jHexen Items Pack

edited 2012 May 13 in Addons for Hexen
jHexen Items Pack 0.5
Thus far, only the identical models have been ported (with their respective UI images):
-Artifact Pickup FX
-Crystal Vial
-Quartz Flask
-Mystic Urn
-Chaos Device
-Wings of Wrath

Required FX stuff (the particle textures/shiny skins)
You could just use the one from the XCCP pack, which is basically the same thing, except I replaced two or so particles.


  • wewt, thanx a lot psychikon!

    looks a lot better now then with those old out-dated items.

    although all of the other items from the XCCP look even more outdated now compared to your amazingly detailed models XD
  • I wanted to say earlier - I see a problem with the use Particle03 in fog active mode, used with jHeretic Gargoyle by Psychikon. Guys, anybody do not use fog mode with jHeretic and jHexen?
    I create completed fog definitions for jHeretic and see this issue from the beginning. Also - the standart Particle03 used whis other additions in jHeretic.

    But now, when this particle transfered in jHexen - I think it necessary to say about it. Of course, I think we can do something with this Particle03.png file, so it is normally operated in the fog mode.
  • erm Psychikon, can i ask for another favor?

    after over at technical support someone told me that doomsday1.8.6 is best for hexen when i posted with yet another error i got using 1.9.0 beta 6.9, i started using 1.8.6 instead for hexen

    but the wings from your pack dont work with doomsday 1.8.6 :/
    when i try to use them doomsday quits with this error when it tries to load it:

    Def_GetFlagValue: Undefined flag 'lgf_dontturnhalo'.
    Def_ReadDEDFile: Error in C:\games\Doomsday1.8.6\Defs\jHexen\Auto\P-Wings.ded:
    Line 54: Unknown label. (Halo radius)

    could you please fix the wings so they work in doomsday 1.8.6 too?
  • Doing so would mean removing features from the addons, simplifying them to work with 1.8.6 also. Ideally there would be two versions.
  • The ring of invulnerability also won't work in jHeretic, or anything else with a rendered halo, because the flags for that weren't there yet til after 1.8.6. So I guess it's seeing the flag for the halo there as an error. Anyway, all you have to do is remove the halo stuff from the lighting definitions for the items and it should be fine. Better yet, just put a # symbol in front of that line to make the line invisible to the parser. I'm not sure what else is different, but I specifically remember that, and I was a little concerned when there was a mention of 1.8.6 - I almost saw this coming...

    However, like DaniJ said, there'd basically have to be two packs all assembled and everything to make sure everything was compatible both ways. Once the next stable release comes out (soon? :D:D:D) maybe all of the "1.8.6 or not?" questions can be left in the dust.
  • Hey.

    I have just seen that Item Pack and wanted to use it.

    Unfortunately the ZIP-File for the item pack appears to be broken, giving me the error message that it cannot be found when I wanna use it in DDay and if I try to unpack any file out of it, it says "Unexpected end of Archive".
    Tested with WinRAR and 7-Zip, while 7-Zip says that it cannot be opened at all.

    Can you reuplaod it Psychikon?
  • Milten wrote:
    Unfortunately the ZIP-File for the item pack appears to be broken, giving me the error message that it cannot be found when I wanna use it in DDay and if I try to unpack any file out of it, it says "Unexpected end of Archive".
    Tested with WinRAR and 7-Zip, while 7-Zip says that it cannot be opened at all.

    Can you reuplaod it Psychikon?
    That's where I have it stored, so maybe try to re-download it then. If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you. I don't actually have it on my PC at the current time... The only other thing would be that perhaps the fileserver corrupted it...? Usually though I think it's just an error downloading that does something like that. Did it download instantly? I've had that problem before, like it messes up downloading and just downloads a blank file or something. I don't know how all of that works.......
  • Psychikon wrote:
    That's where I have it stored, so maybe try to re-download it then. If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you. I don't actually have it on my PC at the current time... The only other thing would be that perhaps the fileserver corrupted it...? Usually though I think it's just an error downloading that does something like that. Did it download instantly? I've had that problem before, like it messes up downloading and just downloads a blank file or something. I don't know how all of that works.......

    Tried again just now, with Firefox and IE, both no difference.
    It says the archice has an unexpected ending.

    I tried to repair the archive, which succeeded actually, though I can only unpack a few files, but the majority is said to be damaged then.

    To your questions:
    Yeah, it downloaded instantly, I also tried normally clicking it and also Right-Clicking it and "Save As", both with the same result though.

    Maybe someone still has it and can re-upload it.
  • Milten wrote:
    Maybe someone still has it and can re-upload it.

    Yeah, I just redownloaded it both from the site and from the link. It is corrupted!!!

    Everything in the pack is already in the Heretic Items pack. The only differences are the DEDs. Some of the items are named differently in HeXen, so that necessitates different DEDs - yet the items are all the same, so it's not much of a loss! :)

    Will just have to redo the .info files and the .ded files and that's it. :)
  • Somebody somewhere has downloaded it. Put a shout out on other forums. There are people still posting on the New Doom forums, someone there might have it.
  • All right! Apparently, the zipfiles themselves have been somewhat corrupted or something, or they changed a server on fileden, because I do specifically remember them changing some things for security purposes. In any case, I could unzip them on the site, but even the jHRP-Items zipfiles I couldn't use when downloading. I'll try to re-assemble them, because the unzipped contents actually work, just that the zipfiles don't! Gotta go to work for now!!! ;)
  • Perhaps you inadvertently changed the method of compression? Doomsday only presently supports the DEFLATE algorithm for compressed Zip files.
  • DaniJ wrote:
    Perhaps you inadvertently changed the method of compression? Doomsday only presently supports the DEFLATE algorithm for compressed Zip files.
    Neither Windows nor the program I originally used to zip them up will even open them. The only way I can open them is if I open them on the site. Then, after I've downloaded the mini-zips inside for each item, I can open those zipfiles just fine. I don't know enough about that stuff to determine what's wrong, except the only clue I had was that the site acted like it had been compromised a couple of weeks ago.

