Wolfenstein 3D?
I tried to search the forums, but according to the search engine Wolfenstein is a common word and can't be searched for. 
So, are there any plans to support Wolfenstein 3D in the future? Or is that not even possible? I always wondered why there are many different Doom interpreters but no Wolf3D, it would be so cool to play that again with high-res textures and such.

So, are there any plans to support Wolfenstein 3D in the future? Or is that not even possible? I always wondered why there are many different Doom interpreters but no Wolf3D, it would be so cool to play that again with high-res textures and such.
Check out these:
I haven't looked too much into them, but who knows? There might even be a flexible engine like Dengine to support a wide variety of Wolfenstein 3D Engine-based games!
Seek and you will find!
EDIT: I looked a little more and found this seemingly-useful place for you:
Looks cool but last updated 2006 and windows only
Proves it's incompetence with this quote on the download page: "Mozzilla SUXX!!!! use MS Internet Explorer for viewing the site " of course windows only too.
Looks like a nice place, no interpreter stuff on there though.
Thanks anyway.
So yes, ultimately Wolfenstein3D will be playable in Doomsday.
But I assume that will take a lot of years to finish.
It may not be exactly what you are looking for since it is not a sourceport but you might take a look at it here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/sda
You need the game Half Life 2 Episode 2 for the engine to be able to use the mod though.
I haven't tried it out myself yet but until it is supported by Doomsday it may be an interesting mod to play.
WolfenDoom, I remember seeing that, but I can't find a download on the page.
How are the games' differences, like Doom and Hexen, treated inside the engine? Are they treated independently or there are some set of features that are setup and there is only one engine that runs differently according to the setup?
Another question: did you understand what I just said?