Maps Have thing limit???
Hi, nodtilor here whit a problem, i moded the map E3M7 "limbo" of ultimate doom, i add a little modifications based in sectors and some extra thing all ok, but in a moment i added more things using doom builder, i can see the things in doom builder but in game surprise!! the things dont appear.
this is a image of the things (marked in red) in doom builder, all ok i mark all dificult lvl boxes and...all ok

But in game de things dont appear

I dont touch enything in doom builder, or doomsday engine (1.9.0 beta 4) i really dont understand wath happen.
so my question is the maps have a thing limit??? if it is true how i can break that limitation?? pliz some help.
this is a image of the things (marked in red) in doom builder, all ok i mark all dificult lvl boxes and...all ok

But in game de things dont appear

I dont touch enything in doom builder, or doomsday engine (1.9.0 beta 4) i really dont understand wath happen.
so my question is the maps have a thing limit??? if it is true how i can break that limitation?? pliz some help.
I'd recommend grabbing the latest version, if you want a beta (1.9.7 build 392), and then test to see if you're still having the problem.
well back to my actual problem i delete a lot of decorative things in the map and the other things finally appear, conclusion, doom allows a limitated amount of things per map....... thats a problem for my mod..... there is a way to break that limitation?? with a ded file or something???
mmmm.... i don´t know, im not sure this problem is unique to this version beta 4 of doomsday, i never put a great lot of things in a map like this time, you said who knows what limitations had this vercion so im not sure the new versions have fixed this "error" or limitation because, you said "who knows".
but now i get the newest version and i go to make some tests now. i be back later with the results.
its about the water fall, blood fall and nukage fall textures, while working in doomsday 1.8.6 i extract these textures from doom 2 wad with EXD editor and put in ultimate doom, no problem in the 1.8.6 version or in the beta 4, so what causes this error in beta 6.9??. i have a lot of problems whit my proyect in the new version of doomsday but first i need help with this to continue my test.
EDIT: I solved the problem with the wfall texture, the textures are messed up in the ultimate doom wad. well i gona make the test for the amount of things per map. Now the doomsday engine beta 6.9 pas my test, i put a lot of decorative things in the map and all appear in the map. now im gona work with beta 6.9 for my mod, but i need more help
well the first problem, i create with a particle generator a generator of foot steps sounds for the player and monsters, in 1.8.6 and beta 4 works perfect but in beta 6.9 i have the follow mistake only with the player, when i start move the foot steps sounds play correctly, but when i stop the sound does not stop, continuous ringing and never stop. this is the code of my foot steps generator.
this mistake only affects the player, the monsters are ok, well that is the first problem i hope your help
It was a bug, that had no ill effects on the defaut player mob, basically.
This has been fixed in the newest 1.9.7 builds.