armor feature request planned?

edited 2011 Jun 17 in Hexen
Hey, I didn't see it in the requested features, and I wasn't sure if it was even implemented, but given the DEDs, I don't think that it is.
Will it be possible in the newer DED structure to have, for instance, models specific to armor pickups? I just mean for Hexen, when you get various pieces of armor, because unlike in the other games, you keep them and they're then an addition to (or a subtraction from, really) your armor class. It would be neat to - if not now, then in the future - see a platinum helmet or falcon shield on the players whenever they add them to their inventory. I guess it would work in somewhat the same way as weapons, but I don't know. If DEDs were the same, maybe it could be bitflag-based with the selector value, unlike how the weapons are. The selector for weapons in jHexen works like in jHeretic and jDoom, right? For instance, they won't be different numbers for the different classes, but the classes are something altogether different?

Now that I think about it, that would be really weird to see Baratus punching while holding a shield... :|

If it's appropriate, should I add it to feature requests with a very low priority?

Thanks in advance! :)


  • It could be done but it could get rather messy if we try to continue using the model "selector" mechanic (as used with the weapons). Submit an RFE and we'll consider it.
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