Secondary missile attaks

edited 2011 Mar 15 in Technical Support
hello again, this is another questions about the estructure of ded files.

I triying to create a secondary or alternate missile attak, the monsters are a two forms of dead, i wana create a secondary attak for example a monster attak whit fire ball but later and randomly form launch a rocket. i triying to intruce in the thing definitiona a xmissile state or missile state2 but dont work :P well its possible create a secondary attak?? tanks for adelanted

EDIT: NO replys, :(( ok ok i have anhoter question about a sound, I create this object and his sound, its an a loop alarm sound, the code work and the sound play correctly the loop work but wen I start move the sound stop an dont play again.

this is the code of the object and sound.

              - Alarma 8 tiempos -

Thing {
  ID = "ALRM";
  Name = "Alarma8T";
  DoomEd number = 20033;
  Spawn state = "ALRM";
  See state = "NULL";
  Pain state = "NULL";
  Melee state = "NULL";
  Missile state = "NULL";
  Death state = "NULL";
  Xdeath state = "NULL";
  Raise state = "NULL";
  See sound = "NULL";
  Attack sound = "NULL";
  Pain sound = "NULL";
  Death sound = "NULL";
  Active sound = "NULL";
  Reaction time = 8;
  Pain chance = 96;
  Spawn health = 1000;
  Speed = 24;
  Radius = 24;
  Height = 64;
  Mass = 1000;
  Flags = "mf_local";

State {
  ID = "ALRM";
  Sprite = "SNDO";
  Frame = 0;
  Tics = -1;
  Next state = "ALRM";


Sound {
  ID = "8Talarm"
  Flags = shift2 | dontstop | repeat
  Lump = "DSOOF"
  Link pitch = -1
  Link volume = -1
  Priority = 60
  Max channels = -1
  EXT = "data/jDoom/Enviromental/8Talarm.wav"

Generator {
  State = "ALRM"
  Speed = .1
  Speed rnd = 1
  Spawn age = 1
  Max age = 35
  Particles = 1
  Spawn rate = 1
  Stage {
    Type = "pt_point"
    Gravity = 1
    sound = "8Talarm"
    Tics = 35
    Rnd = 1
    Radius = 1
    Color { 0 0 0 0 }


	 Model { State = "ALRM" Sub{}}
	 * Model { State = "ALRM"}

I want our answers :D


  • It is not presently possible to define multiple attack state sequences for a Thing other than those predefined (i.e., Melee and Missile).

    I don't understand what you are doing with the ALRM Thing in the above definition - is this intended as an ambient sound source?
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