New Actions for doom
Hi this is my first post and y have a question for the dev team, i work in a moding project for jdoom, i moding maps, create new monsters, objects destryable objets etc, but i nedd lear how i make new actions for example A_MYNEWATTAK, i want to create a lots of new attaks, its posible create new actions with a .ded file??
This situation will change in the (hopefully not too distant) future however.
Second question.
I create a generator of sounds to create a foot steps sounds, work correctli , i create foot steps for all monsters and player
Edit DaniJ: Added /code tags
Is this for a definition-only mod (one which works for all maps)?
I flipped the model whit misfit model 3d, the model appear correctli in the right side, but the skin gets damaged
now my question: I can flip the model By means of model definitions?
Yes you can use a Model definition to flip the model by giving it a negative scale on the Y axis as I mentioned in my previous post.
the model looks transparent or the skin its inside the model....... i need giving a negative scale for the skin?
EDIT: ey Dany J i solved the problem of transparency whit the flag "df_twosided", Tanks for you help