What I'm Working On

edited 2006 Jul 28 in Developers
<i>This post was originally made by <b>danij</b> on the dengDevs blog. It was posted under the categories: Engine, Games, jDoom, jHeretic, jHexen.</i>

You might have noticed I haven't commited anything substantial to SVN for a few weeks now. Well, the good news is that I <strong>have</strong> been doing something productive and hopefully I'll be done with the following soon:

All Games:
<li>Reorganised game-side Menu code using a (simplified) <a target="_blank" title="Design Pattern" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_pattern_(computer_science)">Design Pattern</a> derived from the engine-side Doomsday Control Panel. Some aspects of the design I have changed (for example game-side menu pages are registered at runtime). Now that game and engine use very similar code bases we can begin to realistically think about combining them (ie engine-side customizable, skinable GUI).</li>
<li>Further clean up/organisation of game source files.</li>
<li>Fixed all known bugs introduced as a result of the new commonised Player Weapon handling from beta-4.</li>
jHeretic & jHexen:
<li>Commonised and rewritten Player Inventory handling.</li>


  • I eagerly await your massive svn commit :)
  • Me too. I don't like going this long with only local copies of the changes... but I don't like commiting code which attempts to redesign a subsystem that doesn't fully work, yet (the menu).
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