About coop mode using Dengine
Hello Dengine community,
Not sure if this is the correct section of the forum for a question like this. If not, please feel free to move my topic.
Yesterday, i had some good time playing Doom II in coop mode over LAN using jDoom + Hamachi and i experienced some small issue.
Everyone besides the host seems to be able to revive no matter how many times he/she dies, but that doesn't work for the host.
I tried to search for a console command to revive myself, but i haven't found. The most close solution was warp to the same map.
Is there a way to revive the player who's the Host without having to reload the whole map?
Not sure if this is the correct section of the forum for a question like this. If not, please feel free to move my topic.
Yesterday, i had some good time playing Doom II in coop mode over LAN using jDoom + Hamachi and i experienced some small issue.
Everyone besides the host seems to be able to revive no matter how many times he/she dies, but that doesn't work for the host.
I tried to search for a console command to revive myself, but i haven't found. The most close solution was warp to the same map.
Is there a way to revive the player who's the Host without having to reload the whole map?

But it still doesn't work.
Also...most console commands doesn't seem to work on multiplayer. (like "give") is there a lock for that?
There should be a setting for that that you can change in the console. I'm not sure what it's called, but I remember seeing it in the .cfg file. It should say something like "Allow cheats for multiplayer", and you change it from 0 to 1.