Some Textures Won't Load in Doomsday Kickstart
Hey people. Some textures in Doomsday Kickstart 1.8.6 won't load. If you need some examples, I will post two. I will post the picture that has the texture not loading, and the texture itself. Here we go:

The first picture has the baron of hell mounted on the wall. The texture picture below the first picture has it in hi-res kinda, not the baron of hell, but the green wall. The second picture has the area with the circuit board wall. The texture below that one is the hi-res one, and I know thats the right one cause I remember it being that one. I honestly don't know why it won't load the textures. All the other textures load but certain ones won't load, even when the textures are in the pack that it came with. Does anyone know the problem? Remember, I use Doomsday Kickstart 1.8.6. Please help guys, thxs

The first picture has the baron of hell mounted on the wall. The texture picture below the first picture has it in hi-res kinda, not the baron of hell, but the green wall. The second picture has the area with the circuit board wall. The texture below that one is the hi-res one, and I know thats the right one cause I remember it being that one. I honestly don't know why it won't load the textures. All the other textures load but certain ones won't load, even when the textures are in the pack that it came with. Does anyone know the problem? Remember, I use Doomsday Kickstart 1.8.6. Please help guys, thxs