Can't get to Hypostyle without using noclip
I've tried version 1.14.4 and 1.15.0 #1245. In both versions, I throw the 6 switches so that the paintings on Shadow Wood are bright but the door to the portal that goes to the Hypostyle won't open. The only way to continue is to noclip. After noclipping through the door I can use the portal but at least one thing doesn't work right there. The Wayvern gets stuck at the bottom of the column in the middle of the lava. I've tried it a few times and he always gets stuck.
But, it was reported as fixed for 1.14.4.
But i also had trouble in Seven Portals, after getting the keys, one set of sidedoors (the 2 beside the entrance to Guardian of Ice) also didint open. Again, i redid that entire part again without saving and reloading and then they worked as they should.
It seems there is a problem with the game saving the puzzle switches state between saving and reloading a game.
Also, the secret door to Sacred Grove didint trigger.
I'm currently checking to see that the save data is actually being written correctly...
EDIT: Found the problem, its a serialized ACS state read/write discrepancy. Preparing a fix...
- First time through only 4 of 6 panels lit up despite my having thrown all 6 switches.
- Second time through I got all 6 panels to light, but door still won't open.
Seriously, thanks for the reply. I think I'll go play something else till 1.15 is out. Let me know if you'd like me to test the fix.