Hires texture pack forum is dead any other download?
Since 11/11 ie now more than 3 weeks, the link always quoted to download the high res texture pack links a forum which is down for maintenance. The problem is it's since some weeks. So is there another download location?
Edit: I just tried looking it up on google to find another way to access the file, and it seems those links take me to the same place as the link on this site's addons section. Maybe that is the only place it exists on the net, but I do have what is probably the lastest package called... let's see... deng-dhtp-20101225.zip. Too bad a newer one hasn't been released since then.
The error says: board is disabbled because of spam, we are going to do a few changes around here. We should be back up shortly(11-11-21).
That would be cool if someone could provide me another link.
That said by searching once more in my old stuff I finally found dhtp-20090226.pk3. It seems an older version and not marked deng, but in a backup folder linked to Doomsday, I'll try that, even if I already finished to replay Doom fully, lol. Still have Doom 2 to replay.
EDIT: Well I couldn't install this, the frontend accept but nothing happen but I still have to try with a later beta version of Doomsday.
EDIT2: Ok that older hires texture pack I had is working with Doomsday 1.9.0 beta 6, I can live with that until the forum of hires is up.
And I hope to release a new pack in the near future. But I moved country and have now been busy with real life, also I need to find the motivation to make textures.
Maybe there is someone in the Doom community or communities who might be willing or able to help you. Actually, having multiple people doing it would be more efficient and faster (maybe a team) and the WIP screens of the textures can be posted. Then the community members can give their input and make suggestions to ensure that the final product is widely accepted. One person working on an entire pack single-handedly doesn't sound like the best idea and may never get done. But if many people worked together, it might get done in weeks or a couple months, and then later they might be redone with normal maps and better mapping.
Looks identical to the one I already have in the pack. That texture is not new.... :-/ Why does it say
"Posted by admin on Dec 10, 2011 in Textures blog | 0 comments
There we go! Now the arch-vile marble wall texture is done." It has been done for years...
Off topic: I just found an error with the clickable smileys when posting. When I click the 'confused' smiley in the list, the 'thinking' smiley appears in its place and clicking both smileys results in the same smiley code being displayed. In other words, I can't make the 'confused' smiley appear since I don't know the text code for that emoticon.