I actually still experience a considerably slower startup time with the newest build. I went ahead and timed it, to give an idea of the difference. With all my addons selected, Ultimate Doom takes about 5 seconds to startup using build 364. In build 420, it takes 42 seconds. The part that takes the longest (about 35 seconds) is "Starting Game" at the very end. I wonder would could cause the game to take nearly 10x longer to load in these newer builds?
I have not done extensive testing on large maps yet, so I'm not sure if the slowdown issue has been fixed after having played a big map for a while.
Now that is what I'd call a significant difference. I'd be interested in seeing a copy of your doomsday.out using the latest build with the highest level of log verbosity.
Do you use add/remove programs to remove the old version first before installing the new build, or just install the new build to a new folder (keeping the old one in the process), or overwrite the old build (install the new build over the old one).
Yeah, Dani told me that the correct way is to unistall first, but I uninstall from within the Doomsday folder. I'm guessing that uninstalling from there vs add/remove programs is the same. Correct me if I'm wrong.
As for faster loading, when SSD drives become cheaper and widespread and I get one someday I will get a PCIe one since that is the fastest port, not SATA), you yourself said it would load even faster I never knew that all this time, so many people were having to deal with minute long loading times. Or maybe it only started after ringzero. Maybe it is related to hardware. So the way it must work is that hardware has a big influence (but the way Doomsday is written matters a lot too) on loading times, but ingame performance issues are strictly Doomsday code. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I might be wrong since other people had quick loading times before ringzero regardless of hardware.
I've found that the JDRP lags the startup time the most for me. If I turn off all resources except the JDRP, the game takes about 32 seconds to load. What's odd is that build 420 takes the same amount of time to load the game with no resources (5 seconds) as build 364 does with ALL the resources. I'm using jdrp101+11a+fixes.pk3, found here: http://www.filefront.com/17328814/jdrp10111afixes.pk3/
And yes, I did try a fresh install. Here is my Doomsday.out after loading just the JDRP:
Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.9.7 [#420] (Candidate 32-bit) Feb 24 2012 12:13:19.
Sys_InitWindowManager: Using Win32 window management.
Initializing plugins...
OpenGL information:
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce 7800 GS/AGP/SSE2
Version: 2.1.2
Available Compressed Texture Formats: 3
Available Texture Units: 4
Maximum Texture Anisotropy: 16
Maximum Texture Size: 4096
Line Width Granularity: 0.1
Line Width Range: 0.5...10.0
GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixe
GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_copy_buffer
GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture
GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility
GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_locatio GL_ARB_fragment_program
GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader
GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_get_program_binary
GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex
GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_internalformat_query
GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range
GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture
GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2
GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters
GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_provoking_vertex
GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sampler_objects
GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_objects
GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_420pac
GL_ARB_shading_language_includ GL_ARB_shadow
GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp
GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat
GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_tw GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_storage
GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_timer_query
GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra
GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader
GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers
GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once
GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add
GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra
GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate
GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax
GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test
GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit
GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXT_framebuffer_object
GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays
GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels
GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters
GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal
GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects
GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs
GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt
GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3t GL_EXT_texture_cube_map
GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotro
GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_EXT_texture_lod
GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp
GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_sRGB
GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage
GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query
GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra
GL_EXT_import_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip
GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KTX_buffer_region
GL_NV_alpha_test GL_NV_blend_minmax
GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_complex_primitives
GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_depth_clamp
GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_NV_fence
GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance
GL_NV_fragdepth GL_NV_fragment_program
GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2
GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_ GL_NV_half_float
GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint
GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil
GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite
GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners
GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_texgen_reflection
GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc
GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_expand_normal
GL_NV_texture_lod_clamp GL_NV_texture_rectangle
GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2
GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_vertex_array_range
GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_program
GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2
GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3
GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_OES_depth24
GL_OES_depth32 GL_OES_depth_texture
GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap
GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_OES_mapbuffer
GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8
GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_texture_3D
GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear
GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_line
GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_array_object
GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap
GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture
GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum
GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control
Extensions (WGL):
WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_create_context
WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_ARB_create_context_robustn
WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read
WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pbuffer
WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float
WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float
WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control
WGL_NV_float_buffer WGL_NV_render_depth_texture
Initializing Render subsystem...
Setting up platform state...
Sfx_InitChannels: 16 channels.
S_Init: OK.
Initializing Resource subsystem...
Initializing Binding subsystem...
Initializing InFine subsystem...
