Getting network games to work (over the internet)
Hey, if anyone can help me out here that'd be great. Trying to get any kind of network game to work. Modified network and firewall settings and everything to let it all through - no matter what I do, I can't seem to be able to get DDEngine to find any games to join. (Go to new game -> multiplayer -> update) - Doesn't find anything. Also tried getting a friend to do a "custom" search and connect directly to my IP address. Doesn't seem to work either. Any help would be appreciated!

All that stuff is being completely re-written though, there's all sorts of stuff about it on the dengDevs blog.
I think th current Doomer scene regards Skulltag as the online Doom sourceport, but I personally can't stant Skulltag - it just feels ugly and has limited customization. Plus the lag sucks for me.
I don't know if the maser server with it works anymore so best if you type in the other persons ip address