Doomsday Crashes on start up
Hi, Loving this awesome engine its barrels of fun
. I'm having trouble with starting up the beta 1.9 in DOOM 2. I installed doomsday correctly, linked all the wads for the games and booted DOOM 2. However, when it starts it stays with the ring loading icon partially complete and crashes, with it attempting to load but getting no furthur.
Ultimate DOOM loads just fine.
I am running on Vista 32-bit, Systems specs are up to par with the requirements. I think I may know what may be causing the problem, yet I am not sure because it never was a problem with the 1.8...
I have custom music in certain files which I loaded in with XWE. In 1.8 the custom music was loaded and the map played fine. However, when I attempted to load up one of my levels which I had made and imported into DOOM2.wad using DOOM Builder 2, the doomsday engine won't load past 3 or four bars after starting the program.
What's happening? My maps do run fine in GZDOOM, they don't seem to be working at all with doomsday engine under JDOOM. I created the maps using DOOM Builder 2, imported the maps using all the files and wads to create the maps, all accesible by JDOOM as well as GZDOOM is able to, yet it won't load DOOM 2 with my maps, the problems I need help with:
DOOM 2 won't load with my maps in 1.8 or 1.9beta
DOOM 2 won't load with custom music in 1.9beta OR wads with custom maps.
Thanks for any help, and thanks for creating an awesome hi-def doom experience.

Ultimate DOOM loads just fine.
I am running on Vista 32-bit, Systems specs are up to par with the requirements. I think I may know what may be causing the problem, yet I am not sure because it never was a problem with the 1.8...
I have custom music in certain files which I loaded in with XWE. In 1.8 the custom music was loaded and the map played fine. However, when I attempted to load up one of my levels which I had made and imported into DOOM2.wad using DOOM Builder 2, the doomsday engine won't load past 3 or four bars after starting the program.
What's happening? My maps do run fine in GZDOOM, they don't seem to be working at all with doomsday engine under JDOOM. I created the maps using DOOM Builder 2, imported the maps using all the files and wads to create the maps, all accesible by JDOOM as well as GZDOOM is able to, yet it won't load DOOM 2 with my maps, the problems I need help with:
DOOM 2 won't load with my maps in 1.8 or 1.9beta
DOOM 2 won't load with custom music in 1.9beta OR wads with custom maps.
Thanks for any help, and thanks for creating an awesome hi-def doom experience.

Check you haven't modified it (I note you mention importing your maps directly into Doom2.wad which is a complete no no and uneeded), either intentionally or accidentally (the time stamp is a good indicator of this).
Although, there is never a reason to alter your IWAD as there are always better methods.
I wasn't sure exactly were to post this. I do have some screenshots now of what exactly is going on.
This is what happens on start up of the DOOMSDAY engine 1.9 loading DOOM 2.wad which has my custom maps within it.
The same happens when I load my own wad up.
The reason I put my map into DOOM2 in the first place was because when loading my wad certain textures were missing. When I made my maps I used resources from both DOOM2.wad and DOOM.wad. The thing is, my wad was saved using DOOM2, so all textures from DOOM that were being used by DOOM builder 2 to test my maps obviously weren't carried over in my wad on its own. Thats why I imported it to DOOM 2, which I had actually imported texture files from DOOM 1 into DOOM 2 as well using XWE.
Whenever I loaded my wad up in gzdoom I wasn't getting any textures from DOOM1 as a result, until I had unified them into doom 2. Granted I could have imported the textures into my wad, I will soon.... problem still is however, whenever I load any wad up with my maps in in DOOMSDAY 1.9 I get the loading screen stop at that progress position.
This is what appears in the kickstart when I have loaded up my wad to load. My wad, with custom maps made in DOOM builder 2.
This appears after clicking 'play', instructing me that my wad needs to be processed.... which then comes up with the following:
This is what appears after clicking yes on the previous selection, the engine states that it needs to build 'nodes' for my custom maps.... (I had read somewhere that there are technical issues with nodes in the doomsday engine from custom maps made in doom builder).
