On Week 17

edited 2011 May 3 in Developers
<i>This post was originally made by <b>skyjake</b> on the dengDevs blog. It was posted under the category: Blog.</i>

<li>For me this week was not very good in terms of Doomsday development as my attention was largely taken by <a href="http://www.engadget.com/2011/04/27/nokia-transfers-symbian-development-and-3-000-employees-to-accen/">Real Life issues</a>. I did manage to fix the Win32 build on Monday. Which reminds me, we need to unify the build scripts so that adding and removing source files won't break things. CMake and qmake can both handle wildcards. The rewritten CMake build scripts in the hawthorn branch should be helpful.</li>
<li>My plan for the next week is unchanged. It's pretty much time to move on from Doom to Heretic and Hexen, and see what issues await me there.</li>
<li>Contrary to the plan, this week's deng development time has been devoted entirely to cleaning up and fixing the game menu implementation in the ringzero branch.</li>
<li>As part of the original beta6.10 work I had begun re-implementing the game menu from the ground up using a design borrowed for the most part from the engine's control panel. With the eventual goal of unifying both subsystems into a shared GUI module, used within the engine and exported via the public API for use by plugins. However because we lacked a proper API for abstracting font handling and text string rendering on game-side - I moved on to addressing that issue partway through the re-implementation of the game menu. Consequently the game menu was left in an unfinished (and mostly unusable) state which I didn't get around to completing, until now.</li>
<li>The plan for the coming week is to complete work on the game menu and then move on to the other remaining ringzero tasks. I currently guestimate that work should begin on the master+ringzero merge before the month is out.</li>
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