On Week 24

edited 2011 Jun 20 in Developers

This week I fixed a couple of issues with Heretic and Hexen multiplayer. The Heretic issue was the last serious one I've encountered so far, where the player's state was not fully reset when dying in the chicken state. However, I'm sure that more in-depth testing will reveal more gameplay glitches.

With Heretic now joining Doom in being in a relatively good shape for multiplayer, I moved onto Hexen. I immediately discovered that Hexen is in the worst shape of the three, with the game quickly deteriorating into an unplayable mess. I fixed a number of smaller issues, such as player weapon fire not causing any damage, the HUD being missing, and destroyed mobjs not disappearing on the client.

Next on my to-do list is figuring out why in Hexen the client eventually gets stuck on some object, causing the game to think the floor height never changes even though walking onto sectors of different heights. I also noticed some script-related issues, with some polyobjs not turning when they were supposed to. All in all, there is a lot to deal with before Hexen is playable.


This week I've been working on the game side UI systems and in particular the various internal interfaces which implement the Patch Replacement functionality. Firstly I augmented the font renderer API, adding a "current color" attribute to the stack. With all draw text properties configurable via the persistent font renderer state, I could then refactor away much of the cruft that had built up around the patch replacement interfaces. In the process I implemented the new cvar "inlude-patch-replacement" to govern patch replacement behavior in the intermission. Usage is analogous to "menu-patch-replacement" except scoped to the intermission.

In addition to this I also shifted the view window interpolation (-/+ view resizing) into the engine. Although the engine is considered the owner of these, managing all state and drawing duties, the smooth interpolation however, was in fact still implemented on game side.

The plan for the coming week is to continue on with the game side UI refactoring. The next job on the list is to externalize the handful of "built-in" patch replacement strings (primarily in the menu) into the default values.ded for each supported game.
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