    EDIT: For some reason, if I try to zip up all the files and even store them, it won't work(it crashes!). If I try to do the items separately, they work, but the 3D models don't show up - only the UI graphics and such. :(
    Executable: Doomsday Engine 1.9.8 [#495] (Candidate 32-bit) May  9 2012 12:12:17.
    Sys_InitWindowManager: Using Qt window management.
    Initializing plugins...
    Starting LegacyCore event loop...
    Canvas: Gained focus.
    OpenGL information:
      Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
      Renderer: GeForce 9800 GT/PCI/SSE2
      Version: 3.3.0
      Available Compressed Texture Formats: 3
      Available Texture Units: 4
      Maximum Texture Anisotropy: 16
      Maximum Texture Size: 8192
      Line Width Granularity: 0.1
      Line Width Range: 0.5...10.0
        GL_ARB_base_instance           GL_ARB_blend_func_extended    
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        GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixe GL_ARB_conservative_depth     
        GL_ARB_copy_buffer             GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float     
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        GL_ARB_draw_buffers            GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vert
        GL_ARB_draw_instanced          GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility      
        GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_locatio GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventi
        GL_ARB_fragment_program        GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow
        GL_ARB_fragment_shader         GL_ARB_framebuffer_object     
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        GL_EXT_texture_lod             GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias       
        GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp    GL_EXT_texture_object         
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        GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode     GL_EXT_texture_storage        
        GL_EXT_texture_swizzle         GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10
        GL_EXT_timer_query             GL_EXT_vertex_array           
        GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra       GL_EXT_import_sync_object     
        GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip          GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat
        GL_KTX_buffer_region           GL_NV_alpha_test              
        GL_NV_blend_minmax             GL_NV_blend_square            
        GL_NV_complex_primitives       GL_NV_conditional_render      
        GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color      GL_NV_copy_image              
        GL_NV_depth_buffer_float       GL_NV_depth_clamp             
        GL_NV_explicit_multisample     GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments   
        GL_NV_fence                    GL_NV_float_buffer            
        GL_NV_fog_distance             GL_NV_fragdepth               
        GL_NV_fragment_program         GL_NV_fragment_program_option 
        GL_NV_fragment_program2        GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_
        GL_NV_geometry_shader4         GL_NV_gpu_program4            
        GL_NV_half_float               GL_NV_light_max_exponent      
        GL_NV_multisample_coverage     GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint 
        GL_NV_occlusion_query          GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil    
        GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object  GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2
        GL_NV_path_rendering           GL_NV_pixel_data_range        
        GL_NV_point_sprite             GL_NV_primitive_restart       
        GL_NV_register_combiners       GL_NV_register_combiners2     
        GL_NV_shader_buffer_load       GL_NV_texgen_reflection       
        GL_NV_texture_barrier          GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc 
        GL_NV_texture_env_combine4     GL_NV_texture_expand_normal   
        GL_NV_texture_lod_clamp        GL_NV_texture_multisample     
        GL_NV_texture_rectangle        GL_NV_texture_shader          
        GL_NV_texture_shader2          GL_NV_texture_shader3         
        GL_NV_transform_feedback       GL_NV_vertex_array_range      
        GL_NV_vertex_array_range2      GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_me
        GL_NV_vertex_program           GL_NV_vertex_program1_1       
        GL_NV_vertex_program2          GL_NV_vertex_program2_option  
        GL_NV_vertex_program3          GL_NVX_conditional_render     
        GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info         GL_OES_depth24                
        GL_OES_depth32                 GL_OES_depth_texture          
        GL_OES_element_index_uint      GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap      
        GL_OES_get_program_binary      GL_OES_mapbuffer              
        GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil    GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8             
        GL_OES_standard_derivatives    GL_OES_texture_3D             
        GL_OES_texture_float           GL_OES_texture_float_linear   
        GL_OES_texture_half_float      GL_OES_texture_half_float_line
        GL_OES_texture_npot            GL_OES_vertex_array_object    
        GL_OES_vertex_half_float       GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap       
        GL_SGIS_texture_lod            GL_SGIX_depth_texture         
        GL_SGIX_shadow                 GL_SUN_slice_accum            
        GL_WIN_swap_hint               WGL_EXT_swap_control          
      Extensions (WGL):
        WGL_ARB_buffer_region          WGL_ARB_create_context        
        WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_ARB_create_context_robustn
        WGL_ARB_extensions_string      WGL_ARB_make_current_read     
        WGL_ARB_multisample            WGL_ARB_pbuffer               
        WGL_ARB_pixel_format           WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float    
        WGL_ARB_render_texture         WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float    
        WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_pro WGL_EXT_extensions_string     
        WGL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB       WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_fl
        WGL_EXT_swap_control           WGL_NVX_DX_interop            
        WGL_NV_DX_interop              WGL_NV_float_buffer           
        WGL_NV_multisample_coverage    WGL_NV_render_depth_texture   
    Initializing Render subsystem...
    Setting up platform state...
    FMOD Sound System (c) Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd., 1994-2012.
    Sfx_InitChannels: 16 channels.
    Initializing Resource subsystem...
    Initializing Binding subsystem...
    Initializing InFine subsystem...
    Initializing UI subsystem...
    Loading game resources...
      IWAD identification: 00ef0a7e
    Canvas: Lost focus.
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