Doomsday Kickstart 1.8.6. Ashley Carr Doom 2 Music Problem
Hey people, its been a while since I played Jdoom or been on this forum. Anyways I remember using Ashley Carr's Doom 2 Remixed Soundtrack which was an awesome soundtrack. It used to work on Doomsday Kickstart 1.8.6, but now all of sudden, it doesn't work. When I downloaded the Doom 2 Remixed Soundtrack, I opened the zip, found the Doom2_Soundtrack.ded file, and placed in C:/Doomsday/Defs/jDoom/Auto. Then I opened Kickstart, and went to the definitions tab, then added the Doom2_Soundtrack.ded in there. When I start Doom 2, no music plays at all, just dead silence, besides the sound effects. Anyone know what the problem is? It used to work before, but now It doesn't work anymore. Did anyone get this problem and find a way to fix it? Please reply back if you can. Thxs guys

Perhaps I didn't give much info on the Doom 2 Remix Zip file. The zip file only contains two folders, a "Music" folder which contains the MP3s of Ashley Carr's doom 2 remix songs, and a Read Me file. The second folder is a "Defs" which inside has a Jdoom, then a Auto folder inside the Jdoom folder. I assumed that if I go to C:/Doomsday/Defs/Jdoom/Auto, thats where I would put the Doom2_Soundtrack.ded. So yea, I do expect doom to find the .ded file when I placed it in the correct folder, and then added it to the Definitions tab of Doomsday Kickstart. I don't know what else to do with the MP3 songs that came with the Doom 2 Remix zip.
It still doesn't work. I put the whole zip file into C:/Doomsday/Data/Jdoom/Auto, and it still doesn't work. I even removed the ded file from C:/Doomsday/Def/Jdoom/Auto, and it still doesn't work. Nothing plays at all. The Doom2_Soundtrack.ded which I put in the Defintions tab is gone now, since I removed it, and yet again, it still doesn't work. I'm starting to think that its either my wad or 1.8.6 that's not reading the doom 2 remix zip. Its not .pk3 file either.
EDIT: ok I just tested Ashley Carr's Doom 1 Remix, not Doom 2, but Doom 1, and that one works. So i assume that its either my Doom 2 wad, or its the Doom 2 Remix zip itself.
EDIT 2: Ok I fixed it. I downloaded a .pk3 file that is a Doom 2 Classic Remix. I opened the .pk3, went inside the data folder inside the Doom 2 Classic Remix, deleted every song besides one so that the folder wouldn't delete itself, and I dragged every song from Ashley Carr's version into the Doom 2 Classic Remix. then deleted the last song of the Doom 2 Classic Remix. I guess the Ashley Carr's zip was missing a file or so. Problem solved, thxs guys