Documentation for New Features
<i>This post was originally made by <b>skyjake</b> on the dengDevs blog. It was posted under the category: Documentation.</i>
It is important that we have sufficient documentation for all the new features being added in the betas for 1.9.0. Brief discussion of everything should be included in the Doomsday Readme file, but I think that in-depth documentation should go into the DEW. I take it that the new DEW on hasn't yet been updated with all the information from the old DEW?
It is important that we have sufficient documentation for all the new features being added in the betas for 1.9.0. Brief discussion of everything should be included in the Doomsday Readme file, but I think that in-depth documentation should go into the DEW. I take it that the new DEW on hasn't yet been updated with all the information from the old DEW?
Not yet no. I've enlisted the help of a couple of the forum members to get the bulk of the info from the old DEW transfered. Once thats been done I'll give it a good clean up and organise it all into a logical structure.
My idea for the DEW this time around was to divide the documentation into two; the technical specs (ie DED syntax, supported file type specifics etc from the engine's POV) would go into a "reference" section. The rest of the (more verbose) documentation (ie articles on how to use Doomsday feature X to accomplish Y) would go into a "text book" style section.
<blockquote>Readme file, but I think that in-depth documentation should go into the DEW.</blockquote>
The following are the topics I can think of that require some extended documentation:
<li>Binding classes</li>
<li>Flare maps</li>
<li>Surface Colors via XG</li>
<li>New XG line classes and enhancements</li>
<a rel="nofollow" href="">Colours.jpg</a>
I'm putting an example map together too.
The readme.txt needs the credits updating too (yagisan and myself).
What should we do about the DEW main page? I'm thinking there should be some kind of an extensive overview of the contents so that it's easy to find the right page. A bit like this:
I've not spent anywhere near the time I should have on the DEW. There is a fair amount of admin work to do that I've let build up over the past couple of weeks.