Initializing UI subsystem...
Loading game resources...
IWAD identification: 00d12fbc
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb032.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb033.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb034.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb035.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb036.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb037.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb038.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb039.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb040.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb041.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb042.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb043.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb044.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb045.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb046.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb047.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb048.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb049.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb050.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb051.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb052.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb053.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb054.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb055.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb056.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb057.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb058.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb059.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb060.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb061.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb062.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb063.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb064.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb065.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb066.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb067.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb068.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb069.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb070.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb071.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb072.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb073.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb074.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb075.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb076.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb077.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb078.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb079.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb080.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb081.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb082.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb083.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb084.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb085.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb086.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb087.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb088.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb089.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\fontb090.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\mapmask.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\menufog.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\m_thermm.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\pal18to8.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\sndcurve.lmp" already loaded.
"data\jdoom\auto\.basedata\stcfn032.lmp" already loaded.
Parsing primary config "configs\doom\game.cfg"...
Clearing binding context 'deui'...
Clearing binding context 'console'...
Clearing binding context 'message'...
Clearing binding context 'chat'...
Clearing binding context 'shortcut'...
Clearing binding context 'gameui'...
Clearing binding context 'menu'...
Clearing binding context 'finale'...
Clearing binding context 'map-freepan'...
Clearing binding context 'map'...
Clearing binding context 'game'...
Parsing definition files...
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/jDRP-DecorLights.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/jDRP-Particles.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/jDRP-ScreenEffects.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/jDRP-StartAnim.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/jDRP-FontPack.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/HUD-BFG.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/HUD-Chaingun.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/HUD-Chainsaw.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/HUD-Fists.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/HUD-Pistol.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/HUD-PlasmaRifle.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/HUD-RocketLauncher.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/HUD-Shotgun.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/HUD-SuperShotgun.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-Spectre.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/A-AmmoBox.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/H-ArmorBlue.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/H-ArmorGreen.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/A-Backpack.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/A-Cell.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/A-CellLarge.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/A-Clip.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/E-ComputerMap.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/H-HealthPotion.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/E-LightGoggles.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/H-Medikit.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/E-RadiationSuit.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/A-RocketBox.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/A-Rocket.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/A-ShellBox.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/A-Shells.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/H-SpiritualArmor.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/H-Stimpack.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-Barrel.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-BloodPool.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-BigGreenStonePillar.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-BigRedStonePillar.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-BrainStem.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-Candleabra.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-Candle.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-ColonGibs.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-EvilEye.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-FireCan.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-FireStickBlue.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-FireStickGreen.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-FireStickRed.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-FloatSkulls.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangByFeet.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangingLeg.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangingLegs.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangNoBrain.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangNoLeg.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangNoGuts.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangTorso.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangtLookDn.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangtLookUp.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangtNoBrain.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HangtSkull.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HeadCandles.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HeadOnAStick.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HeadsOnStick.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-HeartPillar.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-ImpaledTwitcherAlive.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-ImpaledTwitcherDead.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-SkullPillar.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-SpinalColumn.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-BigLamp.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-MediumLamp.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-SmallLamp.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-GreenStonePillar.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-RedStonePillar.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-TallTorchBlue.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-TallTorchGreen.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/D-TallTorchRed.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/K-KeyCardBlue.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/K-KeyCardRed.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/K-KeyCardYellow.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/K-SkullKeyBlue.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/K-SkullKeyRed.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/K-SkullKeyYellow.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-Arachnotron.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-ArchVile.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-BaronOfHell.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-BossCube.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-Cacodemon.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-Cyberdemon.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-Demon.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-FormerCommando.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-FormerHuman.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-FormerSergeant.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-HellKnight.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-Imp.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-Keen.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-LostSoul.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-Mancubus.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-PainElemental.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-Revenant.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-SpiderMastermind.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/M-SSSoldier.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/N-BigTree.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/N-Stalag.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/N-Stalagtite.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/N-Tree.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/P-BerzerkPack.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/P-Invisibility.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/P-Invulnerability.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/P-MegaSphere.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/P-SoulSphere.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/Player.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/T-TechPillar.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/W-BFG.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/W-Chaingun.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/W-Chainsaw.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/W-PlasmaRifle.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/W-RocketLauncher.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/W-Shotgun.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/W-SuperShotgun.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-ArachnoShot.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-BaronFireball.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-BFGShot.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-BloodFX.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-CacoFireball.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-ImpactFX.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-ImpFireball.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-MancFireball.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-PlasmaShot.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-RespawnFX.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-RevRocket.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-Rocket.ded" not found!
