Disabling Weapon Raise/Lower Animation

edited 2013 Apr 16 in DOOM
I can see that this is probably similar to the weapon bobbing animation but I'll ask anyways.

We have a 3D weapon with a custom Raise/Lower animation but we cannot find a way to disable the vanilla animation which is interfering with ours causing undesirable results.

Is there a way to disable the vanilla raise/lower animation through our DED? Or is this similar to the weapon bobbing animation where we have no control over that yet?


  • The 'static' field in a weapons defs (You can find the weapon defs in values.ded)?

    Setting it to 1 instead of 0 prevents the weapon graphic from visually lowering/raising and instead makes it disapear.

    IIRC that field is broken in Dday 1.9/1.10 though and hasn't been repaired yet.
    Weapon Info {
      0 {
        Type = "noammo";
        Up = "PUNCHUP";
        Down = "PUNCHDOWN";
        Ready = "PUNCH";
        Atk = "PUNCH1";
        Flash = "NULL";
        Owned = "1";
        Static = "0";
  • Interesting. I'll plug that in to see what happens. Not that I don't believe you that it is broke. Thanks V.
  • Very interesting :)

    I know exactly what NiuHaka is thinking here as I have also been banging my head against the desk trying to get around this issue.

    I think your on to something here, lets hope it gets fixed soon - yay
  • Vermil wrote:
    IIRC that field is broken in Dday 1.9/1.10 though and hasn't been repaired yet.
    I tested this and yeah, it's broken for sprites but not for 3D models.

    I fixed it for the sprites as well. It will be included in the 1.10.1 patch. Here's the change: https://github.com/skyjake/Doomsday-Eng ... f65919494a
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