Possible to change the sound mixer in Snowberry frontend?

edited 2010 Apr 22 in Technical Support
So, I tried using Per Kristian's sounds, and in the latest beta the speeds are all off, with some sounds playing close to the proper speed, and some playing very slow.

I sent him an email, and he said that the problem also manifests itself for him using the latest beta.

He suggested that I switch mixers from SDL_mixer to directsound.

Is this even possible using the Snowberry frontend?

Should I stop trying to deal with snowberry and just built deng from source or get it from fink or something?

Or are there snowberry config files somewhere that I can't find, and can't be edited from within the GUI?


  • You cannot use the DirectSound plugin as its Windows only and at present there is no alternative plugins on Mac. Under Windows you can indeed change the audio playback plugin using Snowberry but that option isn't available to you.

    What we need to now determine is whether this problem is present on all platforms. Is Per Kristian running a Mac also?
  • Per Kristian just responded to me that he is running Windows.
  • This would suggest that the problem is somewhere in the sound effect up-sampling in Doomsday. You can follow the progress of this issue here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.ph ... tid=542099
  • Cool, I'd say that's exactly the same bug. Thanks, I didn't even notice that up there.
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