Auto-switching on ammo pickup

I didn't want to submit this as a bug just yet, but I've been testing the weapon auto-switching with Doom.

Now, use this example:

You have a Shotgun with you, but you have no ammo for it, so you have a Pistol or your Fist drawn out. You pick up some Shotgun ammo and then Doom automatically switches to the Shotgun.

However, I cannot replicate this properly in Doomsday. I was running around with the Shotgun, and I picked up a rocket for my empty Rocket Launcher, and Doomsday swithced me from my Shotgun to my Rocket Launcher, which isn't supposed to happen. I think the process in classic Doom goes like this:

1) Does the player have the Pistol or the Fist out?
2) Does the player also have an additional weapon without any ammo for it?
3) Does the player pick up ammo for said weapon?
4) If so, switch to this weapon automatically.

With Doomsday, I'd assume the options for "Pickup Ammo" go like this:

Never: If you pick up ammo for an empty weapon, then do not switch to it.
If Better: Does this only work if you have your PWO enabled?
Always: If you pick up ammo for an empty weapon, then immediately switch to it, regardless if what weapon you are using.

In conclusion, if you pick up ammo for an empty weapon, you should only switch to it if you are using the Fist or the Pistol.


  • When "If Better" is selected you will only switch weapon from the shotgun to the rocket launcher on ammo pickup if the rocket launcher has a higher priority.

    To replicate the original DOOM weapon switching you need to reconfigure the options. The default is a blend between original and what "new-school" players expect.
  • Which options should I configure to do this? Thanks.
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