#doomsday on irc.freenode.net

edited 2006 Jun 26 in Developers
<i>This post was originally made by <b>Yagisan</b> on the dengDevs blog. It was posted under the categories: Blog, Games, jDoom, jHeretic, jHexen.</i>

For over a year deng's irc channel #doomsday has languished without any control. There would be trolls and spammers, people looking for warez. It was basically unusable. That's probally why almost no one visits there.

As of a few days ago, that has changed. Control of #doomsday has be re-assigned to me, and we now have an op available most of the time to devoice, and if needed remove troublemakers.

I would like to encourage all users and developers to make use of this valuable resource. For real time support, discussion about the games,or planning of new features etc.

Dani J, Skyjake. I have the ablity to bestow cloaks on users of the irc channel, and I'd like to do so. All cloaks are in the form of doomsday/<title>/<username> eg mine is doomsday/developer/Yagisan. These cloaks allow users to identify people in the community as contributors etc. I'd like to set this up so that not only developers, but artists/modellers, tech-support, package maintainers, and other worthy community members can be rewarded with a cloak, providing of course that they actually make use of #doomsday


  • Hopefully with an irc applet on the new deng site it will bring people to it.
  • Good to hear that irc channel is not completely dead.

    I believe I'll be able to hang around in the IRC channel in July, during my vacation.
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