Particles blending mode changes
I have bug (or a feature
I compiled new jXCCP, and then I play Hexen as Mage, and shot with a wand, I get particles change blending mode from additive to plain alpha. You can see it in this video. An Afrit particles and torches become alphablended then I shot with a wand. The problem is in \jXCCP_121.pk3\Defs\jHexen\Auto\Missiles\M-Wand.ded. Then I delete it the problem is gone.
Testing configuration:
Windows 7 64-bit
NVidia 540M
Doomsday 1.9.8-1

I compiled new jXCCP, and then I play Hexen as Mage, and shot with a wand, I get particles change blending mode from additive to plain alpha. You can see it in this video. An Afrit particles and torches become alphablended then I shot with a wand. The problem is in \jXCCP_121.pk3\Defs\jHexen\Auto\Missiles\M-Wand.ded. Then I delete it the problem is gone.
Testing configuration:
Windows 7 64-bit
NVidia 540M
Doomsday 1.9.8-1