My first Hexen hub
Hi all,
I have been editing doom and hexen for many years, and I would like to submit my first hexen HUB for the comunity to play.
It is by no means perfect, but I think players will enjoy playing through with each of the three classes, as there will be a slightly different strategy for each, and order to do things.
The Hub is 4 complete levels. I am designing a fifth level, but I would like some feedback on what I have done so far.
The story is set concurrently to the original Hexen. The cetral level is built around a sidhe shrine. Players must complete a series of puzzles to access the other three levels and once all are completed they open the teleport to the desert area. I tried to end my Mod here but the end game on linedef cross or pick up item does not seem to work! :P
The name of the mod is Fate. It works best with the doomsday 2 engine.
How can I submit files?
I have been editing doom and hexen for many years, and I would like to submit my first hexen HUB for the comunity to play.
It is by no means perfect, but I think players will enjoy playing through with each of the three classes, as there will be a slightly different strategy for each, and order to do things.
The Hub is 4 complete levels. I am designing a fifth level, but I would like some feedback on what I have done so far.
The story is set concurrently to the original Hexen. The cetral level is built around a sidhe shrine. Players must complete a series of puzzles to access the other three levels and once all are completed they open the teleport to the desert area. I tried to end my Mod here but the end game on linedef cross or pick up item does not seem to work! :P
The name of the mod is Fate. It works best with the doomsday 2 engine.
How can I submit files?
There isn't enough HeXen maps
Unfortunately, the end game linedef is map hardcoded in DDay:
I installed dropbox, hopefully you can use the links ... x.wad?dl=0
I would have to mod the last level, to use the endgame linedef.
Overall, I must say I'm quite impressed so far! The maps are expansive, detailed, and keep true to the style and spirit of Hexen. I was a bit surprised that map01 is so huge, though. Doomsday is definitely struggling a bit with it — on the plus side, this will be an excellent map for testing performance optimizations.
The narration is super helpful. It nicely fills in the story, too. However, there were a couple of typos here and there ("thier" instead of "their", for instance).
I did have a bit of trouble finding the secret buttons to access the Ice world. After running around the whole map a couple of times I did manage to find them by taking a closer look at the automap; was this the intention?
I'm looking forward to completing the rest of the maps.
I am glad that you are enjoying the hub.
You are right the map is rather big. I should really split it into several levels, but it is hard enough just to get one level working. If I start with a blank map and just try to run it, the game just crashes out - so I have to download the script for each level and edit an existing map. Do you know where I can download the hexen scripts - I used to use a program for XP, but now will not work on windows 10.
Performance can be insue because of this. But the other maps a slightly better.
I did not intend it to be so hard to find those switches, but i am glad you found them with the automap.
I will look into the typos next time i do some editing.
Thanks for the feedback!
Do you mean the BEHAVIOR lumps, or the original ACS sources? Not sure about the sources, but the compiler is here: ... acc-source
Perhaps Vermil knows more?
If I open the doom builder, and create a new level from scratch, and try to 'visitXX' the game will crash. :-/ (It has start points)
If I open the doom builder, open hexen.wad, choose a level, open it and go to the script editor it is blank! :-/
If I then try to make changes to the level and add/or add a script of my own and run the map... then crash. :-/ There must be links to other scripts in other maps that cause the crash.
Before I had a program in XP that could open the hexen.wad and extract the script entries.
So thats what I did - and copied the script into the doom builder script editor and that worked. I was then able to write more scripts and edit the maps.
Some of the lag must come from what remains of the original level - I can't delete all of it without Hexen crashing... I would so love to create a level from scratch and get it to work that way all the scripts would be mine. (I have almost run out of script no.s for level 1!)
here is the descript program ... T.EXE?dl=0 ... T.TXT?dl=0
At one point I also accidentally hit the Panic button in map01 and got teleported to the initial start spot. However, the way back had been blocked by a closed gate...
There is another way out from the start after you go out initially but it isn't very obvious. I will have to make it easier to find. It is on the left after you pass the gate the barrier lowers.
How did you activate the button without going through to the upper quarters. I guess the engine allowed you to activate the button in the upper 'floor' from below. I will have to extend the upper floor to prevent this.
I strongly disagree with changing this behaviour.
It would naturally have a behavior-controlling cvar like the other vanilla compatibility options.
I do not know exactly what Doomsday is capable of, but I think the best option would be to be able to add an Entry in the MAPINFO definition. This way the author can decide whether Z-Height-Checks for switches should be enabled or not. This way it can be set per level as they see fit, and won't break anything, because the user set the CVAR wrongly (because that might happen if it is user-controlled)
@fate: Feel free to use this PK3 as a basis/example for packaging any future updates to the hub.
Should it work with Doomsday 1.15.8? Cause my snowberry displayed next error: ... 48e905.png
Then I changed "Info" file to just "component: game-jhexen" string and it works
EDIT: I fixed the error. (The Info file was using the wrong kind of braces for the "language english" block.) I updated the PK3 linked above and in the blog post.