invisible rockets?

edited 2012 Jan 28 in Technical Support
Hi, I set up Doomsday with the 3d models and it works except the rockets from the rocket launcher are invisible (they just look like a yellowish light and then an explosion). Also the lost souls just look like balls of fire instead of burning skulls. Can someone tell me how to fix this?


  • I wonder if those two models are installed and the ded files of those models are in the correct place. Maybe they are missing. It might be a ded file missing for that model too. Maybe just the model is missing and the ded file isn't making the game attempt to load the model through the ded but not being able to find it. But often if the model isn't working, it just shows the sprite instead. Sometimes the models become invisible though.
  • What are the names of the models in question?
  • Let's see... The folder is called 'LostSoul' and is under the 'Monsters' folder, and under it you have an md2 file with 9 png files. As for the rocket, the folder is called 'Rocket' and is under the 'Projectiles' folder, and it has 2 dmd files with 9 png files.
  • Well the "lostsoul" picture files are there. There is no folder called "projectiles" though..
  • If you have the projectile models installed (model of any player weapon projectile and perhaps the location of the Revenent rocket) you would have that folder under 'models' (like models/projectiles) at the same directory level as the Monsters folder. I'm using Kingennio's model pack and I added the Tea Monster Caco and Demon monsters to it (a little customization). At least the model directory I mentioned is present in the Kingennio pack. I can't remember if it is with the original JDRP.

    I think I recall the files not being organized when I installed them long ago under addons. I install my models in the main doom directory under data/jdoom/models, since it didn't get it to work under 'addons' as a whole. I also placed the defs in the auto folder after creating a 'defs' folder in the main Doomsday directory (defs/jdoom/auto).
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