Warning:Def_ReadDEDFile "C:/DoomsdayEngine/defs/jDoom/Auto/X-TeleportFX.ded" not found!
41 animation groups
6 composite fonts
14 finales
214 lights
38 map infos
4 materials
2245 models
172 particle generators
4 skies
33 songs
110 sound effects
138 sprite names
1413 states
130 surface decorations
366 text strings
8 texture environments
140 things
Warning: Failed locating model "caco_e.dmd", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "caco_e.dmd", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "caco_e.dmd", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "caco_e.dmd", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "caco_e.dmd", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "caco_e.dmd", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "caco_e.dmd", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "caco_e.dmd", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating skin "empty.png" (#1) for model "Data\jDoom\Models\Projectiles\Cacoshot\CacoShotSphere.dmd".
This model will be rendered without a skin.
Warning: Failed locating skin "empty.png" (#3) for model "Data\jDoom\Models\Projectiles\Cacoshot\CacoShotSphere.dmd".
This model will be rendered without a skin.
Warning: Failed locating skin "empty.png" (#5) for model "Data\jDoom\Models\Projectiles\Cacoshot\CacoShotSphere.dmd".
This model will be rendered without a skin.
Warning: Failed locating skin "bfgm3.pcx" (#3) for model "Data\jDoom\Models\Projectiles\Cacoshot\CacoShot.dmd".
This model will be rendered without a skin.
Warning: Failed locating skin "bfgm3.pcx" (#3) for model "Data\jDoom\Models\Projectiles\BFGshot\BFGShot.md2".
This model will be rendered without a skin.
Warning: Failed locating skin "megahighlight_1.pcx" (#1) for model "Data\jDoom\Models\Items\P-MegaSphere\MegaHighlight.dmd".
This model will be rendered without a skin.
Warning: Failed locating skin "megahighlight_2.pcx" (#2) for model "Data\jDoom\Models\Items\P-MegaSphere\MegaHighlight.dmd".
This model will be rendered without a skin.
Warning: Failed locating skin "megahighlight_3.pcx" (#3) for model "Data\jDoom\Models\Items\P-MegaSphere\MegaHighlight.dmd".
This model will be rendered without a skin.
Warning: Failed locating model "LostSoul/Lostsoul_flame.md2", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "LostSoul/Lostsoul_flame.md2", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "LostSoul/Lostsoul_flame.md2", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "LostSoul/Lostsoul_flame.md2", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "LostSoul/Lostsoul_flame.md2", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "LostSoul/Lostsoul_flame.md2", ignoring.
Warning: Failed locating model "LostSoul/Lostsoul_flame.md2", ignoring.
Warning: Texture "Particle00" not found.
Ultimate DOOM
Shutting down the console...
I made a pack that has the fixes but replaces the cacodemon and pinky with Tea Monster's version. To run the resource pack, I had to put the defs in the def/jdoom/auto folder and put the model directory under data/jdoom/models. I couldn't get it to run as a pack (a rar file) and if I remember correctly, putting the rar pack in the addons folder doesn't make it appear in the addons list in the lanucher. So I did what I did to get it to run. Maybe I did something wrong since you have it running as an addon pack, Lightning Hunter, but I was not able to get it to work like that.
Also, the fixed jdrp pack by Kingennio is all I use along with the Tea Monster models for the Caco and Pinky. The old resource pack that had a folder called jdrp.box is an obsolete pack that should be replaced and it also seemed broken. I remember having to manually paste all its contents under addons in the past to make it work since many of the models were not replacing the original sprites when I used it in pack form.
I wonder if Kingennio will release a more complete resource pack. His work is really good and it is good we have people like him around to help with the JDRP. Much appreciated. Also appreciated is the work that SkyJake, Dani, KuriKai, and all other contributors are doing.
I couldn't get it to run as a pack (a rar file) and if I remember correctly, putting the rar pack in the addons folder doesn't make it appear in the addons list in the lanucher.
Doomsday can't open RAR files, so that's not surprising.
@Lightning Hunter
The out file you posted is only at default verbosity; to raise the verbosity, you need to click on the settings tab, then developer and finally click on 'verbose messages'.
The higher the verbosity, the more information get's logged in the out file (note this will slow Dday down a little bit).
I will say though, loads of apparently missing deds there; it suggests that variant of the JDRP is not well constructed; I haven't looked at it yet, to confirm.
