Doomsday 2.1 released

Doomsday 2.1 has been released (build 2900), coinciding with the 25th anniversary of DOOM! This version contains several improvements for an all-around nicer experience: Graphics optimization. Whil…
Doomsday 2.1 has been released (build 2900), coinciding with the 25th anniversary of DOOM! This version contains several improvements for an all-around nicer experience: Graphics optimization. Whil…
happy birthday doom
Considering 2018 has been a busy year in the real world, I'm quite happy with how this release has turned out. Optimizations are nice! Also, I've always been fond of December releases. Suppose it feels like giving/getting a Xmas present.
However, what's interesting is that this release essentially represents 6-8 months worth of work. The beginning of 2018 was spent on groundwork for 2.2 and other future releases, so once I get the work branch cleaned up (and compiling on all platforms), the next unstable builds will already contain a ton of changes. I expect this to happen in January, after the holidays.
I am very happy to hear that you plan to release "ton of changes" shortly.
December 10th releases is a very good idea. It is not only the anniversary of Doom but also right before holidays. So they really serve as (very good) presents.
Yes, I'm very impressed with the optimizations in 2.1. I know it's not quite perfect, but large maps that I like to play through (like Alien Vendetta Map20 and Plutonia 2 Map29) run MUCH better than in previous versions of Doomsday.
Keep up the good work!
Doomsday (windows x64): (watch at 0:23:26)
Some black lines appear in the sky. You can see how those black lines look like from another side: (watch from 0:27:49 to 0:27:54)
I don't remember those black lines in the past, but I checked my previous streams in my Doomsday playlist on youtube, and here what I found:
Doomsday (watch at 1:00:10)
Black lines exists
Doomsday 1.15.8: (watch at 0:40:05)
Black lines doesn't exist
Also, another funny bug happened on yesterday's stream: (watch at 1:58:20)
I played hexen original approximately 2 hours, then I tried to start deathkings and after selecting skill, doomsday crashed. Fow now I dont have exact steps for reproduce (and also it may be related to my addons), but If I found exact steps I will report this bug with cfg, logs and addons
I think I haven't noticed this before because without any mods, the black columns aren't that noticeable against the dark sky, unless you look up from the starting ledge of MAP02.
Definitely needs fixing, though...
Many thanks!