How do I change resolutions?
This seems like an incredibly silly thing to have to ask, but for the life of me, I cannot find a place to change resolutions, or make the game full screen instead of windowed.
This may be related, but even though I've downloaded the newest version (1.14.5), the frontend still says 1.6 at the top.
It looks like this:

Any insight or help would be appreciated. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling, and also completely deleting the Doomsday Engine folder from Documents. Still getting the same issue.
This may be related, but even though I've downloaded the newest version (1.14.5), the frontend still says 1.6 at the top.
It looks like this:

Any insight or help would be appreciated. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling, and also completely deleting the Doomsday Engine folder from Documents. Still getting the same issue.
The task bar can be opened when Doomsday is running by pressing Shift-Escape.
The frontend doesn't provide these settings because it doesn't access native video APIs. The frontend's version number is also separate from Doomsday's. We are planning to get rid of the separate launcher in the future.
In practice, the bulk of the work is in the UI for browsing and selecting from large lists (i.e., file directory contents), and under the hood making Doomsday understand the Snowberry add-on bundle format.
So... should I worry that Doomsday says 1.6 at the top like in my screenshot instead of 1.14.5?