The nodes finish being made and then the menu starts, no problem. I go to start a new game (MAP01 being one of my custom maps) then this happens:
An error showing that there are problems:
Total serious warnings: 0
Total minor warnings: 28
(GL data found)
GL_vert v2.0
R_TextureNumForName: COMPOHSO not found!
Then upon removing this error message the following notepad file is displayed:
To which I have no idea what any of this means. Here is what is out of the ordinary with loading the doom2.wad:
DOOM Buidler 1.8
1- Custom maps made in DOOM builder 2 in the loaded wad
(Engine loads menu up WITH custom music).
DOOM Builder 1.9
1- Custom maps made in DOOM builder 2 in the loaded wad
2- Custom music
(Loads nothing).
So logically the problem is with loading custom maps made in DOOM builder 2, that has something to do with nodes.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!
Some ports such as ZDoom or Doomsday 1.9 will run maps with unknown textures/flats and replace them with a placeholder graphic. However most ports and Doomsday 1.8, will abort if you try to run a map with unknown textures/flats.
You have to either run your map wad and wad(s) that contain the textures/flats used by the map, together, or use a wad editing program such as XWE or Slade to manually add the textures to your map wad.
For textures, this is achieved, by copying just the TEXTUREx and PNAMES lumps from Doom2.wad into your map wad (no need to copy and duplicate the original Doom2 textures). The PNAMES lump contains a list of all the graphics for textures and the TEXTUREx lump contains the completed textures, which can be made of one or more graphics listed in the PNAMES lump.
Then import the graphics for your new textures into your map wad and add them to the bottom of the PNAMES lump.
Next make new entries in the TEXTUREx lump and place the required graphics from the PNAMES lump onto it.
Most wad editing programs have commands to automatically do this for you. For instance XWE has "add to PNAMES" and "add to TEXTURES" options.
For Flats. You need to place them between FF_START and F_END markers and make sure they are in "Doom format", else most ports will display them as garbage in game. XWE has an option to automatically convert flats for you; "save as Doom flat".
How do I configure my PSX Rockfire USB controller to doomsday? I've gone into the control panel in game and made it so that the axis respond, yet there is a problem when it comes to firing, activating etc. There does not seem to be any kind of button assingment interfact.
Am I missing something?
Check this post out, as it was somewhat related:
PS - it should be the same place where you assign the firing in any other case... you just hit the joypad buttons to change them to that instead.
I did that, except it ended up somehow wrapping other textures onto each other, and I decided after a few textures being placed across it wasn't worth it... you see, I need DOOM's textures AND DOOM2's textures in my wad, now as you know that makes 3 texture files and a complete copying of EVERY texture into one individual texture file witht he PNAMEs attributed. Thats going to take too long in this method which brings me on to:
I can't find this option anywhere at all. Right clicking or on the menu options, where do I find it?
Thanks for your feedback it is helpful. This is a pain in the ass, if only DOOM builder's desginers had thought about this.
Oh and I still can't load my maps at all. Doomsday crashes exactly as I described earlier in my post. You say that 1.9.6 should display my maps without textures, well it doesn't load up the game full stop. Period. I do have the trouble of the textures, but that isn't causing the doomsday engine to crash, something else is.
Does anyone know what's causing this? Because Zdoom and GZdoom have no problem whatsover loading my map.
I quote myself:
If you are maping in your Doom2.wad, open the map.
If using Doombuilder 1, go to the editing tab of the configuration option under the tools menu and check "copy effects and tags when pasting" is checked. I can't recall Doombuilder 2's similar command at the moment.
Select all the sectors in your map and press Ctrl+C ( copy). Then open a completely new wad and press Ctrl+V (paste).
Save said map as a new wad. Repeat the copy and paste for the maps things. Save again.
Re-copy your Doom2 Iwad from your original CD or Disks over the modified Doom2 Iwad.
Never edit your Iwad again.
Then open your map wad in XWE or whatever wad editing program you are using and add the Doom1 textures and flats as I described in an earlier post. Alternatively, you can find several premade pwads around the internet that contain and add Doom1's unique textures to Doom2. Here for instance:
Run your pwad with Doomsday, ZDoom etc