Steam launch options?
How would I go about getting steam to load each game without snowberry?
Edit: i just want to beable to load the games with Steam Big Picture
Edit: i just want to beable to load the games with Steam Big Picture
You can use Snowberry itself to figure out which arguments to specify by choosing a game profile and then right-clicking on the Play button to view the arguments which will be passed by Snowberry to Doomsday. Alternatively, you can consult the Command Line Options Reference at the wiki, although this may be slightly out of date (ask if you get stuck or need further help).
Edit: Hmmmmmm..... it seems that steam dose not support launch options for shortcuts anymore
Edit2: this is harder then it looks yes i can get all the files needed but how to get them to load need to experiment if the snowberry/addons folder is checked first before anyother folder so i could go -f mywad.wad and it would load as that would make it easier to make the batch files.
Edit3: Question where dose the doomsday.exe look for config files? also what command line options are available in the windows shortcut option as thats how steam looks at it.
Use that as a basis and add to it. Note though that you'll likely hit the character limit, so using a response file would be better.
Edit: it worked like i had hoped in that it acts like a batch file for the purpose of the command line problem so now i can get it to how i want with out adding the exe. that makes it more useful as an example here is what i have in the one i called doom2 and it works. now the hard task is to get the JDoom resource pack in there witch is going to be hell for me unless i can find an easier way
Edit: the Virtual Directory mapping is what i wanted thanks for the help how once i get this done i can make a tutorial explaining how to do it. aka adding all the games dday supports onto steam.
This will come in very handy