Games Crash at start
Hi, Im trying to install DE on a Toshiba Portege 4010 for when I go on holiday. The laptop has a trident cyberblade xp vga chip and as far as Im aware only had support for OpenGL1.2.
The DE Frontend runs fine and I have it all configured correctly (I do have it installed and running fine and playing games on another laptop). However as soon as I try and launch a game from the DE Frontend on the Portege laptop the game crashes (before even getting into the game itself) with the error "Doomsday Engine has encountered an problem and needs to close". Sometimes this is immediate and sometimes after a few seconds. It is happening on EVERY DE supported game. I have the correct wads, ive tied turning all graphic options on and off, ive tried running full screen and windowed mode at different resolutions. Cant get any age to run. Ive tried 1.9.0 b6.8 and b6.9, boith with the same results
I have Doomsday Kickstart installed and running fine and dandy on this laptop. That uses OpenGL too so why doesnt DE Frontend run the games on this laptop?
I can put up with the occasional ingame crash from Kickstart but Ive found DE more stable and would prefer to use that whil on holiday. PLease help!!
EDIT : CONTENTS OF .OUT FILE (level 1 verbosity)
Z_Create: New 32.0 MB memory volume.
Con_Init: Initializing the console.
Executable: Version 1.9.0-beta6.8 Dec 2 2009 (DGL).
Command line (33 strings):
0: ..\Bin\Doomsday.exe
1: -basedir
2: C:\Doomsday
3: -userdir
4: C:\Doomsday\snowberry\runtime
5: -dsound
6: -nomusic
7: -noeax
8: -sfxchan
9: 16
10: -nowsk
11: -nohighpat
12: -ignoreeax
13: -nohightex
14: -nojoy
15: -noanifilter
16: -notexcomp
17: -noramp
18: -nosfx
19: -nosgm
20: -wh
21: 640
22: 480
23: -game
24: jDoom.dll
25: -wnd
26: -maxtex
27: 64
28: -nosound
29: -nopsf
30: -iwad
31: C:\Doomsday\WADS\DOOM\DOOM.WAD
32: -v
Sys_InitWindowManager: Using Win32 window management.
The DE Frontend runs fine and I have it all configured correctly (I do have it installed and running fine and playing games on another laptop). However as soon as I try and launch a game from the DE Frontend on the Portege laptop the game crashes (before even getting into the game itself) with the error "Doomsday Engine has encountered an problem and needs to close". Sometimes this is immediate and sometimes after a few seconds. It is happening on EVERY DE supported game. I have the correct wads, ive tied turning all graphic options on and off, ive tried running full screen and windowed mode at different resolutions. Cant get any age to run. Ive tried 1.9.0 b6.8 and b6.9, boith with the same results
I have Doomsday Kickstart installed and running fine and dandy on this laptop. That uses OpenGL too so why doesnt DE Frontend run the games on this laptop?
I can put up with the occasional ingame crash from Kickstart but Ive found DE more stable and would prefer to use that whil on holiday. PLease help!!
EDIT : CONTENTS OF .OUT FILE (level 1 verbosity)
Z_Create: New 32.0 MB memory volume.
Con_Init: Initializing the console.
Executable: Version 1.9.0-beta6.8 Dec 2 2009 (DGL).
Command line (33 strings):
0: ..\Bin\Doomsday.exe
1: -basedir
2: C:\Doomsday
3: -userdir
4: C:\Doomsday\snowberry\runtime
5: -dsound
6: -nomusic
7: -noeax
8: -sfxchan
9: 16
10: -nowsk
11: -nohighpat
12: -ignoreeax
13: -nohightex
14: -nojoy
15: -noanifilter
16: -notexcomp
17: -noramp
18: -nosfx
19: -nosgm
20: -wh
21: 640
22: 480
23: -game
24: jDoom.dll
25: -wnd
26: -maxtex
27: 64
28: -nosound
29: -nopsf
30: -iwad
31: C:\Doomsday\WADS\DOOM\DOOM.WAD
32: -v
Sys_InitWindowManager: Using Win32 window management.