mean time, and I haven't even checked the source code of one of the ports, guess I'll just shut up now xD
Here's a link to the page when I discoverd a texture pegging issue:
DOOM 1 episode 1 ending:
I've just tried this for myself in a fresh install of 1.9.0-beta6.7 without any addons loaded. After stepping onto the IOS floor I was teleported to the black ending room. After a few moments of being mauled by demons the episode ending animation played as expected.
Skull Drago:
I have moved your post to the Technical Support forum here, so that we can try to resolve the issue you are having.
I just finished Episode 1 of Ultimate Doom last night, with most of the addons, and it works for me too. Strange.
EDIT: My reply to you SkullDrago is over here - viewtopic.php?f=7&t=199
I tested it with an new install from Doomsday Engine 1.9.0-beta6.7 and an other wad file but i have the problem too.
Oh, and these are external files stored in data/jdoom/music. I don't have them in a WAD or PK3 or anything.
I've been using the same music pack with Doomsday forever - up until the beta versions started and broke good mp3 support. Taking that into consideration, I'd say it's not a problem with the "addon", but with the beta versions of Doomsday. I'm sure I could jump through some hoops and get the music working again - but to be honest, I don't really feel like it. I'm a patient person, and can wait until Dani and Skyjake fix the issues with Mp3 playback. If I ever feel the need to play Doom "right now", then I'm sure I'll create a DED file and get mp3s working the "hard" way. To tell you the truth though, I haven't sat down and played Doom/Heretic/Hexen seriously in several years - about the time the beta versions started. I've never lost interest in the games themselves, but was quite saddened by the sudden turn the community took for the worst.
That being said, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I think the community might finally perk up again. Once that happens (and the beta versions come to a close), I'm sure I'll sit down and play these games seriously once again. Wow, did I just type all that?
Let me know how many times the interpreter falls asleep.
Man, we're so lucky. Not only do the Developers here give us the best Doom-Engine remake in existence, for free, but now they do personal addon bugtesting and fixing? That's news to me... and here I was taking the effort to learn on my own!
Yes, being a smart ass again. But as I said, Beta 6.7 works FINE with my own made music addon. It has a mix of MP3's and Oggs, and it never drops out/fails or falls back to MIDI with any map change. It is not a problem with Beta 6.7, make sure you're using SDL Mixer and you've selected 'External Files' instead of 'MUS' as the Music Source in the Audio ControlPanel.
I already gave examples of correct syntax and folder structure for a PK3, but yeah... instead of hassling one of the developers to take a special personal interest in your case, why not open a thread so someone else can help? That's half the reason the forum is here
So why not drop on over to your original thread at viewtopic.php?f=3&t=161 and share your current DED files (if any), or just the filename list of your MP3's and I'll even build the DED's, it'll take a couple of minutes. Or better yet, I can PM you FTP details to upload the 400MB+ music pack for me and I will make a snowberry addon myself and share the link in the forum if anyone else wants it - because i'd like to have it too. You might have better quality tracks than the ones I made.
The irony here is that I've donated money to Skyjake in the past. I never felt the need to bring this up once (and I never have), because it was my own choice - but your comment kind of brought it out of me. Don't pass judgments here.
I'm aware of that. But I'm also aware of the fact that Skyjake and Dani will most likely fix the issue I'm experiencing in the near future, rendering my pack usable once again. Like I already said, I have a LOT of patience (you have to for source ports like this). That is all I was getting at.
You are right. It's been a problem since about beta 6.3, so it's not ONLY an issue with 6.7. My mp3s work just fine with 1.9.0 and every release that supported mp3s before that (years of releases).
Heh. As if I haven't already tried all that. I even stated this in an earlier post.
When did I ever hassle the developers? I strictly stated that I was "sad with the turn the community has made". I was mostly referring to the resource packs, and how development slowed on them extremely after the beta versions started. Truth is, I'm willing to wait as long as it takes, so I hardly call that hassling. Every post I've made here has simply been to report bugs and help Dani find the cause. Where did I hassle anybody?
I'd be willing to do this. PM me the details.
It doesn't, but that wouldn't be hard to do. Just so we are clear, I'm not mad at you in any way. If I ever seemed harsh, then I apologize. I did, however, feel the need to defend myself on a few points - because I don't ever feel I have been unfaithful to this community. I've stayed patient with Skyjake (and the new developers, including Dani J) and the development of this engine from the very first few releases ever. And I'll continue being patient.
Maybe I am just trying (in a fair poor way I might add
Hassle is a common word here in Australia, don't take it too seriously - I need to remember to keep the slang to a minimum, thanks for the reminder. All i was saying was that you could of asked someone else who isn't as busy, but as you said it's not an immediate pressing matter to you - and you seem convinced that it's a Doomsday problem and not an addon problem. Which is fine. Something must have changed to break the syntax or virtual folder mapping somehow, I dunno. Regardless I can take a look at it and get something working I reckon.
Well it's true MP3/External files were broken in the beta series, but all i'm saying is that as soon as the dd-buffer rotation 'trick' was implemented in Beta 6.5 (I think) my pack here has worked flawlessly, with all the other addons too (DRP + DUIP + DHTP) so i'm convinced it's just a matter of getting the scripts right.
I do understand where you're comming from. Part of the reason why i'm here trying to learn and help the other users is in hope that, well, it helps the project for the better of all. I'm not doing this for brownie points or to become anyones' favorite, i'm definately not here to try and attain a throne status or work towards a moderator position as I have too much responsibility of my own, all I want to see is Deng grow and succeed. Just like everyone. I'm not saying i'm more commited than anyone else by always hanging around here, it's something I just enjoy. I'm in my mid twenties, i'm single, and I work from home - so i'd go as far to say that Forum'ing is a hobby.
Well we've gone way off topic there but it's good to get those things cleared up. Friction between two people can completely ruin a forum i've seen, so even if I was offended in the slightest bit I would of just ignored it
I'll set up an FTP account and PM you the details in about five minutes
Haha, sounds just like me, except I don't work from home. I'm also in my mid-twenties, and have enjoyed being part of many forums as a hobby. You'll see me around in just about every old gaming community forum out there! I don't like to argue either, so I'm not really sure what came over me this time. I also try to contribute to most of the source ports I follow, by releasing little improvements/enhancements here and there. Lately, I've been contributing the most to the Quake community, because the action there died down and I'm trying to liven it up. To be honest, I don't know why I've stopped doing a lot of that for the Doomsday community. I feel kind of drained, and guess I'm just patiently waiting for a stable version before I come back full throttle. I think a lot of other people feel the same way. I'm usually the type of person that feels, "if you want it done, you have to do it yourself". If I came across as an ungrateful jerk for what Skyjake, Dani J, and other developers have done, then I apologize to everyone.
Anyway, I will most certainly have the mp3 pack on standby.
And I don't know why I surfed DoomWorld and NewDoom forums for so many years and never even bothered making one comment or post or suggestion either. I'm a closet Doomer :-O
FTP details sent. Take your time, I've got a busy week and weekend comming up anyway. Now we should really reserve this thread for Beta 6.7 related posts :-/
Still, I assure you all i'm not pulling this out of my ass - MP3 plays fine on mine, with a DED header sample line like so in File.pk3/Defs/jDoom/Auto/Doom1_Soundtrack.ded: ...but I won't dismiss the rare possibility that my current machine is 'lucky'. We'll figure it out though.