[#365] an unnecessary repair of MSVC++2010 runtime

edited 2012 Jan 4 in Technical Support
build #365 installer does a repair of MSVC++2010 runtime for no reason. it wastes time. should detect if it's already installed. didn't test earlier builds.


  • The installer has not changed for this release. Also, we don't actually write that code, thats Microsoft's, we simply package and distribute.

    If a repair was necessary for you, I can only assume that a repair was genuinely necessary, or at least the runtime updater thought it was.
  • Well, I uninstalled and then re-installed Doomsday. And this still happened. Seems to me that M$'s installer, if MSVC runtime libraries are already installed, repairs them. I don't think that's necessary. Maybe add a checkbox in the installer: "Don't run MSVC runtime installer"?
  • Well, it does the same repair job for me too (Win 7 64 home premium) after each installation of a new build. I remember it saying something about software distribution package repair. I will test to make sure...

    I took a quick screen:

  • I got it aswell, installing the undstable build onto a 64bit windows machine
  • Some background: programs compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ need to be distributed with a set of shared libraries called the VC++ runtime. One of the officially approved ways of doing this is to run Microsoft's VC++ runtime installer, which is what Doomsday is doing as part of its setup process. However, as the runtime is the same for many programs, there is a good likelihood that you already have it installed. In this situation Microsoft's installer does an update of the existing files, in case the ones you have are older. Microsoft's installer calls this operation a "repair". It does not mean there is anything broken with your computer.

    The only thing we can really do about this is to hide the "repair" process; however, we wanted to be upfront about what our setup does.
  • skyjake wrote:
    In this situation Microsoft's installer does an update of the existing files, in case the ones you have are older. Microsoft's installer calls this operation a "repair".
    This is fine; however, does the version of runtime differ between #365 and #367? I still got the runtime installer when installing #367. Is it possible to add a checkbox "Skip MSVC runtime installation, I have them already"?
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