My doomsday out (or console command line) looks about the same as LH with the missing defs and the missing caco and lost soul warnings. Remember in this topic that I mentioned the missing defs just yesterday or so, but I have no problem with it appearing in game since I installed the files and folders manually after extraction into the directories I mentioned. So it doesn't matter if it says they are not found since I know the game is reading them as evidence that the models appear in game just fine. So they are loading automatically and don't appear in the launcher as an addon and it saying it is not found is a false warning.
I don't think it is the resource pack that is the problem but Doomsday itself, it sounds like, though I haven't had that bad of loading time ever, and if I did, I believe it was because it froze a few builds back, but it does seem loading time has increased since the ringzero merge. For me, not as much as others, even with models, textures, soundpack, hi res user interface, etc, and it is faster after the memory fixes.
Seeing as to-do list is almost empty, I'd like to suggest that when it becomes empty, an announcement in other forums should be made and release held off for a while, as maybe ten testers here isn't enough.
Foot clipping in Heretic now only occurs when you are actually on the liquid rather than the buggy implementation of the original game where it would occur when you were standing on the edge of a sector with liquid.
However this produces a little anomaly when dropping into liquid; there is a little pause between when you land and when the now smooth camera movement (it was an instant movement in the original game) for foot clipping begins to occur.
A bit of personal opinion, the smooth camera movement is also pretty slow; much slower than a falling player. I'd personally suggest that the smooth camera movement be sped up to approximately the same speed as a player falling. The current speed kind of makes it look like something is cushioning the players fall when they jump into liquid; I don't think barely foot deep liquid (i.e an assumption based of how much things visually footclip) would do that.
A bit of personal opinion, the smooth camera movement is also pretty slow; much slower than a falling player. I'd personally suggest that the smooth camera movement be sped up to approximately the same speed as a player falling. The current speed kind of makes it look like something is cushioning the players fall when they jump into liquid; I don't think barely foot deep liquid (i.e an assumption based of how much things visually footclip) would do that.
It isn't the surface that cushions the impact, its the hero's knees.
I've noticed that when I set rend-dev-wireframe 1, console, menu and hud text are all rendered as boxes, which then makes it a bit difficult to know what's written in the console, etc...
I've noticed that when I set rend-dev-wireframe 1, console, menu and hud text are all rendered as boxes, which then makes it a bit difficult to know what's written in the console, etc...
You're right, that's not very helpful... I'll make it so that if rend-dev-wireframe is 1, only the player view is drawn as wireframe (like the help text says). If it's set to 2, also the UI and fonts will be wireframe.
I changed that when working on revising the UI systems (it was very helpful for this) but clearly I forgot to change it back. Adding two "modes" for rend-dev-wireframe sounds good to me
Is there a way to change the difficulty without restarting or a way of knowing what difficulty the game is running on at any time? When I choose a new game and then use the warp command with a lesser difficulty in Armadosia, I notice no difference, even when bumped down two difficulty levels. I see no change in the amount of ammo I get from boxes. Maybe the game has a bug that won't let me change the difficulty or it only works sometimes since I did see a change about 2 builds ago. Even deleting a saved game or the frontend doesn't seem to do any good.
The HacX skill level menu goes off the side of the screen
The Chex and Ultimate Doom main menu's scroll up/down as you move through the options
The choose skill level heading on the skill level menu in HeXen is way over to the left
I'll also throw in that the gem on the fighters hud in HeXen isn't alinged.
Please report bugs in the Bug Tracker from now on. Candidate testing for 1.9.7 is over. We will open a new official testing thread for 1.9.8 at a later time.
Please report bugs in the Bug Tracker from now on. Candidate testing for 1.9.7 is over. We will open a new official testing thread for 1.9.8 at a later time.
Do you think that's wise, considering there are still a lot of bugs introduced in ringzero? I'm worried our bug reports will just get lost in the bug tracker (among the hundreds of other bug reports in there). I still don't consider this build to be stable quite yet. It still loads slow, and detail textures in WAD files still don't work (Daniel Norton's detail textures). I'm sure there are more bugs, too... I think it's a little too hasty to call it stable and close this thread.
Yes, the Cacodemon was resolved. Check it out for yourself, it's much better.
Ah, it looks like they disabled the ability of monsters to pass under/over each other on the z-axis. I would have done the same. However, my other two bug reports still exist...
While 1.9.7 is a significant milestone on the way to Dday 2.0 and a big improvement over Beta 6.9, there are a couple of bugs/issues I think are noticible from a gameplay perspective, that I'm suprised wern't fixed before declaring a 'stable' release, even if they will take ages to fix.
