fail compile doomsday
hello have this fail when compilling doomsday acording with this: ... with_qmake
qmake PREFIX="${pkgdir}" CONFIG+="deng_packres deng_snowberry"
(note: "pkgdir" is a internal arch pkgbuild system variable)
my system is Archlinux 64 bits with glibc 2.15-3 and gcc 4.6.2-5.1
greetings ... with_qmake
g++ -m64 -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,--hash-style=gnu -rdynamic -Wl,-O1 -o doomsday lzss.o abstractfile.o animator.o bitmapfont.o blockset.o b_command.o b_context.o b_device.o b_main.o b_util.o bsp_edge.o bsp_intersection.o bsp_main.o bsp_map.o bsp_node.o bsp_superblock.o cbuffer.o cl_frame.o cl_infine.o cl_main.o cl_mobj.o cl_player.o cl_sound.o cl_world.o colorpalette.o con_bar.o con_busy.o con_config.o con_data.o con_main.o dam_file.o dam_main.o dd_help.o dd_input.o dd_loop.o dd_main.o dd_pinit.o dd_plugin.o dd_wad.o dd_zone.o def_data.o def_main.o def_read.o dfile.o dgl_common.o dgl_draw.o edit_bias.o edit_map.o filedirectory.o filelist.o finaleinterpreter.o fi_main.o fonts.o fs_main.o fs_util.o game.o gl_defer.o gl_draw.o gl_drawvectorgraphic.o gl_hq2x.o gl_main.o gl_pcx.o gl_png.o gl_tex.o gl_texmanager.o gl_tga.o image.o library.o lumpdirectory.o lumpfile.o material.o materialarchive.o materials.o materialvariant.o m_args.o m_bams.o m_binarytree.o m_decomp64.o m_gridmap.o m_huffman.o m_linkedlist.o m_md5.o m_misc.o m_mus2midi.o m_nodepile.o m_stack.o m_string.o m_vector.o net_buf.o net_demo.o net_event.o net_main.o net_msg.o net_ping.o pathdirectory.o pathmap.o p_bmap.o p_cmd.o p_control.o p_data.o p_dmu.o p_intercept.o p_linedef.o p_maputil.o p_mobj.o p_objlink.o p_particle.o p_plane.o p_players.o p_polyob.o p_sector.o p_seg.o p_sidedef.o p_sight.o p_subsector.o p_surface.o p_think.o p_ticker.o p_vertex.o point.o r_data.o r_draw.o r_fakeradio.o r_lgrid.o r_lumobjs.o r_main.o r_model.o r_shadow.o r_sky.o r_things.o r_util.o r_world.o reader.o rect.o rend_bias.o rend_clip.o rend_console.o rend_decor.o rend_dynlight.o rend_fakeradio.o rend_font.o rend_halo.o rend_list.o rend_main.o rend_model.o rend_particle.o rend_shadow.o rend_sky.o rend_sprite.o resourcenamespace.o abstractresource.o smoother.o stringpool.o s_cache.o s_environ.o s_logic.o s_main.o s_mus.o s_sfx.o s_wav.o size.o sv_frame.o sv_infine.o sv_main.o sv_missile.o sv_pool.o sv_sound.o svg.o sys_audiod_dummy.o sys_direc.o sys_master.o sys_network.o sys_opengl.o sys_reslocator.o sys_sock.o sys_system.o sys_timer.o tab_tables.o texture.o textures.o texturevariant.o ui_main.o ui2_main.o ui_mpi.o ui_panel.o uri.o wadfile.o writer.o zipfile.o sys_sdl_window.o dd_uinit.o sys_audiod_loader.o sys_console.o sys_findfile.o sys_input.o sys_path.o sys_audiod_sdlmixer.o m_fixed.o -L/usr/lib -lm -lSDL -lSDL_net -lSDL_mixer -lGL -lGLU -lpng14 -lncurses -lcurl -lpthread
/usr/bin/ld: library.o: undefined reference to symbol 'dlclose@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
/usr/bin/ld: note: 'dlclose@@GLIBC_2.2.5' is defined in DSO /lib/ so try adding it to the linker command line
/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: ld devolvió el estado de salida 1
make[1]: *** [doomsday] Error 1
qmake PREFIX="${pkgdir}" CONFIG+="deng_packres deng_snowberry"
(note: "pkgdir" is a internal arch pkgbuild system variable)
my system is Archlinux 64 bits with glibc 2.15-3 and gcc 4.6.2-5.1
with adding LIBS="-ldl" i get over that message but lots
of linker error messages after that:
rend_list.o: In function `rlBind':
rend_list.c:(.text+0x324): undefined reference to `glBindTexture'
rend_list.c:(.text+0x339): undefined reference to `glTexParameteri'
rend_list.o: In function `rlBindTo':
rend_list.c:(.text+0x3eb): undefined reference to `glActiveTexture'
rend_list.o: In function `renderLists':
rend_list.c:(.text+0x49f): undefined reference to `glVertex3fv'
rend_list.c:(.text+0x4c0): undefined reference to `glEnd'
rend_list.c:(.text+0x57d): undefined reference to `glDisable'
rend_list.c:(.text+0x5eb): undefined reference to `glTexEnvfv'
and so on and on.
yes. all dependencies installed
it should already fail during make if i would miss something.
Our problem is ld...a problem with our glibc probably?
If that fixes it, it indicates a problem in our qmake script for Unix based platforms.
now. for me, , whit LIBS="-ldl -lz", compilling all without errors
I still get the same error.
Would be very friendly if you could pass me your
and installed packages "pacman -Q > packages.txt" or something.
thanks in advance.
only found one "error" compile:
portable/src/dd_main.c: En la función ‘DD_LoadGameStartupResourcesWorker’:
portable/src/dd_main.c:850:9: nota: #pragma message: !!!WARNING: Phase 1 of game resource loading does not presently prioritize ZIP!!!
only have one question. snowberry only need python2? no need another dependencies?
I have to examine the old pkgbuild what was wrong in there.
Just one problem when adding wad's in the launcher setup-wizard:
I tried to set another audio driver in the launcher but it's not saved. don't know.
Anyway that segfault is not a probem of that missing fsmod, i guess.
edit: i was able to change sound system entry to dummy, same result.
It needs Python and wxPython.
yes, working witout LIBS
qmake CONFIG+="deng_fmod release" DENG_BUILD=`python2 ../distrib/ --print`
my "progress" so far is:
starting with launcher: segfault
starting from commandline -game jdoom -file doom.wad: segfault
starting doomsday without argument: gets me into doomsday console with "0 of 15 games playable"
i was not able to backtrace it, "cannot access memory" which points to some process lost in space.
Also, you must use the -iwad argument when specifying paths to iwads instead of -file from the command line.
So try the following:
the old stable version...
its running now, thanks
could you please point me to some kind of command line options documention, or tell me
how to get the addons running from the command line, since i'm
still getting segfaults when i start doomday from the launcher.