But the bi-weekly builds are set to continue, so as soon as they are fixed, we will probably be able to test drive them.
There are a couple of bugs I think are noticible from a gameplay perspective that I'm suprised wern't fixed before declaring a 'stable' release, even if they will take ages to fix.
I still believe that build 364 is superior to this release. The only thing this release brings to the table as far as I can see is the Cacodemon bug fix. However, that does not make up for the long startup time of the game, the broken detail textures, and other bugs that ringzero introduced.
I have not done extensive testing on large maps yet, so I'm not sure if the slowdown issue has been fixed after having played a big map for a while.
How do you install new builds of Dday?
Do you use add/remove programs to remove the old version first before installing the new build, or just install the new build to a new folder (keeping the old one in the process), or overwrite the old build (install the new build over the old one).
As for faster loading, when SSD drives become cheaper and widespread and I get one someday I will get a PCIe one since that is the fastest port, not SATA), you yourself said it would load even faster
And yes, I did try a fresh install. Here is my Doomsday.out after loading just the JDRP:
Also, the fixed jdrp pack by Kingennio is all I use along with the Tea Monster models for the Caco and Pinky. The old resource pack that had a folder called jdrp.box is an obsolete pack that should be replaced and it also seemed broken. I remember having to manually paste all its contents under addons in the past to make it work since many of the models were not replacing the original sprites when I used it in pack form.
I wonder if Kingennio will release a more complete resource pack. His work is really good and it is good we have people like him around to help with the JDRP. Much appreciated. Also appreciated is the work that SkyJake, Dani, KuriKai, and all other contributors are doing.
The out file you posted is only at default verbosity; to raise the verbosity, you need to click on the settings tab, then developer and finally click on 'verbose messages'.
The higher the verbosity, the more information get's logged in the out file (note this will slow Dday down a little bit).
I will say though, loads of apparently missing deds there; it suggests that variant of the JDRP is not well constructed; I haven't looked at it yet, to confirm.
I don't think it is the resource pack that is the problem but Doomsday itself, it sounds like, though I haven't had that bad of loading time ever, and if I did, I believe it was because it froze a few builds back, but it does seem loading time has increased since the ringzero merge. For me, not as much as others, even with models, textures, soundpack, hi res user interface, etc, and it is faster after the memory fixes.
Foot clipping in Heretic now only occurs when you are actually on the liquid rather than the buggy implementation of the original game where it would occur when you were standing on the edge of a sector with liquid.
However this produces a little anomaly when dropping into liquid; there is a little pause between when you land and when the now smooth camera movement (it was an instant movement in the original game) for foot clipping begins to occur.
A bit of personal opinion, the smooth camera movement is also pretty slow; much slower than a falling player. I'd personally suggest that the smooth camera movement be sped up to approximately the same speed as a player falling. The current speed kind of makes it look like something is cushioning the players fall when they jump into liquid; I don't think barely foot deep liquid (i.e an assumption based of how much things visually footclip) would do that.
Also, not every map out there has any difference in certain skill levels.
The ammount of ammo from ammo pickups only changes on skill1 and 5 (in both cases, they are doubled).
The HacX skill level menu goes off the side of the screen
The Chex and Ultimate Doom main menu's scroll up/down as you move through the options
The choose skill level heading on the skill level menu in HeXen is way over to the left
I'll also throw in that the gem on the fighters hud in HeXen isn't alinged.
Please report bugs in the Bug Tracker from now on. Candidate testing for 1.9.7 is over. We will open a new official testing thread for 1.9.8 at a later time.
Do you think that's wise, considering there are still a lot of bugs introduced in ringzero? I'm worried our bug reports will just get lost in the bug tracker (among the hundreds of other bug reports in there). I still don't consider this build to be stable quite yet. It still loads slow, and detail textures in WAD files still don't work (Daniel Norton's detail textures). I'm sure there are more bugs, too... I think it's a little too hasty to call it stable and close this thread.
Was the Cacodemon bug ever solved either?
Ah, it looks like they disabled the ability of monsters to pass under/over each other on the z-axis. I would have done the same. However, my other two bug reports still exist...
But the bi-weekly builds are set to continue, so as soon as they are fixed, we will probably be able to test drive them.
I still believe that build 364 is superior to this release. The only thing this release brings to the table as far as I can see is the Cacodemon bug fix. However, that does not make up for the long startup time of the game, the broken detail textures, and other bugs that ringzero introduced.